Shota meets the goddess of lust in his dream I

Back to the present,

A hour has pass, Xiang Monji was able to finish the task, and he fully recovered from his pain and injury.

As for Obelisk, she went for close door cultivation. She needs to stabilize and absorbed the trinimous ki that she sucked from Xiang Monji. The Spiritual energy that she received from him is very rich, three times denser, and more powerful compare to an ordinary spiritual energy that is gathered from heaven and earth.

(Note: The mana and life points can be converted into spiritual energy to suit it's host and avoid implication when absorb.)

The reason why the trinomous ki she sucked from Xiang Monji is three times powerful is because the trinomous ki contains three energy. Life points, Mana and Spiritual energy. The life points and Mana were converted into spiritual energy and it became three times denser than any ordinary spiritual energy.)

After the task is done he went to his room, with his current situation he needs to meditiate to refill his spiritual energy. His life points were slowly regaining by the producing spem from his testes, also his mana is slowly regaining without doing anything.

One hour has pass,

His cultivation raise three levels consecutively, his current cultivation after meditiating is at seventh stage Grand Master.

(Note: sleeping with women increase Xiang Monji's cultivation, in return his energy will be sucked up by a woman, the more energy suck the greater he weakens and give them mutiple buffs and benefits.


poison resistance, regeneration, eternal youth, raise their cultivation and etc.)

I guess this is enough, for now I'll take a nap for two hours.

After cultivating, he went to rest, although he is a cultivator his body is still a mortal body created by the goddess and requires to rest.

Close his eyes,

{White room}

All sides were white and nothing else in the vast white room, he open his eyes.

"Where am I?"

"Oh... your awake" a blurry image, and it become clearer after being sober.

Well currently we are inside your dreams,

"And who are you?"

"let me introduce myself, I am the goddess of lust,and I've been watching you for around thirteen years.

I want you to know that, this will be my last time seeing each other, after this I'll be returning to my world."

"Is that why you diminish my cheat?"

(*exhanging life points by accessing to all forms of magic and martial art skill without a limit and not following the procedure.

Anything that he learn from the manga, manwha and manhua about magic and martial arts technique in his past life can be access without restriction, in exchange he must sacrifice his life points. The higher the technique, spell, magic and etc. the greater the cost.)


She recalled,

"Oh that, well that wasn't a cheat, that was an exchange system that I invented for you, since I'm not good at mathematics, I decided to abolish it. There are lots of complicated stuff like percentage, and then divide and then mutiply subtract the cost depending on the spell, array use and etc... "

"Waaahhhhh..." her head hurts from thinking about calculus.

"Don't worry, your spem has a huge benefits to those women whom you inject, it already considered an overpower cheat"

"You know very well it's benefit"

"Well yeah, but they are the one's benefiting it not me"

"You already have retain your past memory after sleeping with the blondy girl and you even took advantage of your past memory to use the exchange system to exhange it in into powers that doesn't follow the laws of this world"

Besides sleeping with women can raise your level of cultivation, if women in this world knew you have a godly semen. I bet every woman would abduct you and use you as a breeding horse, if not some will abuse you to become a male prostitute in a brothel just to earn money in other words you will become their *cash cow.

(*a business, investment, or product that provides a steady income or profit.)

Since you said that, then there are more greater reasons for me to have a better cheat to survive.

Breeding horse, come to think of it you can't bear a child.

"That means I cant have a biological child and I can't even impregnate a women."

"Yes, this is the consequences of having a godly semen"

Xiang Monji was silent, (Guts theme song)


He was no longer dissapointed when he was stuck in the Murim world, due to the goddess blunder.Since he has a trusted subordinate, a city and it's people that needs to be govern, a lover , a disciple and those women whom he sleep with.

One thing that dissapoints him the most is the fact that he can't bore a child.


His eyes were widen from a truth that he can't accept.

For the very first time he kneel, and cry in extreme anguish. Both his palm covered his face, and tears were dripping out from his palm.

In his past twenty eigth years living in the modern world, he was single and virgin. At his twenty nine he realized that he needs to build a family and have his own children so by the time he reach thirty he has a foundation. Unfortunately he died virgin without a wife or children.

"Did Spermy knew about this?"

"If he knew, he would already told you about this"

"I see"

Before I return to the sword and magic fantasy world I will grant you three wishes as long as it is within my power. This is much I can do to compensate you from my blunder and heartfelt pity you went through.

"Remember I can't grant you anything beyond my capability"

Suddenly Xiang Monji's disposition were volatile, he smirk and tell the goddess his whim.

Then I want an indestructable barrier so I won't get hurt.

No can't do, I don't have that kind of power,

"Tsk , take back my tears. My heart, my soul is badly hurt. And now you can't grant my pitiful wish. "

"However, I have an alternative way, it is a skill that let's you invade proportional to your level."

"What is it?"

"It is a skill which let's you dodge to any incoming attack when you are naked. Well it's a skill that precisely raise your awareness to any incoming attack like being able to detect a bloodlust and so on and so for. And to make sure you will completely repel the attack if you can't fully dodge it even if your naked, I raise the sturdiness of your passive barrier by then you won't get a single

scratch "

"So what's it name?"

" It doesn't have a name"

"Then lets call it, 'Naked Invasive' "