The Path of Truth: End of an Era

"You have disgraced Nymphira long enough! Now it's time for you to die!" Kyria bellowed and began draining the Light of the Sacred Realm.

"You've become blinded by the truth. Nymphira isn't to be followed under any circumstances! If you can't understand it, then fine. I will have to kill you for standing in my way!" I said and all of my wings spread out.

Kyria landed and her dark aura was growing more powerful by the second. She dashed towards me and I dashed towards her and we clashed multiple times and she teleported backwards and snapped her fingers and red circles appeared underneath me and lightning struck the ground. I perfectly dodged and my spirit dashed towards her and swept her off her feet then rolled forward and palmed her side then blew her away. My spirit soon entered my body once more. I looked at Kyria and she stood up and giggled as her body healed quickly.

"I shall not die...I am the final hope for Nymphira..! You are a disgrace to her name, and all who come from her!" Kyria bellowed and dark spikes appeared behind her from portals.

The wind blew powerfully and Kyria pointed at me and the dark spikes flew at me one by one at high speeds. I dashed towards Kyria and dodged the dark spikes and Kyria's eyes emitted dark aura then the dark spikes that missed me turned back around.

"Mother!" I bellowed and she appeared from the Aquarius Symbol then used water to block the Dark Spikes coming behind me.

Kyria closed the portals and opened a huge one and a dragon head slowly emerged from it. She snapped her fingers and the dragon released a huge blast.

"Crea! I block that attack!" I commanded. Crea appeared from the dragon symbol on my leg and turned into a huge dragon and shot a powerful beam at the other dragon's beam.

I kept running towards Kyria and Kyria tilted her head and held her hand out towards me then pointed at me, shooting a beam from her finger directly at my chest. My wing blocked the attack and I bellowed and reached her then tried to punch her but she vanished. I slid forward and looked behind me and Kyria was about to destroy Annette.

"Retreat!" I commanded then Annette and Crea entered my body once more. Kyria landed and her evil smirk grew wider.

"I hate you so much...You annoy me the most! Now I have to kill you! I need to! Your death will make Nymphira unstoppable!" Kyria laughed maniacally and her dark aura surged wildly and her lance began to change forms.

I twirled my sword and got in a stance. We dashed to each other and clashed then a shockwave broke cracked the ground and caused the buildings around us to crumble. We clashed multiple times again then she parried my next attack and palmed my chest and caused me to slide back. Portals opened underneath me and demon hands grabbed my legs. She dashed towards me and jumped up then stabbed her lance through my chest. She smiled wickedly as she kept thrusting the lance through my body. I coughed a bit of blood and the hands released me. I fell back and looked at the sky.

"Is that how you saw the battle ending..?" I asked and that reality shattered. Kyria looked shocked and looked at my dead body as it shattered as well. She looked ahead and saw me sitting on a throne. I stood up and the throne vanished. "Such a pathetic way to go out..."

"Wha- How-" Kyria looked at me.

"The Form of Origin...A form of Omnipotence...the sister of Unity Mode. Nymphira created the Hero of Origin to keep the Zodiacs in line...yet her plan backfired when he learned of her true plans. He was banished from the Realm of Origin and sent to death. His Spirit survived and inhabited into different people. Only few have awakened his true power. I am the Nothing that contains Everything...I am the very thing Nymphira fears. Why? Because you can't kill Nothing without killing Everything. I am Yufumi Zoko! I am the The Heroine of Origin! Your fate has already been decided." I said and Kyria looked surprised and took a step back. "I don't want this battle to be too easy unfortunately..."

I pointed at Kyria and her body shined. She looked at her body and her original powers were awakened. The Unholy Goddess within her was awakened.

"What the- Why-" Kyria groaned and her dark aura burst from her body and she let out an inhumane shriek and her body began changing.

"This battle is awaken my long time enemy, Variska." I said and looked at her.

She finished her transformation and smiled. Her hair was a cyan color and her skin was grayish white color. Her eyes were dark blue and her wings were metallic silver. She held a trident in her hand. She looked at me and I looked at her.

"Variska." I spoke.

"Oh how long has it been since I've been awakened, Hero of Origin. It's been too long, my love." Variska smirked. "Now we must fight again in the opposite sides of the battlefield."

"Variska, I will destroy you and take back the Core of Trinity! Say your final prayers to your Goddess." I said and got in a stance.

"Oh dear...Going straight into battle? No what was it like being stuck in a pathetic mortal's body? You've grown heartless.." Variska smirked. "Soon you shall be heartless! You were banished for a reason! Now I will send you back in your place!"

"Fool. I possess 12,358,241,904,821,901 official powers of every universe dated. I was created to be the Ultimate Hero, Nymphira had to banish me because I've caught on to her scheme to use me to destroy the very thing that kept life moving. Now I've grown harder, better, faster, stronger! If you honestly think you have a chance against me even with the Core of Trinity, then you're mistaken!" I said.

"Even with all that power, The Core of Trinity can copy-"

"Singularity." I said and crossed my arms.

"Singularity..?" Variska asked.

"My powers can't be mimicked, copied, nor replicated." I said and looked at her. "Obviously Singularity has weaknesses such as Status Manipulation and Almighty Replication...but the Core of Trinity isn't even on the power of Stella's Alpha Reality ability. The Core of Trinity is used to unlock the Sword of Origin: Trinity. You obviously lose this battle, but you won't hand it over easily so that's why I must kill you and take it for myself."

