Lunch time

Alone in his office, "aaaah....!" his eyes widen recalling the thing he need to do.

"the kid right...," his microexpressions went blank,

he recall just now that he needs to unseal the kid's mouth.

Xiang Monji snap his fingers and imagine usealing his mouth.

Somewhere inside the blacksmith worshop, the seal has been lifted.

{City lords Mansion, Inner kitchen}

The kitchen staff, and the head chief are busy doing their role as usual.

Xiang Monji went in, and being greeted with a warm welcome,

"Greetings to you young lord" slightly bow and put their right arm on their chest.

["Young lord? I guess it's alright. Young lord or my lord doesn't matter now."] He end up being capricious, adressing my lord or young lord is no longer a big deal for him.


When Xiang Monji was young before he reach at age of five. He was showered with praises, due to his extraordinary talent as a prodigy. And at age of five, when the people perceive that he has has a trash cultivation. People start to avert and give a cold shoulder, the warm treatment before start to diminished.

["How weired, once again, I receive this kind of good treament, If this was in the house of Monji, uggghhh... ! Never mind"] Recalling the past,

"No need to be formal"

"*As you were"

(*No military meaning behind it, Xiang Monji just want them to return to what their doing)

["If I haven't regained my memory in my past life, probably I won't receive this kind of sincere treatment"]

The head chief ask him carefully without offending him,

"My lord, what makes you come here in this humble kitchen?" Rub his both hands while his eyes close amd smile from anticipation, he knew the temperament of the City lord. He was present at that time when everyone was assembled, except for those who are injured, busy with their job and those who didn't have time.

"I'm going to cook for myself and don't ask whether I can cook or not. Your face is full of doubt"

"Ahahahaha" he got caught, and wasn't able to deny.

One of the kitchen staff approach,

"Young lord, what are you going to make? she asked,

"Hand me over the white boar tusk meat, specifically the belly part."

She took it out, and put it in a clean wooden plate.

Xiang Monji look around the kitchen and see the ingredients available on the kitchen.

He happened to find out, that almost all of it were empty, the only thing remain, are a few grains of rice and wheat, a small portion of flour, spices that could be count by fingers, some meat being preserve in salt and etc.

When he saw the white boar tusk belly on the clean wooden plate, he was at dismay. The meat wasn't properly preserve.

The notion of preserving meat by freezing, is not known to these people who are being secluded from the social community.

"Sigh.....!" Make a deep breath,

"throw the meat and put it in the trash"

Everyone inside the kitchen were dumbfounded,

"My lord.....throwing the food in the trash"


*["SILENCIO....! the soundwave was strong enough to put their entire body to tremble.

"Do you know what kind of meat you serve?"

"....." All heads were down and silent. They can't answer him.

Slam the meat on the wooden plate, "FOOD POISONING.....YOU FUC*KING DONKEY! "

" the meat is infested with bacteria that can't be seen in naked eye, and you serve us with a spoiled meat. THINK CHIEF THINK...!"]


(Note: Above are just a product of his Imagination. He is *day dreaming)

Xiang Monji was going to scold them, but it's understandable. The staff and the Chief weren't oriented about food safety.

Knowledge aren't a privilege to those who doesn't have an educational background.

The meat was in the trash, their inner feelings was full of resentment towards Xiang Monji.

"The meat is bad for our health, can't be help"

It end up as a misunderstanding, Xiang Monji didn't explain to them why he ask someone to throw the meat in the trash.

[" You son of a bitch!"] (inner feelings: he wants to kill him. But can't do it.) kitchen staff

[" Get out of my kitchen you

arrogant bastard"] (inner feelings: upset and in distress) head chief

[" *YAMERO....!"] (inner feelings: badly hurt, and in anguish) kitchen cleaner

(* stop it)

All of them have a bad blood against Xiang Monji, yet can't do anything, but submit towards the notorious demon kid spawn from hell. Food shortage and famine was the main reason why they have an i'll contempt towards Xiang Monji.

"No one in the right mind would throw away food when facing food shortage and the people would only eat three spoons per meal.

Among the workers inside the kitchen, the male kitchen staff show a clear sign that he was not just showing a microexpression, but an expression that he wants to strangle Xiang Monji in his inner desire.

He has a small sibling who starve from death, it's understandable that he can't bottle his inner anger, and just keep a stoic expression and just let it go.

He was sulking and is going to bail out from the kitchen. But before he could get out from the kitchen door, a sudden force stop him from leaving.

"Kid, what's your name?"(around 20 to 24 years old)

He was bind by a suppressing aura, and his whole body can't move.

He reply, "kid? look who's talking" said in a manner with abhorrence.

["Right, my mind is around twenty eight years old, but the body is a young adolescent. Tsk, tsk, tsk"]

" I'm not forcing you, to tell me your name, but I need you to stay in the kitchen, there's a lot of work you need to do and you won't regret it."

"And what if I say no?"

Xiang Monji was thinking of how to deal this hard headed kiddo.

["What should I do?"

a.) intimidate him

b.) torture him

c.) force him to submit

d.) none of the above

Hmm.....nah, let's try to be rational and humane as much as posibble, I don't want to act like an obnoxious child"]

Still thinking how to convince him. (immerse from his inner world)

While his body is immobile his eyeballs were moving, and look at the head chief.

The head chief didn't open his mouth, instead he made a gesture. A gesture that tells him not to offend the young lord, he's not a type of an ordinary kid that you can reason with.

All of you, follow me outside the kitchen were going to have a grand feast.

All of them stop from what their doing, and went outside to follow Xiang Monji. Using telekenesis the kitchen staff who was immobilize was drag outside the kitchen.

He cast a seal on his mouth beforehand, he might talk something unsavory.