40. His entire body froze and he stood there in shock...

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40 chapters completed!! #

Inside one of the night chambers in Yuan Zheng palace.

" He won't find her, right??", a very agitated female voice was heard." No miss.. There is no way…. Even if His Highness does find her, it will be too late…", immediately a voice answered.

Mo Jia was walking around her room while massaging her right shoulder. She hadn't been able to close her eyes even for a second since Mo Ting Xiao went looking for Lu Chang Chang.

Even though both of their faces were covered, she still feared Lu Chang Chang because of her detective background.

" Argh… How is she so strong??", Mo Jia said uncomfortably while massaging her shoulder. She had not expected to receive such a blow and now she regretted accompanying the attacker.

" Miss shall I massage your shoulder for you..", her maid asked her." No need… Just get me some tea..", she replied.

The maid immediately went out to get tea. She sighed inwardly.

If you had listened us and not gone would you have to suffer in pain like this Miss….

On the desolate seasonal market.

Mo Ting Xiao jumped off his horse and started walking towards the barrel slowly. With every step he took, his heartbeat was increasing.

One part of him hoped that it was her and that he had found her. While another part of him hoped that it was not her because if the barrel was filled with water, then there was almost no chance for her to be still alive.

He shone the light inside the barrel when he reached it.

His entire body froze and he stood there in shock.

Inside, he saw the face of the person he loved deeply.

Lu Chang Chang.

Lu Chang Chang's entire body, except for her face was under water. She was barely breathing and she was shivering badly.

He dropped the lantern in his hand and immediately reached out to pull her out. When his hand touched her back she whimpered in pain.

He immediately looked over to check what was wrong. He saw stains of blood at the place where his hand had grazed. It was easily understandable that she was wounded.

He immediately carried her carefully and climbed on the horse and started back to the palace.

He was holding her tightly, not at all caring about the fact that his clothes were also getting drenched. She was shivering badly in his embrace.

In front of the Yuan Zheng palace.

There was a group of people standing with worried faces. Li Sing Tan, Liu Chen and all the other men, except Mo Ting Xiao, who went looking for Lu Chang Chang had returned.

They found nothing about her whereabouts and now their only hope was that Mo Ting Xiao had found her.

On the side, a crying Chu Chu was being consoled by the other maids.

Chu Chu had woken up hearing the commotion at night a while back.

She felt her soul leave her body the moment she heard that Lu Chang Chang had not returned and that Mo Ting Xiao and the others had gone to look for her.

She was wailing badly and scolding herself for not taking proper care of Lu Chang Chang. All the other maids were trying their best to console her.

Liu Chen and Li Sing Tan just looked at Chu Chu with a sad face. It was very rare to see someone cry for another person like this.

The sound of fast hoofs made everybody look towards the path in front of the palace. They saw Mo Ting Xiao's horse speeding in their direction.

All of them gathered together in hopes of good news.