Chapter Sixty Two - Tyler Is Jealous!

Tyler didn't dare to look up at the man. He was undoubtedly shy, but he didn't know what this feeling was called. So he just lowered his head and found a spot between Kyle's neck, hiding his furry face there.

The male lead felt an itch in the crook of his neck, and the tickle in his heart increased ten folds. His Adam's apple moved as he softly rubbed the cat, saying in a hoarse voice, "Have you become a little cat? Aren't you really a man?"

He had to say those warning words; otherwise, the male lead himself didn't know how much self-control he really had!

Tyler was stunned for a while before he realized that his actions were really a bit excessive.

Seriously, what the hell was he doing?! He could feel in the depths of his heart that he was clearly a human being. Even in that resting place earlier, he had a human body!

But why was he behaving like a cat, licking people like this? He really wanted to blame the animal instincts for this.