Encounter with the Dark Leo

We took a Spirit Train towards Lunar City to get closer to our destination to meet Annette. As we travelled I sensed some dark energy quickly following the train. Ophi opened her eyes as she sensed it also. Yui looked out the window and saw a mystery figure who was following us.

"Who are they..?" Yui asked.

"...They are after us." Ophi said and stood up. "Come, we have to lead them away from the train."

We nodded and as the train came to a stop, the door opened then we got off the train. We ran away from where there were innocent people. Gwyn followed quickly and saw they were following us pretty quickly.

"They have Shadow Step." Gwyn said.

"Shadow Step?" I asked.

"They are using the darkness of the ground to move faster than normal, they are gaining on us." Gwyn said.

The mystery figure vanished and appeared in front of us and went for a strike directly at me. I sensed the attack and my eyes shined then I dodged the attack by stepping aside.

"Hmph." The person looked at me and summoned obsidian gauntlets on their hands.

"Hand to hand combat.." I looked at the person then saw a faint glow of the Leo Symbol on their gauntlets. "What the.."

"It's a Dark Zodiac, Yu-chan!" Yui warned.

I summoned my sword and they looked at me and smirked. I got in a stance and blinked once then saw them missing. I was hit multiple times by an invisible force and blown away. I groaned as I was in the air then rebounded off one hand and landed on one knee.

"How pathetic...Leona chose a weakling like you as a Knight?" A male voice said.

"What..? Who are you?!" I looked at the person.

"My name is Lionel and I've come to eliminate Leona through you!" He dashed towards me and went for a strike.

Sephora caught his fist and her aura surged and cracked the ground. Her aura created high winds and pushed us back a bit. I grunted and guarded my face from the debris.

"You feel so proud to target a defenseless and beginner Zodiac huh..? I won't allow it.." Sephora said and pushed him back.

"Heh...you wish to be my first victim huh? I'll let you know that I am no push over!" Lionel bellowed and his dark aura surged.

I looked at Lionel and my eyes emitted red aura. I had a flashback that wasn't even mine. The Ancient Hero and Lionel were enemies even before Andrew betrayed him. For some reason I felt like I had to be the one to fight Lionel.

"Sephora! Let me fight him! This is my job to do.." I said.

"Are you sure? You haven't even reached Level 2 and you know how fast he is. He has every possible advantage over you." Sephora looked back at me.

I touched the middle of my chest and closed my eyes. Leona and I were one in wavelength. I opened my eyes and nodded.

"I'm sure. Even if I lose this fight, I will grow stronger and next time I will defeat him!" I said determined.

"Ha! You defeat me?! That's a nice joke, the Ancient Hero couldn't possibly defeat me! You think you can?!" Lionel laughed.

"I will surpass the Ancient Hero! You will know the power of a True Zodiac! Leona are you ready?" I asked and looked at Lionel.

"Always." Leona said.

My hair slowly turned into flames as I transformed into my Zodiac Form. Even though I am weak now, I have to at least try. I can't let Sephora fight all of my battles!

"If you're so willing to die..then come at me." Lionel smirked.

I took off my hat and cloak that I wore. I also took off my eyepatch and opened my blind eye and my Kami-Yaoke awakened. He looked at me and saw a spitting image of the Ancient Hero within me except for I was female. He grinned even more and took off his hood.

I dashed towards him quickly and slashed multiple times. He dodged each of my attacks with ease and went for a counter attack. I parried his attack and grabbed his arm and tossed him aside. I looked at him and he chuckled and vanished before my very eyes then appeared in front of me and punched my stomach. I groaned and he twisted his fist then blew me away and made me spin in a circle. He appeared behind me and palmed my back and I heard a crack then was blown forward. He appeared in front of me and gripped my face and slammed me down.

"Yu-chan!" Yui yelled and summoned her weapons.

"Heh...couldn't even handle me at my weake-" A powerful thunderbolt struck Lionel and he was blown away.

Everyone was shocked and I sat up and my Kami-Yaoke was glowing.

"She managed to charge the Susano'o Bolt to full even while being damaged." Gywn said in shock.

"She has the power of the God Elements, though they aren't fully powered like the Ancient Hero's or mine, she can use them. Bad side of it is they take too much energy out of her." Sephora said.

I stood up slowly and held my eye and saw blood drip on the ground. I closed my eye and looked at Lionel. He stood up and dusted his clothes off and chuckled.

"Well you caught me by surprise there, Yufumi. But what are you gonna do now? Your eye isn't working anymore huh? Inexperienced with the Yaoke.." Lionel smirked. "That's your downfall!"

Lionel dashed towards me and shadows surrounded his arms. I only had one choice left. I turned normal and my horns slowly grew and I transformed into my Demon Form. All of my abilities changed then my yellow aura surged powerfully. I may not have enough power in my Zodiac Form, but my demon form is a different story.

"What is she doing?!" Gywn asked.

I bellowed and my dark aura became unhinged then my aura formed Spirit Armor around my body. Lionel went for a decisive blow.

"Shadow Cannon.." I mumbled under my breath and pushed Lionel's arm out the way and palmed his chest and my eyes shined a blood red.

A huge dark beam blew Lionel away and created a large trench in the ground as an aftermath. This took Yui and Gwyn by surprise. I panted and my spirit armor crumbled and I fell on my knees. My body growing weaker...Losing energy too rapidly. The symbol on my back shattered as my energy was drained.

"No way.." Yui ran towards me. "All of her energy is gone!"

"You Demon Princesses are full of surprises huh? If I hadn't activated the seal, I would've probably lost...not. That Shadow Cannon is pretty impressive, but when it comes to the Spirit Realm, you mean nothing! You honestly believe you had a chance against me?" Lionel laughed. "I'm feeling a bit merciful today, you did put on a good show for me. I'll let you live."

"Yu-chan!" Yui held me up.

I couldn't feel anything in my body. Leona appeared out of my body and looked at me.

"He drained her demon energy which takes nearly weeks to recover. Don't worry, Zodiac Energy can't be drained, but he pushed her to a corner and she got desperate. I would too if I was pushed back that far.." Leona said.

"The Dark Zodiacs are nothing to laugh at. They are as strong as Max Level Zodiacs. You and Yufumi need to get in some hard training ASAP if you even wish to stand a chance." Sephora said. "The fact we ran into him was unlucky."

"Yu-chan.." Yui looked at me and saw my dull eyes. I closed my eyes and Leona fused in my body once again and I slowly regained energy.

"I guess Zodiac Mode is the only hope I have.." I said.

"It is since it can't be drained. We need to hurry towards Annette. Who knows when we could run into another Dark Zodiac.." Sephora crossed her arms.

I sighed softly and opened my eyes and looked at the sky. I'm just too weak for this job. Everyone else has a better chance than I do at this. Not even the Yaoke can help because it drains too much of my energy with just one attack. I didn't know what to do besides train like crazy.