Chapter Two Hundred Twenty Two - I Can't See Him Anymore!

Tyler fell to the ground after the entire process was finished. His eyes half-closed as he stared at the distance dully. When the exorcist was doing his thing, he had felt as if something was being sucked away from his body. As the exorcist dragged away from the energy, he felt a dull ache in his eyes where the Yin-Yang eyes were situated, and after that, he didn't remember what happened anymore.

Only when his entire body fell on the floor with a thud that he regained his consciousness and glanced around. The dorm was empty as it had never been before. His eyes were stuck at the place where he saw his senior the last time before Tyler closed his eyes.

The ghost was still here. He could feel the residue of coldness in the air. It was clear that his lover was furious. Right now, Tyler knew that no matter what he did, he wouldn't be able to coax that person, but he still had to try.