under the blankets / bad kookie!

after intense practice the boys hang around on the sofas and watched a movie. tae was snorring, his head on jimin and hugging him. hobi curled on the end of one sofa, his eyes hooded and almost in dreamland. kookie leaned on yoongi, joon sat next to jin.

the four were the only ones who were still awake. the movie was good, a lot of action. but kook got another movie in his head. he couldnt get his eyes away from yoongi today. the boy had perfected his dancing skills and he was quiet sexy today. kook didnt know why specially today, or why it never occured to him that yoongi could assumed sexy by him.

jimin was normally the one who was pure sex on stage, or tae. yeah taehyung! the walking sexy fuckboy! hobi with his hipthrusts and dance moves in general, even namjoon with his long legs and facial expressions, who made the girls scream and jin. the world wide handsome - that should tell all.

but yoongi never came into his mind with the word sexy together. kook glanced at yoongis profile. the cute nose, the elegant swung eyes and the doll lips, perfect to kiss, the beautiful hands with the long piano fingers, the broad chest, the abs with the thin hairline down his nable, the thin legs and all over the pale delicate skin.

kook sighed lowly and leaned to yoongi, hugging him. yoongi looked up surprised, but let him. kook glanced to namjin, they were really into the movie, eating popcorn and giggling. kook let his hand fell into sugas lap.

he glanced at him again. but yoongi didnt noticed it. kook bit his lip, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to their shoulders. he held it with his hand, what was around yoongis shoulder. the other he let it under it and put it close to yoongis lap again.

kook was curious how yoongi would react to him. sometimes he played with tae or jimin, but it was just out of curiousity and to get relief. nothing serious and he learned everything he needed to know about sex.

he trailed his hand on sugas lap fully, he stopt and looked at namjin again. kooks hand caressed sugas. suga didnt mind, that was normal to him. kook liked to touch his hands and looked on them closely. he caressed kooks fingers back. it was like stroking his dog for suga. after some time kook got more courage and touched yoongis dick, like it was an accident.

yoongi flinshed a bit, but didnt react to it more. it was just accidentally. kook leaned more in to sugas neck and rubbed now for real. his tongue licked yoongis earlobe. yoongi froze, than turned his face to kook. the younger gave him a look full of desire.

yoongis eyes widend and he gulped. he opend his mouth to say something, but got shut up by kooks lips pressed on his fastly. his hand slipt inside of sugas pyjamas and worked on his dick. yoongis eyes almost popped out,

kook took the opportunity to lick sugas lips. he smirked at him. yoongi glarred back. kook glanced at namjin and leand in on yoongis ear. "i am going in your bed now. follow me in some minutes" he stood up, yawned and walked out.

yoongi sat still and tried to figure out what the hell happend. after some minutes he stood up sighed and said his good nights. he went into his room and starred into the dark. he scoffed and thought that kook went to his own room.

suga sighed again and crawled into bed, only to feel suddenly a body on him. "what the fuck jungkook!" kook shusht him, pulled himself fully onto sugas body and let his tongue trailing his jaw. "cut that shit!" yoongi hissed. "i mean it." kook leaned his face on sugas.

caressed with his nose sugas and kissed him deeply. "u are only horny. go to tae or jimin" "i want u. please yoongi" kook kissed him again more desperate. "u were so sexy today. i couldnt stop watching u" "so i am not sexy every day?" yoongi mocked. kook chuckled. "not really. u were more sexy than tae or chimy. i wanted to kiss u right there." "oh just kiss huh?" yoongi sounded dissapointed.

kook kissed the tip of his nose, licked and bit lightly his lip. "not just that. i wanted to rip your clothes of and devoure u right there. with all members watch us" "i didnt know that u could be so kinky" kook let his hand trail down and rubbed yoongi again. his lips sucked sugas neck.

"i want u. with skin and hair" yoongi chuckled now. "are u telling girls the same shit?" "no dont need to. they spreading their legs for me on their own. its only u i need to sweet talk into it apparently"

"than try me"

kook smiled and slipt down the blanket to yoongis cock. he pulled the pyjamas down and started to work sugas cone like there was no tomorrow. yoongi moaned loudly, pressed his hands immidiatly on his mouth to muffel them.

suddenly he heard the door open. he flinshed and pretended to sleep, one hand yanked kooks head down into his crotch. stupid that kook deepthroated him with this move.

"see told u. he is compleatly out. he will not wake up what so ever" jin whispered and guided joon into the room. "are u sure?" "we are sharing a room for years. i know when he is sleeping and i know he will not wake up" he giggled. they fell on jins bed and started to make out.

yoongi tilted his head up and furrowed his brows. *what the hell jin!* he cursed in his mind, just to swallow his moans due to kooks teasing. the younger was still playing with his cock. namjin moaned silently and peeled themself out of their clothes.

*shit shit shit* suga cursed more.

now what? kook noticed something was wrong, he crawled back up and put his head out. he heard namjin. he smirked at yoongi. "we wait until their asleep and walk to joons room" he whispered. "why arent they in joons room for fucks sake!" suga whispered back.

kook shrugged his shoulders and layed next to yoongi. namjin got heated and moand now louder. yoongi rolled his eyes. kook laught silently. they heard wet sounds of joon thrusting fingers. kook now listened carefully, maybe he would learn something he didnt know.

they heard jin whimper and joons grunts, he pushed now his dick in and thrusted fast. after a lifetime they came and fell asleep finally. kook was rubbing his dick the whole time on sugas side. yoongi sighed annoyed, grabbed kooks arm and pulled him to joons room. "assholes" he muttered lowly. suga threw kookie into the bed and stripped down.

"get naked"

kook smirked and got out of his nightwear. he looked at yoongis bare body and smacked his lips. "i wanna eat u." he pushed him on the bed and devoured the desired body.

his tongue felt the changing texture of the skin, tastes the diffrent areas, played with the dark nippels, took in the nable, nibbled the shaft, sucked on the popped out venes, dip into the tips hole, slurrped the balls, bit the inner thighs, shoved into the hole.

yoongi was at this point almost dying from plesure. he made a memo to himself to get some nice flowers for tae and jimin. obviously they teached kook good. suga arched up again. his hands grabbed thight kooks hair to pull him up to his face.

"fuck now!"

he demanded. kook smirked. "u said i should try u" "do it!" he spread his legs wider and forced him down with his hands on kooks ass. kook guided his cock to sugas wet hole and pushed in. they moaned out together. kook moved slow. too slow for yoongi.

he got impatient, rolled them with a swift move around to ride kook with a fast hard pace. "this is how u do it! this is it" he huffed out and leaned his hands on kooks thighs to get more deeper thrusts. kook held sugas hips tight and whined groaned due to the feeling.

yoongi rode him to nirvana, it seemed. kook sat up to hold yoongi tight when they both finally came. they fell together back onto the bed and tried to catch their breath. "this is good sex" yoongi stated. kook looked at him. "i like to try slow and intense sex too with u. what are u doing tomorrow night?" "dont get cocky. why do u think i will do it with u again?"

kook smiled and caressed sugas body. "cause i got u horny. and i know its difficult to get u excited. i know u want me again, i saw and felt it. i want u too." he kissed on yoongis neck again. yoongi sighed.

"first we should make joons bed and get back to mine." kook giggled.

"or we should leave it as a punishment for the show they gave us." they laught.