The Path of Truth: The Battle To Save Sagittarius Part 2

I exhaled and smoke came from my mouth then I looked at Kyria. She laughed and dashed towards me. She thrusted her lance towards me and I dodged the attack and struck her stomach then she groaned and a shockwave formed and I blew her away. She crashed through the broken bridge and I appeared above her then grabbed her legs and threw her down. She crashed to the ground. I caught her lance and she warped to it and punched my face and I was sent crashing to the ground. I slid back and saw portals open behind her.

"I refuse to lose to a demon like you! I will obliterate you and all of your kind!" She bellowed and dark spikes were being shot at me at high speeds.

"Sun Shield!" I bellowed and the barrier tanked the hits.

The more the barrier was hit by the spikes, the more it shined. Kyria yelled and flew down and jabbed her lance at the barrier and it cracked a bit. We made eye contact and her smirk was more evil by the second.

"Supernova!" I bellowed and my barrier shined brightly and exploded, releasing all of the energy.

Kyria was blown into the wall of the temple and grunted. I grunted and stumbled a bit. My form was draining my energy quickly, but I had to push through. Kyria stood up slowly and looked at me and laughed and dashed towards me. She was stopped by an arrow and I looked behind me.

"Saeris...don't get involved in this fight." I said.

"I can see your energy is fading quickly! I'm not gonna let you fight this battle alone!" Saeris said.

'My energy was fading quickly...My body still can't handle such power, but I had to keep pushing limits! I have to break them!' I thought and the dragon symbol shined on my leg.

I glared at Kyria and steam surrounded my body. Veins surrounded my arms and I roared and my flames surged more. Saeris looked at me surprised.

"Yes! Keep pushing your limits! You're only feeding Nymphira more power!" Kyria laughed.

I dashed towards Kyria and she dashed towards me and I punched her stomach and kicked her away then rushed towards her and palmed her to the ground and summoned Phantom swords. My energy was fading even faster but I had to save Saeris. I shot them at Kyria quickly and she deflected them and got in a stance and twirled her lance. She pointed the lance at me.

"Die." She said and shot a beam at me then Saeris's arrow caused it to deflect.

"Yufumi! Pushing yourself further is only harming your body!" Saeris said.

"Let her die! If she dies, you've lost this war!" Kyria laughed.

I fell on one knee and my hair slowly turned back to normal. My body felt extremely heavy and began to hurt. I grunted and closed my eyes, wincing in pain.

"Don't tell me that's all you've got, Chosen One." Darkness said. "The Ancient Hero I know wouldn't have quit because his energy was fading. If you desire to save us all, quiting isn't an option! Now stand your ass up and fight! We don't need a dead weight as a leader!"

"It doesn't matter. She will be dead in mere seconds!" Kyria laughed her dark aura pushed Darkness away. Her aura grabbed Saeris and she screamed.

"Yufumi!" Darkness looked at me.

My hair covered my eyes. My body hurts so much to the point where I could barely move. Kyria stared at me with her empty eyes and a wicked smile. Her aura began tightening her grip around Saeris and slowly crushed her. Her screams of pain were loud...I couldn't take it. My body shook and I felt Leona's anger within me as well. Kyria looked at me curious and loosened her grip on Saeris. Saeris panted and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Heh...Heheh...Kyria. You've just made the biggest mistake of your life..." I said.

"Mistake? You made a mistake going against her wish! Now you're getting punished for it!" Kyria laughed then stopped as she felt my dark aura.

"This dark power. It's different from the others. It's like Stella's darkness...dark yet heroic." Aria said.

I grunted and my dark aura slowly emerged from my body. My flames turned dark as well and I slowly stood up. My eyes were fully white and Kyria shot a powerful beam at me. I held my hand out and devoured the beam and opened a portal and shot the same beam out with twice the power. She looked shocked and dropped Saeris and Azami caught her.

"Darkness..? What kind of demon is Yufumi..?" Grace asked.

"A rare kind of demon...A Devour Type Demon. Her ability is to devour any move and either shoot it out with twice the power, heal herself with said move, or add that move to her kit. There's a reason her kind of demon was killed even by their own kind. They were simply too powerful. The catch is they can only drain magic attacks. She's the last of her kind. Unless she gives birth to a child, she will always be the only one to exist." Darkness said.

"When I fought her, she didn't expose this power. Why was she holding back against me..?" Lionel asked.

Kyria glared and finally got serious as she understood the situation she was in now. I lowered my hand and my demon horns slowly grew from my head. This form was a last resort. Part of me wants to kill Kyria now, but the other side doesn't want to at the moment.

"Such power...A demon of this caliber...Their kind still exists. Devour Type." Kyria said and got in a stance and dashed towards me.

She slashed then I countered it perfectly and palmed her face. She was blown away and her lance flew out of her hand. I caught it and looked at it. She stood up slowly and coughed. Her aura slowly turning back to normal. She looked at me and panted. I tightened my grip around the lance and it shattered into particles. I turned my attention back to Kyria and felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked at who touched me and saw Annette.

"My child...You've already won. There will be other chances to kill her. Right now we need to retreat. The Demon Hunters are coming." Annette said.

I looked at Kyria and closed my eyes. My cloak appeared around me and my mask appeared on my face and I vanished. The others vanished as well.

"Boss! Are you alright?!" A Demon Hunter asked.

"What the hell is Yufumi...? Not only is she the Ancient Hero, but also an extinct type of demon. She's...a very interesting specimen. Now I have more of a reason to kill her." Kyria smirked.

Meanwhile at base, we sat in the meeting room and I held my head and could barely stay awake. Saeris looked at me worried. I closed my eyes and laid my head down.

"She pushed herself to the point of exhaustion. Such will to fight and protect. Just give her a moment. She will be back in action soon." Aria said.

"Are you sure?" Saeris asked.

"Just don't bother little brat. The last thing we need is a complaint from you." Lionel said.

"Ehh?! I'm not gonna be a problem you big meanie!" Saeris said and puffed her cheeks.

"Yeah right. You always find yourself in some form of problem...I'm surprised you aren't dead yet." Lionel said.

"Wha- What's that supposed to mean?!" Saeris stomped her foot down.

Lionel and Saeris bickered like siblings and Grace just giggled watching. Lionel and Saeris were close as Lionel was her Guardian after she lost her mother due to an unfortunate event. People could tell that Lionel was happy to have Saeris back but his pride kept him from showing it.