Vs. The Itsusuki Clan

Uchisugi dashed towards me and slashed his sword at me. I dodged his slash and he was hit by invisible forces. He grunted and slid back. I stood there and looked at him. He looked at me then dashed towards me again then slashed once again. I dodged his attack and my afterimages vanished then I kicked him forwards and vanished then appeared in front of him and palmed his chest. He groaned and stumbled back.

"You're powerful...Heh...I never thought I'd have to go all out this early." Itsusuki said and put his hair in a ponytail and chuckled. He bellowed and his aura surged and sparkled. His golden eyes shined brightly and he entered his Transcendence Mode then dashed towards me again. "Now let's fight for real!"

He slashed and I slashed as well then out blades clashed. Our impact caused the ground to break then we entered a sword battle. We kept clashing and parrying each other's attacks. With our final clash out blades flew out of our hands then we began trading punches. I dodged his next attack and uppercut his chin. He was sent flying in the air then I flew up and tackled him then crashed through the save ceiling back onto the surface. He groaned and coughed up a bit of blood then I grabbed his leg and flew to the ground and slammed him to the ground. I let go of his leg then the clone disappeared. He appeared behind me with his sword in hand then went for a stab at my back.

"Die!" Uchisugi bellowed.

"Yu-chan!" Yui yelled.

"I won't let you win...Never...I will kill Nymphira. Kill her.." I said and my Yaoke shined brightly then a hand came from the ground and blocked the stab. "Demon Code: Alpha."

I said and the Demon Code on my chest shined brightly. I looked back and my aura flowed calmly around my body. Uchisugi looked shocked and took his sword out of the hand. I turned my full body towards Uchisugi and went into a full sprint at him while dragging the blade of my sword against the ground. I bellowed and jump slashed then my afterimage vanished.

"What-" He looked behind me then I slashed at him and caused him to crash through a few trees.

"Such power.." Yui said in shock.

"Such speed also...she's moving a lot faster than before." Variska said and watched.

Uchisugi flew towards me at high speeds and bellowed as his aura surged. I looked at him and dashed towards him as well then bellowed as my voice echoed in the air. We clashed fists and glared at each other. He yelled and pushed me back then went for a slash downwards. My hair flashed rainbow then I vanished and appeared behind him then blasted behind him. He crashed through multiple trees again. I bellowed and my aura shined and flashed rainbow colors.

"What is this..?" Variska looked shocked.

"Her old forms are evolving at once." Yui said and looked shocked.

"Big sister is so amazing!" Ibu said happily.

A man who was meditating in the ocean opened his eyes and his eyes shined. The Overseer opened his eyes as well as he felt my power. Yayoi stopped and looked back. A person standing on the top of a building opened her eyes. A spirit smirked and closed his eyes. Irea opened her eyes and sat up.

"You felt that too..?" Viper asked.

"Her power outshines Misa's...This Dark Lord has achieved their White Form along with other pure forms. Whoever this is...is a True Hero.." Irea said.

"Her power is rapidly increasing.." Yui said.

I bellowed and my hair shined rainbow colors and my aura vanished then Uchisugi dashed towards me and was blown back out of nowhere. I appeared in front of him and went for a punch. He guarded, but my afterimage disappeared. I appeared behind him then he went for a back hit but my afterimage vanished again.

"She's faster than literally light...so fast her afterimages look like the real her." Yui said.

I appeared in front of him mid slash then Uchisugi looked shocked and his body froze. He looked into my eyes and saw my killer instincts.

'This is how the battle ends..? This is how I die? Dying by the hands of this woman..So be it...Father I'm sorry.' Uchisugi thought to him self then closed his eyes.

There was a clash and Uchisugi opened his eyes. He looked shocked and looked at the person in front of him.

"Father..?" Uchisugi said in complete shock.

"You've done enough, my son. Now it's my turn to take the wheel." Neviro said and kicked me away then bellowed and dashed towards me a slashed.

We clashed blades and he went for a slash then I vanished and appeared behind him then slashed then he vanished and appeared in front of me then slashed. I dodged and flew into the air. He followed me and we started our sword battle in the air. Our final clash pushed us back and we stopped on the air and glared at each other.

"Heh...been a while since I've had to battle this hard from the start." Neviro smirked and his aura shined.

"He's that strong in Base form..? He was able to keep up with Yu-chan?" Yui said. "Who is this man..?"

"This is my father...Neviro Itsusuki! He is known as the One Above Miracle! Yufumi has no chance against him!" Uchisugi laughed.

'He's not at base. He's already full power...his aura is being manipulated for him to become stronger and stronger. He has Perfect Aura Manipulation...' I thought to myself.

"You are correct. I do have Perfect Aura Manipulation...and with each clash I am draining your energy and adding it to my own. Your energy is already depleting fast in your Pure Evolution Form. How will you defeat me? Can you even defeat me?" Neviro chuckled.

"Big sister.." Ibu looked worried.

"Enough! Let our battle do the talking!" I bellowed and my aura surged then I flew towards him.

"Fine by me!" He flew towards me.