"You're right I won't give it to you that easily! That's why I will escape this realm with it in hand!" Variska laughed and flew away.

"Running..? Hmph...such foolishness.." I flew after her and she looked back and opened portals that shot beams at me.

I opened my own portals and my beams collided with hers. I grabbed her leg and threw her down and flew after her. She crashed into the ground and immediately flew the other way. I followed her and she opened more portals and dark spikes shot at me. I dodged the spikes and grabbed one then threw it at her. She looked back and dodged it and my eyes shined then I summoned three holy tornados and fused them into one. The wind dragged her inside then she spun around in the tornado quickly.

"Primordial Wind Blast!" I bellowed and the tornado exploded. She groaned and flew into the air. "Ethreal Meteor!"

I summoned a meteor that hit her and caused her to crash into the ground and exploded. She groaned loudly then slowly stood up.

Meanwhile in the Abyss, the Demon Princesses looked worried and looked at Yui.

"Yui, is Yufumi doing okay?" Hinari asked.

"I can see and hear everything she sees and hears due to Unity Mode. Right now she's winning with no difficulty at all. The opponent she's fighting is one of the Disciples of Nymphira named Variska. She's trying to escape her with something called the Core of Trinity. Yu-chan isn't letting her escape." Yui said.

"The Core of Trinity..?" Katsuguchi asked.

"A Core that completes the Sword of Origin: Trinity." Gwyn said. "It's a sword that cuts even time, space, and chaos."

"A sword that powerful..?" Murano said and crossed her arms.

"It's the first Ultima Relic." Sephora opened her eyes. "All other relic's power descended from that one relic and the Hero of Origin."

"Wait so our powers came from the Hero of Origin?" Katsuguchi asked.

"Not only our powers but our forms. Nothing about us is original. All of us has a bit of him in us, even me. Some people just have more than he does. What is original is our variants. The Arcane Powers, the Zenith Ascension, the Zenith Yaoke is all only a variation of the Origins of Power, Origin Ascension, and the Yaoke of Origin. There are three Titans. Unity, Hero of Origin, and Nymphira herself. Unity and Hero of Origin are siblings and created at the same time. After the Hero of Origin was killed my Nymphira, Unity took her own life to follow her brother but they were separated. Unity entered Cosima and the Hero of Origin seemed out the perfect vessel." Sephora explained. "I believe he's found the perfect Vessel."

Katsuguchi looked at Sephora then had a flashback when she first met me. She looked at Yui and understood that we have completed surpassed her.

"It's honestly pathetic how you now fall beneath me." I said and placed my foot on her head and forced her to bow down. "I told have no shot at beating me. You never did. Now you die.."

"I won't lose...I WON'T LOSE TO YOU!!" Variska bellowed and her dark aura pushed me back. "I will kill you one way or another!"

I looked at her and her aura generate high winds and she bellowed and opened a huge portal. A huge blast shot at me and she kept draining the light of the Sacred Realm to make her attack more and more powerful.

"Origin Pulse." I said and a powerful pulse of energy collided with her blast.

"Die! DIE! DIE!" Variska yelled and the blast grew in size and began pushing my attack back. I slid back a bit and glared. "I AM THE LAST HOPE FOR NYMPHIRA! I WILL NOT LOSE!"

"Fine...if you won't just die peacefully, I will destroy this entire Realm with us in it!" I said and intensified the gravity on this realm so we couldn't move. "Origin Arts: Total Destruction!"

"What?! You're gonna kill yourself you idiot! You're gonna destroy the Core of Trinity! What are you doing?!" Variska tried to move.

"If I can't obtain it, Nymphira sure as hell isn't!" I bellowed.

The entire Realm lit up and my entire body shined brightly. A massive explosion happened and destroyed the core of the Sacred Realm. The entire Realm was getting totalled. I closed my eyes as the destruction reached us. Variska yelled then everything went black.

Yui screamed as she was blown back and Zain caught her. She turned normal and panted. Everyone looked at her and was worried.

"Yui! What happened to Yufumi?!" Shizaki asked.

"Yu-chan...She's..." Yui began tearing up.

"Don't tell me-" Himiya said.

"She's...dead..." Yui said softly and tears rolled down her cheeks.

The entire room was silent in shock. Yui's body fell weak and she fell to her knees and closed her eyes. Sephora closed her eyes and looked down.

"So that's it..? We lost this war..?" Lionel asked.

"If Yufumi is dead...Yui is our last hope." Darkness said.

"If we lose Yui also...then we officially lose the war.." Ginchiyo looked at everyone.

"But it feels like we've already lost..." Yui said and shook her head. "Yu-chan...she was so special to me and the one person who could save us all. I haven't even mastered Unity Mode...I can't do all the things Yu-chan can."

"You can learn." Zain said. "Yufumi wouldn't want you to mope around like this...pick yourself up. We still have Zodiac to obtain and an end goal to complete."

Yui sniffled and wiped her eyes then stood up slowly. She became the new leader of the team and led everyone towards the Zodiacs with the assistance of Cosima.

"I will kill Nymphira for you please watch over me..." Yui said.

End of Part 2