Chapter 2: Beginning and masters

I woke up and looked around …

I was on a small boat with a big, muscular man, who had a black head and eyes the same color as his hair.

The sea was calm, the wind too, but we were on full alert.

My memories arrived … That was my father. Or Yami's father? Yes, my father.

I held the fishing rod in both hands, while he held a katana in both hands as well.

Why did he hold a katana?

I pulled with all my strength, until I finally shouted, "Now!"

My body moved almost as if by itself, deviating to the left, because if I had been there I would have been eaten.

On the hook of the fishing rod, a fish twice my size jumped, it had sharp teeth, and a monstrous appearance.

'Mana creature' that word came to mind …

Wielding the katana, my father quickly cut the fish, which ended up dead.

And fish fell perfectly on the boat, ending our fishing.

"This is a big one! Let's eat a lot today!" my father said smiling.

We returned home in our little boat, with our food today.


When we arrived, I met my mother. She had black hair, with clear, smooth skin.

"Hello mother!"

"Hello, Yami!" Emi replied in a sweet voice.

Recognizing her son's voice, Emi looks back, resting her brown eyes on the fish in my arms, she screams:



"Dad … Can you teach me how to deal with a sword?" I ask, looking at my dad, who now has a black eye. My condolences, I just hope I won't marry such a woman.

"… Your grandfather is more experienced, you should ask him." after thinking, my father replies.



As Emi hated it when her husband called her 'female', now Eiji had two black eyes.


After some time, Eiji and Yami convinced her to let Yami learn fencing.

The teacher: Akira, Eiji's father and Yami's grandfather.

Eiji sent the following letter to Akira.

'Come and teach my son, old man.'

Days later outside his home two people could be seen, Yami and Eiji, looking at two silhouettes in the distance. These silhouettes were getting closer until they revealed to be Akira and Katsuo.

And so, Akira came, but brought along her father, Katsuo, Yami's great-grandfather.

Akira came close to Yami, and took him by the arm, lifting him as high as possible.

"My grandson is beautiful! Unlike your stupid father."

Eiji and Akira started to fight and argue, Akira acting coldly, in contrast to the way he acted with his grandson.

While fighting, Katsuo and Yami, who was already back on the ground, greeted each other.

"Hi great grandfather!"

"Hello, Yami!"

"Yami, did you unlock your ki?"

"Apparently, yes!"

"Good! I will be able to teach you how to use Ki at its best!"

Katsuo feels Yami's Ki and shocked is the least that can be said about her reaction.

Each person has a different ki, the differences can come from birth, personality, magic, and other ways.

Yami's Ki was amazing! While it was warm, gentle, comforting, it was at the same time cold and cruel.

His aura was the same.

Thanks to his level of control and perception of Ki, he even managed to measure a person's potential and talent, and Yami had a talent he had never seen, a talent of a …

The talent of monstrous level, so to speak.


Character information!

Name: Katsuo

Age: today he is 63 years old

Magic: fire magic.

Objective: to reach the limit of Ki perception, drink the supposed best sake in the world, and train your great grandson in Ki the best possible.

History: Katsuo, he unlocked his Ki when he was just 3 years old, and as it saved his life, he has since focused entirely on it.

One day he heard about a magic fountain from which comes the best sake that ever existed, after that day he started looking for that fountain.

Katsuo met his wife when they were children and had his son, Akira, when he was just 17 years old. Katsuo's wife died.

Likes: cooking, funny people, sake, training, Yami.

Hates: strong smells, weak people, men without honor, wasting time.


Name: Akira

Age: today he is 46 years old.

Magic: magical illusion.

Objective: to be the best swordsman, take care of your grandson, pass on your knowledge.

History: Akira started training with swords when he was 6 years old, since then he has been training under the tutelage of a teacher considered one of the best swordsmen. He met his future wife as a child and Eiji was born when he was 21. Akira's wife disappeared.

Likes: cooking, playing Biwa [1], training, Yami, Yuki (her pet).

Hates: loud sounds, weak people, Eiji.


[1] - Biwa is a Japanese stringed instrument with a thick bodyshort hello, with lute frets. Biwa is the instrument chosen by Benten, Goddess of music, eloquence, poetry, and education in Japanese Shinto.


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A warning, in the next chapter there will be a better explanation about the Hino Country (which I made up since we have little canonical information).

If you find any errors, please point out the errors in the comments, it would help me a lot.

I hope you have a good day.