The Time Queen and The Zodiac Wielder 3

The next day, Yui and Suzumi walked around and tried to find their way to the city, where they believe Gloria is located. Yui stopped and looked back and felt the presence of Miyachi. Miyachi walked towards her and her body collapsed against her.

"Miyachi? What's the matter?" Yui held Miyachi's limp body. She noticed she had stab wounds and a knight in dark armor walked out of a portal then stopped and looked at Yui.

"A Hell Born in broad daylight..?" Suzumi said in complete shock. "It takes on the form of a knight..."

Yui looked at Miyachi and connected the dots. This knight fatally injured Miyachi and attempted to kill her. Yui began healing Miyachi with her green aura then noticed the Knight dash towards them and summoned a Greatsword and slashed. Suzumi blocked the attack with her dual polearms then grunted as she slid back a bit. The knight overpowered Suzumi.

"Suzumi!" Yui called out.

"Don't worry about me! Focus on Miyachi!" Suzumi yelled and stood her ground against the hell born.

Yui looked worried and kept healing Miyachi. The knight let out a bellow and broke through Suzumi's weapons and Suzumi slid back. She saw the knight summon 8 dark blades and she summoned a shield and got prepared to defend. The knight sent the dark blades at Suzumi and kept summoning more. She grunted as she blocked the attacks.

"Suzumi..!" Yui became more worried.

"Focus..on...your task!" Suzumi said and her shield began to crack. "It is my duty to protect you!"

The Zodiac Pendant around Yui's neck glowed brightly in response to her emotions. Yui's power began to grow and the Libra Goddess began responding to Yui's emotions. A spirit came from the pendant and Yui looked at the spirit.

"I am Cosima..The Goddess of Libra. I have heard your plea. What is your wish?" Cosima asked and looked at Yui.

Yui was taken aback at this woman. Her hair was half black and half white. She wore a silver dress and scales floated behind her. The hell born saw Cosima and focused his attention on her then shot dark blades at Cosima. The dark blades were instantly repelled.

"Hold on you feel that..?" Gloria stopped.

"Yeah...Powerful amounts of Zodiac Energy. This energy is one of a God or Goddess." Emma said.

"It might be Yui! Let's go!" Gloria ran off towards that direction.

Emma followed behind quickly and noticed Dusks rushing towards the Zodiac Energy as well. They quickened their pace.

"My wish..? I wish to be stronger...I want to protect those who are important to me. Help create a balance for humans and demons once more." Yui looked down.

"I can grant your wish. I have only one request.." Cosima said.

"I'll do anything.." Yui said.

"Become my knight. Forge a life-time contract with me and I'll help you with your dreams and aspirations." Cosima said then held her hand out.

"All my dreams...and aspirations..." Yui said and reached her hand out to Cosima and a bright light glowed.

"My Knight, I will always Protect you." Cosima said.

White and black aura surged around Yui and Dusks surrounded the area. Balance, Harmony, Justice, Impartiality, Equality...Light and Dark. Those words echoed in Yui's head and a Z slowly formed on the Pendant and the Libra Symbol appeared on her hand then her right arm shined white and her left arm shined black. She put Miyachi in a protective barrier then stood up. Gloria and Emma arrived on the scene and saw Yui.

"Master..?" Suzumi looked at Yui.

"I am not perfect nor imperfect...I am not one with all but balanced with all. Yin-Yang will guide me towards my dream!" Yui opened her eyes.

Gloria was surprised to see Yui in such a state. She saw the spirit of Cosima and knew Yui forged a bond with her and acquired the Yin-Yang Mode. The Dusks dashed towards Yui and her passive ability activated. Her passive was Counter-Force.

"You will meet your Judgement!" Yui said and pointed at a Dusk and their body shined then the shadows around that Dusk disappeared and they turned into a human and fell to the ground.

"She...countered...Dusks themselves?" Gloria said.

"My sister also has that ability...Misa I mean. By granting a Dusk light, it balances out the shadows...Hell Borns can become humans if their light and darkness balances out. If you have more light than dark, you become an angel. If you have more darkness than light, you become a demon. Counter-Force doesn't only counter powers, choices, or creations. They counter concepts. They counter anything and everything. They are not bound to any laws of reality...meaning they can also counter the destructive force of the Chaos Element." Emma said.

"So Yui is armed for any situation possible..?" Gloria asked.

"Not exactly. There may be some things she can't counter, but mostly she can counter mostly everything. The Power of Libra prioritizes Balance. There's always a counteraction for almost everything. There must be an equal or opposite reaction plus Yui can not be defeated nor killed. The counter to life is death, death is life. She will always be I guess balanced." Emma got in a stance. "No matter what, she can't die. Absolute Restoration prevents it."

"I guess...She is new to this Zodiac thing so she probably won't fully understand the power, but when she does she'll be able to use her power for the greater good." Gloria said and summoned her sword.

The black knight dashed towards Yui and slashed. Yui turned around and perfect parried the knight and blasted him away with light magic. Dusks swarmed her and she summoned a light barrier and the Dusks hit the barrier and hissed as the light burned them.

"Observation A. Not all Dusks can be turned into Humans..the darkness has already fully consumed them, therefore unable to be countered." Emma said and slashed at a Dusk and killed it.

The knight summoned dark arrows at Yui and Yui looked around herself then her aura surged.

"Nothing you do will stop me from protecting my family and friends!" Yui said then the arrows shot at Yui and she began reflecting them quick.

She bellowed and her aura spiralled around her then she released her aura to create a blast radius that blew away all the dark arrows and Dusks. The Dusks began disappearing one by one and the knight looked at Yui and glared then vanished into a portal and retreated.

"It done. Finally..." Gloria sighed and her sword vanished.

Yui turned normal and fell to her knees and panted. Such power took a toll out of her. Gloria walked to Yui and held her hand out towards her. Yui looked at Gloria and took her hand.

"Who are you..?" Yui asked.

"I am Gloria. I have come to look for you as you are a Zodiac Wielder. My mission is to awaken all the Zodiacs, but it seems you've already awakened Cosima." Gloria said.

"Gloria?!" Yui jumped back and summoned her Grimoire. "My mission is to prove myself to Kielazar so I can master Dark Arts! To do that, I have to best you in battle!"

"Kielazar? Ahh, you're planning to become his student. Why would you need to do that now when you can master your Zodiac State? It's way better than Dark Arts." Gloria said.

"I know...but I am deadset on battling you to prove to myself that I have what it takes to protect those I love!" Yui said.

"I see." Gloria looked at Yui then smiled. "Alright I'll battle you, but first we need to help your friend."

Yui looked at Miyachi and nodded then released the protective barrier. Miyachi coughed then opened her eyes and her scars were completely gone. Yui smiled and crouched next to her and placed her hand on her forehead.

"Welcome back, Miyachi." Yui said.

"Yeah...thank you, Yui." Miyachi smiled at her.