Chapter One Hundred Thirty Eight - I'll Find You!

Tyler didn't know that his senior was looking at him every night secretly through a system camera. But he somehow had a hunch that his lover would do something like that. After all, that person had been a pervert. So to test that person, he pretended to be sad, and sure enough, he did receive someone's call.

It was Thomas.

So the male lead forced this person to call him, seeing Tyler's depressed face. It wasn't like the latter was sad. He even had been feeling joyful and mischievous at the thought of testing his senior. So now, when the other reciprocated so quickly, he felt a flush of warmth in his chest.

Maybe that man was looking at him through a hidden camera. So Tyler glanced at the phone and picked up the call, keeping it at the loudspeaker on purpose. If his lover had asked Thomas to call him, that man would still want to hear what the side male lead wanted to talk about.