Zofia vs Katsuguchi and Miyachi

Luna slid back and panting holding her arm. Katsuguchi yelled and her demon code shined brightly and she slashed. Luna got in a guarding stance and closed her eyes then heard a clash. She opened her eyes and noticed a barrier around her.

"Hopefully I'm not too late." Zofia lightly landed on top of the barrier and opened her eyes.

"Elite Demon Hunter Zofia!" Arisa looked at Zofia.

"Katsuguchi...I'm giving you this once chance to stand down. I would rather not waste my power on you. I would rather not categorize you as a lost cause." Zofia said. "I taught you to use your powers for good and not for evil intentions."

"Well well...Zofia...Excuse me, Master Zofia. I haven't seen you since I was 11..I am still shocked a 15 year old taught me Dark Arts, but now I have the chance to show you what I'm made of." Katsuguchi smirked and her eyes glowed.

"Sigh." Zofia rolled her eyes and tapped the barrier with the bottom of her staff and the barrier vanished to the ground. "Arisa, Luna...get out of here. I'll take care of Katsuguchi."

"Understood." Arisa nodded and helped Luna on her feet then teleported away.

Zofia landed and Omusa frowned a bit, interested in Zofia. Katsuguchi twirled her sword around her hand then dashed to Zofia and Zofia looked at Katsuguchi. She tapped the bottom of her staff on the ground and a magic circle appeared at Katsuguchi's feet and made her stop. Katsuguchi looked at her feet and grunted as she tried to move.

"Your power can never outmatch me...your intelligence isn't higher than mine. You are a stuck up royal brat, not even you Reaper Style is better than mine." Zofia took the skeleton head off her staff and tossed it in the air. "Arise! Wrathos!"

A ripped black cloak appeared around the skeleton head and a full skeleton body appeared then Wrathos summoned his scythe and floated behind Zofia. Katsuguchi glared and looked at Wrathos.

"Go Wrathos, Soul Ripper." Zofia pointed.

Wrathos flew towards Katsuguchi and slashed down with his scythe, but was blocked by a sword. Zofia looked at the other combatant. Miyachi smirked and looked up.

"What's up? You thought you could handle an Arcania Legend yourself?" Miyachi asked.

"I could've gotten out of it myself." Katsuguchi said.

"Sure." Miyachi pushed Wrathos back and broke the magic circle entrapping Katsuguchi.

Katsuguchi sighed and looked at Zofia. Zofia looked at the two and the marking on her arm glowed.

"Wrathos." Zofia reached in her bag and tossed up an apple. "Lend me your scythe."

Wrathos caught the apple and dropped his scythe and Zofia caught it then her dark aura surged. She closed her eyes then opened them again and her eyes glowed a blood red. She lowered the scythe and grabbed the blade of the scythe and cut her hand then let the blood drop on the ground. She handed Wrathos back his scythe then the blood glowed and fused together making a magic circle and a long blade katana emerged from the magic circle. She grabbed the handle of the katana then her heart thumped and marking formed under her eyes and a single horn grew on the left side of her head then a single demon wing grew on the left side of her back.

"Resonate." She said and Wrathos turned into a spirit and fused with Zofia's body. Dark aura spiralled around her body like crazy and her left arm which held the blade began turning black and transformed into a demon arm. "Hope and pray you survive...Your tyranny ends here. I, Zofia, Daughter of Stella and Zain, Elite Demon Hunter will end your reign of terror here and now!"

Zofia's aura vanished and her hair covered her eyes then she vanished, breaking the ground and appeared in front of Miyachi and slashed. Miyachi blocked but was blown away by the sheer demonic power of Zofia. Katsuguchi got in a stance and slashed then saw Zofia gone and looked shocked.

"Where's your smile..? You were so confident a second ago.." Zofia taunted then vanished as Katsuguchi slashed back out of anger. "Don't you see what happens when you hurt the innocent..? I've had enough of people like you. First my original parents...then Zephyr... Lazlord...finally Unknown. The last thing I need is a repeat of history."

"Blizzard Crash!" Miyachi yelled and came crashing down as ice surrounded her person.

"Spin." Zofia held her sword to the sky and a dark tornado surrounded her and the air current kept Miyachi in the air.

"W-What is this power..?!" Miyachi asked as the ice began to crack because of the air pressure.

"Plasma Clap." Zofia made the tornado disappear and a purple lightning bolt struck Miyachi's ice armor and sent her straight down then Zofia went for a fatal stab, but Miyachi managed to summon an shield last second. "Disappear."

