The Battle at Caelaem 2

I dashed towards Orthros and jumped then slashed down. Orthros blocked the attack and swung his fist and punched me away. Hinari dashed zigzagged and yelled then palmed the air, releasing a powerful force of energy. The force hit Orthros but did nothing to him. He stomped on the ground and spiked rock pillars rushed towards Hinari. Katsuguchi tackled Hinari out the way.

"How the hell are we to defeat this demon? He's the servant of a Fallen Legend!" I said.

"We have to try...We don't have a choice at this very point." Katsuguchi stood up and helped Hinari up.

We nodded and decided to attack in a sequence. Katsuguchi dashed towards Orthros and Orthros slashed down at Katsuguchi. Her Umbra Clone vanished and the real Katsuguchi threw a shadow blade at the ground then summoned another one and stabbed down at Orthos's arm.

"Hinari!" Katsuguchi called out.

Hinari bellowed and her aura surged and her demon code glowed. She took a deep breath and yelled releasing a spatial blast from her mouth and it weakened Orthros. I dashed towards him and grabbed the shadow blade and threw it at the wall and Katsuguchi noticed.

"Kagutsuchi!" I bellowed and slashed then blew Orthros back. "Katsuguchi! Let's go!"

"Right!" Katsuguchi warped towards the shadow blade on the wall and threw it at Orthros.

Orthros was about to catch it and Katsuguchi warped to the blade and blasted Orthros with dark magic and sent him sliding back. Hinari dashed towards Orthos and made hand guns.

"Spacial Bullet!" Hinari bellowed and imitated shooting a real gun and a spacial bullet was shot at Orthos.

Orthros deflected the bullet and Katsuguchi noticed the bullet. She warped to the bullet and caught it then transformed it into a claymore and threw it at Orthros and tried to Warp towards the sword but couldn't because she used too much magic energy warping. She hasn't mastered the art of Weaponry Warping. She fell to the ground, but I caught her.

"Thanks." Katsuguchi nodded.

"Yeah." I set her down and Orthros dashed towards us.

"Now you will die!" Orthos laughed maniacally. "Demonic Burst!"

Orthos shot a huge dark beam at us, but it was deflected. He looked surprised and saw Hinari panting and she fell to one knee. She managed to deflect that beam, but it took most of her energy to do.

"Mistress!" Eric appeared and picked up Hinari and vanished away from the battle zone. "That was way beyond your skill level!"

" help them. My best friend.." Hinari got out of Eric's arms and walked towards the zone then turned normal and passed out.

"Heh, the puny demon couldn't even withstand the power of my flames? Pathetic." Orthros scoffed. "That's one down..two more to go."

I looked at Hinari and noticed that Orthos grabbed the weakened Katsuguchi.

"Put her down!" I dashed towards Orthos, but he swat me away and I crashed into a building. I grunted and arched my back a little then stood up slowly.

"Luckily for you, you aren't my target...but I will still destroy you!" Orthros bellowed and slammed Katsuguchi into the ground.

My eyes widened as I saw him do that. My red eyes glowed in pure anger. I hugged my shaking body and the air started to feel extremely cold despite the heat of the flames surrounding me.

"Two to go. I won't even waste my time on you." Orthos said then took a step forward and paused.

"I'll kill you.." I said quietly. "I will kill you..."

"Yufumi! The Tranquil State! Crap she can't even hear me anymore at this point!" The Ancient Hero said.

"Have I drove the little ant over the edge?" Orthros laughed then his laughter of triumph turned into a laughter of nervousness.

I choked on my words and fell to my knees and panted. My demon code was shining brightly. My body shook more as I grunted and my aura began to turn darker. I couldn't hear his voice anger consumed me.

"Yufumi..?" Eric looked at me. "What's happening to her..?"

My flames soon became corrupted with the dark energy of my aura. I whined a bit as the flames soon began hurting me. My eyes flashed white. I couldn't contain my anger and I yelled and my dark aura began surging wildly. Orthos took a step back and was surprised by this intense demonic power.

"What the hell is this..? These flames are that of a double edge this...Hell-Flames?" Orthros asked.

I stood up slowly and entered a Feral Mind. The only thing I knew how to do was kill in this state. My Indomitable Will took a darker turn. It turned into Indomitable Rage. I let out a yell of hatred and dashed to Orthros and vanished. I appeared behind him and he turned around and slashed. I vanished then appeared above him and yelled and slashed down. He tried to block but when the black flames made contact with his sword, it began melting the sword.

"She's gone absolutely mad..I have to get them out of here." Eric said then looked up and saw portals open.

I had my hand raised in the air. A meteor shower was summoned and crashed down to the ground. Before the impact happened time was stopped.

"Oh boy...this again.." Murano walked up with her hands in her jacket pocket. "We need to hurry and get her the Ancient Hero's power before her dark form gets out of hand."

"Agreed." Himiya followed behind.

I growled and began to break through the time fracture. Murano and Himiya were surprised. I broke out of the time fracture and landed on the ground. Time didn't affect me because of Indomitable Will/Rage.

"Well well...The Successor of the Ancient Hero...fallen into darkness yet again." Murano said.

"She's immune to time based powers, but how. She was affected by it the first time." Himiya said.

"I used Spatial Abilities against her the first time." Murano said.

"Well all of that doesn't matter it seems like she's gonna attack us!" Himiya got prepared.

I yelled and ran past them and slashed then defeated the a spirit clone of the Trickster.

"Oh, so you can differentiate between friend and foe...or maybe you just want to kill me because that's your initial intention." Trickster chuckled and his voice echoed. "You will not win, Demon Princess. The Angels will not win..Stella will not win. We will destroy everything...and I mean we will destroy it all."

Trickster shattered reality and our visions glitched and Caelaem turned into a normal city and time started again. We were all shocked. Was I really battling Trickster, or was it an illusion?

"What was that? That was beyond anything I could do!" Murano said.

"Reality Manipulation?" Himiya asked.

" was all an illusion." I said and turned normal and fell to my knees, panting. "We are just living in Trickster's world now. We can't trust anything."

"Trickster? Wait...THAT TRICKSTER?!" Murano looked surprised. "He's my teacher! He taught me how to use my powers!"

We looked at Murano surprised. I stood up and looked around and thought how Murano could be extremely useful taken that during that Time Fracture, I could see the real Trickster.

"Where's Yui?" I asked.

"She's somewhere...I don't know where but she said she had some business to attend to." Murano said.

Meanwhile at Yui's location. She was begging to be taught how to use her dark magic to help us. The person she was begging to was Kielazar.

"You want me to show you the ropes of my type of Dark Arts? The Templar's Arts?" Kielazar looked at her.

"Please? I wanna help my family end this war and complete the Path of Revelation!" Yui begged.

"Only on one condition." Kielazar said.

"What is it?!" Yui said excitedly.

"If you can defeat the Time can become my student." Kielazar said.

"And who's the Time Queen?" Yui asked.

"Her Gloria. She's one of the most powerful time users, she put herself in a time loop to survive the destruction of Arcania. Her intelligence is higher than anyone of the Nightmare Assembly...She went missing after the first war to she's in Eshea. Find her and defeat her. Only then will you be able to become my student." Kielazar opened his eyes and looked at Yui.

"Gloria.." Suzumi yawned and opened her eyes a bit and they glowed. "Interesting.."