37. Befriend people of the rich society

" I didn't know you could read a book when it is inverted.. I would like to learn how you do it..", Lu Chang Chang stated with a smirk.

Mo Ting Xiao's hand fumbled on the book when he heard what she said. He immediately threw the book on the table and nervously smiled.

Lu Chang Chang burst out laughing seeing his reaction." You look so cute when you are nervous… Hahaha!!!", she managed to speak while laughing.

Mo Ting Xiao's face turned red in embarrassment. Why does he always end up making a fool of himself in front of her??!!

Lu Chang Chang took a few seconds to stop her laughter.

Li Sing Tan didn't dare laugh. He didn't want to risk his life by laughing.

" Anyways… You wanted to show me something??", Lu Chang Chang curiously asked Mo Ting Xiao.

" Yes..", he said quickly while regaining his composure. He then looked at Li Sing Tan in disdain. He literally wanted to kick him out of the study now for not telling him about the book.

But he held himself back only because Lu Chang Chang was also standing there. His image of being a strong willed man was already crumbling, he didn't want to make himself look worse in front of her anymore.

" Come with me", he said and grabbed her hand gently. He then slowly walked behind the table and stood in front of the huge book shelf.

There was an elaborate book shelf standing behind Mo Ting Xiao's table. It was filled with books on politics and other subjects of national importance.

All the books were neatly arranged subject wise in each compartment. There were few small decorations here and there.

In the middle, there was a small compartment where a silver chest was kept. The chest was engraved all over with various geometrical designs.

Lu Chang Chang was a bit confused. Did he call her here to show her a book??

Mo Ting Xiao's hand left Lu Chang Chang's and reached to the chest in the middle of the shelf. With a click, he opened the chest. He then stepped aside to let Lu Chang Chang see it's contents.

Lu Chang Chang curiously leaned in to see what was inside the chest. The chest only contained one object. Inside, she saw a paper scroll that was tied using a red coloured decorative thread.

Mo Ting Xiao slowly removed the scroll from the chest and held it in between both of them. " Do you want to see what's inside??", he asked her.

Lu Chang Chang's eyes moved from the scroll in his hand to his face. She looked at him and nodded her head up and down and said in a very excited tone," Yes".

Lu Chang Chang was very attracted to the designs on the chest when she saw it. She knew that it contained something important.

When she saw the scroll, her heartbeat started increasing. She had a light guess about what was inside the scroll, but didn't dare to raise her hopes.

Mo Ting Xiao let out a soft chuckle seeing her reaction. It was very rare to see her out of her calm and composed self and Mo Ting Xiao was enjoying it.

He slowly opened the thread and let the scroll roll down. Lu Chang Chang's eyes widened in shock and she covered her mouth with her hands.

Before Mo Ting Xiao could give out his pre-planned introductory speech, Lu Chang Chang spoke." The legendary Three Roses painting!!", she exclaimed with a gasp.

Mo Ting Xiao was surprised that she knew how the painting looked. Except for the imperial family and few family members of Master Huang, no other living soul had gotten to see the painting.

" You have seen this before??", he asked her out of amusement and curiosity.

" No… I had once helped a relative of Master Huang save his son's life. He was very happy in my work and as a reward, he gave me a description of how the painting looked.

And this… This painting looks exactly like what I had pictured", she replied without even lifting her eyes from the painting for even a second.

Mo Ting Xiao asked her a question quickly," So you are an art lover??". She replied without looking at him," Not exactly. I just admire the works of few artists of the previous generations.

It is not an offence to the new ones, but just my personal choice… I have even seen a few of the late Empress's paintings.. They look phenomenal as well….".

Anybody else would have thought that she was trying to curry favour through her words but Mo Ting Xiao knew that was not the case. He could see the admiration she had in her eyes for those paintings.

But then a thought crossed his mind. How did she get inside the Royal Library??

Only members of the Imperial family and court could get access to the library. It was extremely rare for others to be allowed entrance.

" You have gone to the Royal Library??", he asked in confusion. She looked up and replied," Yes. I had received a token of entrance as a gift from a court member after helping him catch a cheater.."

Mo Ting Xiao and Li Sing Tan were just staring at her. She definitely had befriended people of the rich society.