Morning came, the birds were chirping. No one was able to interrupt their premarital sex, due to the barrier that stop anyone from coming inside and the "do not disturb sign" hang outside the door.
Xiang Monji had a sleepless night, burn out, severely experienced a severe pain on his pubic region and a back pain.
He raised his body on bed, and touch his back, "Ouch, ouch, ouch".
They just recently finished their activity, Xiang Monji can't use his passive skill regeneration, his trinomous ki is dry out, out of juice and probably it would take one hour for him to be fully relief from his pain.
Currently he is no different from a mortal, with his trinimous ki being suck out from him, in other words he is in a very weak and vulnerable state.
He sit on the bed and try to stand up out from his bed. Upon standing, he abruptly slam on the floor. He can't properly stand up, and lay on the floor.
(chuckle) Obelisk expression isn't uptight and edgy anymore, she smirk on how pitiful her partner laying on the floor.
She lift him on the floor and carry him out of his room, and went directly to his office where papers are pilling that requires his approval.
Obelisk sat first and then Xiang Monji is sitting on her lap.
A few minutes later, Durin who Xiang Monji appointed in charge of the administration went inside to his office.
"Oh My!" he was surprised to what he see,
"My lord sorry for the disturbance"
"No! You don't have to delay your report any further"
"So, the assignment given to you, where you able to fulfill it?"
"Yes, but there are some certain issues"
"Money and Manpower?"
"Yes, your quick witted my lord"
"In your opinion, what solution can be done?"
"First of all, with our geography and secluded dangerous surrounding it would be impossible to assimilate the nearby villager to stay and work for us."
"please elaborate so that my *partner could understand"
(*bind as a lover)
Our City is sorrounded by mountains, forest, River and Maven city is Located at the center of the valley called Valley of Pascue.
Eheem! let me rephrase, Maven City is located at the center of the Valley, the valley is surrounded with mountains, forest and river. To be precise;
the Northern region of the valley, has Mount Solstice, the Northern East part which is next to Mount Solstice is Mount Valtia, those two opposite Mountains is separated by a falls called Winter Lava Fall. It's name is called that way because at the right the water stream is cold and at the left the water stream is hot.
The Winter lava falls is connected to the eye of the river on the east, which is called Walsten River and if you follow thd trail of the current of the water it exits out in the uncharted sea.
The sea itself doesn't have a name and considered to be perilous due to a thick fog and a roaring thunder over the sea, and in the sea, sea monster are lurking which are twice stronger on the beast in land. Unfortunately no one was able to return alive after flying over the uncharted sea, but recently the fog just happen to be dissapated along with the roaring thunder.
Deep thought, "Who could have cause on this kind of phenomenon."
The Culprit behind this change was right in front of Durin sitting on the chair.
"the southern region of the valley is the hades forest, also known as death forest. The land is dead, the trees are dead, but there are sayings that the forest is rich of oppurtunity because of high risk."
"There was once a hundred soldiers in expedition to undercover the mystery of death forest, they didn't came back alive, alas only one survivor left. One thing that he discovered were the dead trees were moving and then one by one they dissapered in chaos."
"Well then back to the topic, on the West of the Valley is the Emerald mountain, it has also has an alternative name called poison mountain. The mountain is known to be the den of poisonous insects,beast and animals.
"You see my lord, our city is surrounded by danger from beast wave at the same, it is the best place to protect ourselves from invasion from other's who want to colonize our city."
"Sigh...., once you get in, it is hard to get out, and if you want to get in on this valley, the outcome is desame, you have to cross the mountains or forest filled with danger. And if we embark on the east using a boat, the fog will hinder your sight, the roaring thunder will hinder your hearing, the greatest obstacle of all are those monster beneath the sea."
Xiang Monji recall those dead sea monster that were left behind after their battle. With his current situation he can't do anything, so he ask Obelisk to help him collect the dead body of those sea monster. But for now he needs to settle the papers filling on his desk.
"I have already have solve the issue, on the outer northern border, please ask the the farmers to resume their work."
"By the way, the census, how many people residing in this city?"
"With how chaotic and ruin the status quo in our condition, at most around four hundred to five hundred.
Around Three hundred miltary soldierd in general.
(not specific, according to rank and role)
Fifty trained medical soldiers at most.
( not certain, due to disarray and hunger that they lost count)
One hundred gate keepers, onlookers at the border.
(including the annex, outer border at north)
And around fifty farmers responsible for farming.
(Former soldiers, since they are weaker than anyone else, they are taking the role as farmers, not only limited to planting but also butchering, and cooking)
"Alright dismiss, by tomorrow I want them to assemble on my office, and also there is no guarantee that they'll be in charge, except for Soldier C whom I recommend.
(see chapter thirty seven)
"My lord, your wish, is my desire. I hold no power to whom you bestow the authority. I would be more glad if you take the deliberation."
By then he walk out from the door,
"What do you think?" He ask Obelisk
"The old man is earn his keep, he is loyal and zealous to his job, he didn't even had a slight contempt when you told him beforehand.
"I see, as expected from an acting city lord, I look at his background. He was known to be the captain of the White Dragon Clan Expedition, and a former right hand of Landeros Von Monji.
(see chapter four)