Our fists clashed then we entered hand to hand combat. He palmed my arm out the way and palmed my stomach then grabbed my leg and threw me to the ground. I crashed to the ground and he appeared in front of me and shot an energy blast at me. I appeared above him and he grabbed my leg again then swung me around and slammed my back onto the ground. I groaned and coughed then he threw me aside. I rolled on my side then recovered on my feet.

"Give up while you can, it would be much simpler if you just quit!" Neviro laughed and dashed towards me.

"Never...I will win. For the sake of everyone!" I bellowed and my aura surged.

"She's pushing her limits..." Variska dashed towards Neviro then Uchisugi stopped her.

"Your battle is with me now." Uchisugi smirked then caught Yui's fist and threw her in the air.

"I won't let you hurt Yu-chan!" Yui bellowed and transformed into her Unity Mode and came down with a punched at Uchisugi's cheek and blew him away. "Die!"

Yui opened her hand and a huge ball of energy appeared in her hand. She threw it at Uchisugi. Variska ran towards me. Neviro went for a punch at me. I blocked his punch and kicked him away then his clone vanished and the real him appeared behind me and blew me away. I rolled backwards and crashed into the building. I coughed a bit of blood and Neviro appeared in front of me and was about to deal the final blow.

"Say your goodbyes...Yufumi Zoko." Neviro smirked and went for the stab. Variska stood in front of me and took the blow for me and my eyes widened. "What the..."

"Yufumi...you must live on. Nymphira has to be stopped...You are the only one who can do it." Variska said and took the Core of Trinity out of her body and the core floated towards me and entered my body. "You are our final hope...for the existence of all. I wish...I could've walked by your side while you did.."

Neviro took his sword out of her body and she fell to the ground face first. I crawled to her body and held her up. Everyone looked our way and I looked at her face.

"We were once enemies who turned into allies...we may not have had a strong bond, but the bond we shared was true." I slowly stood up and glared at the ground and a hole was made then I placed Variska in the hole and buried her.

"Variska.." Ibu watched and teared up a bit.

"Neviro...say your final prayers to your Goddess...I will finish you with my bare hands." I said and stood up then looked at Neviro and my aura calmly flowed around me. "With the Core of Trinity...I have achieved Pure Trinity Mode...my final form. Now you will pay!"

I bellowed and my aura burst and the building began to crumble. I dashed towards Neviro and he looked shocked as I disappeared in front of his eyes. I appeared behind him and went for a slash. He sensed it and dodged then slashed down, but his sword went through me.

"An afterimage?" He looked behind him and I was there going for another slash. He dodged and tried to attack but his attack phased through my body. "Another after im-"

I kicked him away and teleported to him and grabbed his leg and bellowed then slammed him to the ground multiple times then threw him into the air. He stopped in the air then made a clone of himself and flew down towards me. He and his clone began attacking at the same time. I dodged the attacks and countered his next attack then kicked his clone away. The real Neviro was behind me and he had a wide grin on his face as he slashed directly at my neck.

"You can't beat me anymore." I said as his sword phased through me and he smirked and his clone stabbed through my body.

"I caught on to your bluff." Neviro smirked then looked shocked as my clone vanished.

"I saw that coming before you even thought about doing it." I said and the real me slashed the head off the clone and the clone vanished. I had a blank stare on my face.

"Who is this woman..? Her power is constantly rising and at a rapid pace. Her energy is practically infinite!" He said and I vanished and kicked him away then he flew through multiple trees then a appeared in front of him and rushed him with attacks and bellowed.

He groaned loudly as I rushed him with attacks and I blasted him away then appeared above him and grabbed both his legs and summersaulted then slammed him on the ground. His clone appeared beside me and went for a slash.

"Die." I said then his clones vanished.

He kicked me off and stood up then tried to run off. I glared at him and got in a stance then my aura shined rainbow colors and lit up the area. Everyone looked outside and saw my aura. I gave a small smirk.

"Final Trinity Mist!" I bellowed and appeared in front of Neviro then slid my sword into the scabbard. Neviro kept running before his head slid off his body and he dropped dead to the ground. "Target...eliminated."

My aura vanished and I exhaled then looked back. I looked at Neviro's body and glared then walked back to Yui and Ibu. Yui got finished dealing the final blow to Uchisugi and she turned back to normal and sighed. Ibu came out from hiding and looked around. I met up with Yui and Ibu ran towards us. Yui hugged me and I hugged back. Ibu joined in on the hug.

"The battles only get harder from here..." Yui said.

"Together...there isn't a thing we can't do." I said.

Meanwhile with Nymphira and the other Gods of Origin....

"She defeated the Itsusuki Clan?! We have no one else to send other than you all!" Nymphira bellowed.

"She achieved the Pure Trinity Mode...the mode you fear because it's just as powerful as you are. Our only option is to fall back...She can't be stopped anymore." Shirigon said. "If we leave this realm, we will become weaker."

"Dammit..." Nymphira glared. "Fine..we shall fall back for now...From now until she reaches the Realm of Origin, we will train!"

"Yes ma'am!" The other Gods of Origin said.