Zofia blew Miyachi away and Miyachi crashed into a building and Katsuguchi looked back in shock. Omusa leaned forward and was impressed by Zofia's power. Katsuguchi looked at Zofia and bellowed then her aura surged and she dashed to Zofia. She slashed and Zofia clashed with her then they clashed quickly multiple times and Zofia dodged the stab Katsuguchi went for then spun and kicked Katsuguchi away. Her body flickered and she blew Katsuguchi away with a dark magic attack. Miyachi dashed to Zofia and went for a barrage of attacks with her fists. Zofia dodged all of them quickly.

"I can see everything.." Zofia said as the wind blew her hair away from her left eye.

"What the..." Miyachi looked at her eye and saw a special symbol on her eye then was blown away by the force of her aura.

"The Indōgan...The Eye of Requiem. After seeing my father's Requiem Mode..I wanted something Requiem myself. With the power of the Requiem, I can control my own miracles...destroy my enemies..." Zofia held her head and giggled. "Save...whatever I have left..!"

"This is Zofia..?" Miyachi stood up slowly.

"Yeah, but I've never seen this before...this is something completely new." Katsuguchi stood up.

"Requiem in this universe equals Infinite! There isn't a thing I can't do with this power." Zofia laughed and her Indōgan shined gold then she sighed and glared. "Luckily for you...I can't use it for long. It takes aura to use...is what I would say if I didn't have an infinite aura source."

"What..? You've never had an infinite aura source." Katsuguchi said.

"Remember when I fused with Wrathos? He's a God. Resonate is a powerful ability where a Spirit and their Master fuses together. Depending on what spirit you fuse with you can get stronger accordingly, but you and that spirit have to be compatible. You underestimate me, Katsuguchi." Zofia smirked. "I'm way smarter than you'll ever be, way stronger than you'll ever become. I'll destroy that false pride you have, that false superiority you hold on to when dealing with humans."

"What are we gonna do..? We can't defeat her while she's in this state plus her Indōgan makes her practically undefeatable." Miyachi said.

"We have to retreat...as much as this is a pain in my ass, I can't defeat her.." Katsuguchi groaned. "The Arcania Legends are just too much for us...You win this time, Zofia. Next time...I'll come back a lot stronger and end your life!"

"We'll see." Zofia slowly turned normal and her Indōgan slowly disappeared. Wrathos and Zofia separated and Wrathos turned back into a normal skull then fused with Zofia's staff.

Katsuguchi vanished into a portal and Miyachi followed and the portal closed. Omusa went back to his shrine. Zofia saw the people who were alive come towards her, out of hiding and praised and thanked her. Zofia smiled and nodded then saw Stella walk up.

"Zofia.." Stella spoke.

"Mom.." Zofia looked at Stella.

"You fought off two Demon Princesses...I'm impressed." Stella smiled a bit.

"It's nothing." Zofia walked off.

"Wait." Stella said and Zofia stopped and looked back. "I'm sorry...for not being there for you all when you all needed me the most."

Zofia frowned a bit and turned around and her eyes glowed. She pointed at her and glared.

"11 years...and all you can say is I'm sorry..? You can barely visit...no you don't want to visit. I'm not like Saya who easily forgives you. I'm not like Miyuna who is a total bitch to you. I'm gonna tell it how it is. You're an amazing person, you sacrificed your life countless times, gave me an education, gave all these people a purpose. You went from a Dark Queen who didn't care about anything to a Hero, but you recent actions piss me off. You are more of a coward now than you've ever been. You aren't the only one who's lost something dear to you. We all did, that war was life changing..but the more you hang on to what you've lost, the more you reject the reality that's in front of you, the more you reject progression. I'm worried about you mom. I really am, but I can't help you if you have no desire to move forward. I love you but right now I hate you at the same time. We can't meet eye to eye anymore. I hope you take my words and realize the way you live isn't who you are. I want my Stella back..not this alternate Stella. Until the real you comes back, we are nothing more than strangers." Zofia walked off.

Stella watched Zofia walk off and she held her hand out to her then lowered her hand and closed her eyes. Zofia's words struck her harder than anything has. She opened her eyes and punched herself on her cheek and fell to the ground. Her eyes glowed and she spit a little bit of blood.

"She's right...I've been hiding too embarrassed to even face reality. That all ends now. No more hiding...I...I will do what everyone needs of me and be there for them. Starting with Saya and Miyuna...I haven't forgotten about that promise." Stella said then noticed a hand reaching out to her. She looked up and covered her mouth. "K-Kotome..?"

"Long time no see, mom." Kotome said then smiled brightly.