Chapter 23: Bad News

Right after the sun rose and I was content we heard Sam calling. Paul and I quickly undressed, phased and ran to Emily's. We got there in a couple minutes and I guess we were the first to arrive.

*Mind Link*

"What's wrong?" Paul asked.

"Jake ran here and told me that we needed to meet with the Cullens right away." Sam explained.

"Where's Jake now?" I asked.

"Back with Bella." Sam groaned.

I just nodded and tried to keep my thoughts in check.

The rest of the pack finally got there and Sam told them what he had just told Paul and I and we all ran to the treaty line to meet with the Cullens.

Of course when we got there I had to phase and translate.

"So what's the update?" I asked.

"There's an army coming an army of newborns." Carlisle explained.

"So I take it that we have to fight." I sighed.

"Yes that's the only way we can defeat the red head and her posy." Carlisle sighed.

"Sam wants to know what we have to do and how are newborns different from you." I questioned.

"We need to find a place to meet and train because newborns are way stronger than we are because their human blood still lingers in their new tissue and Jasper knows how to deal with newborns and beat them." Carlisle hung his head low.

"Sam wants to know if you have a mind in place to meet." I turned and looked back at Carlisle.

"There's a field where we play baseball that gives us an advantage we meet there tonight at 6 you guys are welcome to come." Carlisle nodded.

"Sam said we will be there." I nodded and turned back to Sam.

"Thank you for agreeing we will see you then." Carlisle nodded and they disappeared in the forest.

Before I phased back I took a second to gather my thoughts, I didn't want anyone to know what had happened last night and the dream in the meadow. After I collected myself and tucked my thoughts far enough the guy couldn't reach I phased and joined the pack at Emily's. Everyone had phased back and was inside and I did the same.

I walked in and all eyes were on me.

"What?" I questioned.

"It's Monday." Embry stated.

"And that means what?" I was confused.

Seth walked up to me and whispered in my ear.

"That means Bella is here, her and Jake are about to get here." Seth whispered.

"Oh right, it's whatever at this point I don't even care as long as she doesn't talk to me." I smiled.

"I'm proud of you Candice your growing." Sam smiled and rubbed my shoulder.

"Thanks, where's Emily?" I looked around the room.

"She is still asleep, the baby doesn't let her get much sleep." Sam explained.

"Ok then that means I'll make breakfast." I smiled.

All the boys cheered softly making sure not to wake Emily or hell would arise both in Emily and in Sam.

I made breakfast making sure everyone would have enough. Right as I finished Jake and Bella walked in. God she smelled disgusting all I could smell was bloodsucker and it hurt my nose.

"Hey babe, how's it going?" Paul walked in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Good I just finished but my nose hurts." I laughed quietly.

"Mine to it's that bloodsucker lover." Paul laughed quietly laughed with me.

"What's so funny?" Seth asked walking in the kitchen.

"I'll tell you later but tell the boys it's time to eat." I smiled.

Seth smiled and ran to the living room where everyone was at.

I laid out all the food and plates so the boys could serve themselves. I made sure to set some food aside for Emily when she woke up and placed it in the fridge. All the guys rushed in and grabbed plates. Bella and Jake were the last ones to enter the kitchen.

"Boys save some for Jake and his" I paused for a moment. "Friend." I finally spoke again.

"Hey it's not our fault their slow." Jared laughed which caused everyone else to laugh.

I sat down and served myself and sat on Paul's lap. I analyzed Bella's every move but I made sure not to draw attention to myself and make sire Jake didn't notice. She was quiet and only talked to Jake once in a while, she looked sad which I'm guessing is because she missed her bloodsucker. I laughed to myself at the thought.

"What's funny Candice?" Jake asked.

"Do you have your sit together." I asked taking another bite of my food.

"Not in your eyes." Jake answered quietly.

"Ok then don't talk to me." I calmly spoke.

Jake just nodded and continued to eat his food.

"Does she not like me?" I heard a quiet voice speak.

Before Jake could I answer Seth spoke.

"We have very good hearing." Seth looked at Bella.

"So all of you heard me?" Bella asked.

All the boys nodded and I just stayed quiet trying to keep myself together and not reach over the table and rip her piece by piece.

"I'm sorry Candice." Bella looked at me.

"Look Bella I don't like you and everyone knows it even your blood sucker boyfriend but we are risking our lives to save yours and we welcomed you into the pack house and I made you breakfast the least you could do is not ask questions about us in front of us on our land so to answer your question again no I do not like you." I calmly spoke and glared at Bella in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Bella spoke again this time not looking at me.

I still glared at her and spoke.

"It's fine just don't do it again."

She nodded her head and then I felt eyes on me. I looked over and saw Jake starring at me with shock all over his face. I couldn't tell if he was shocked I talked to Bella or I didn't rip her apart when she did talk to me. It didn't matter I just gave Jake a friendly smile and got up and started to clean the dishes.

Paul followed me in the kitchen and helped me clean up.

"You know I'm very proud of you and how you handled that." Paul smiled and kissed my lips softly.

"I only did it because I'm trying not to hurt Jake even more than I already have." I sighed and kissed Paul again.

"He will figure his shot out soon." Paul picked me up and set me on the corner and started kissing my neck.

I giggled until Jake and Bella walked in the kitchen.

"Paul." I smacked his shoulder.

"What?" He questioned and then turned around.

"I just wanted to thank you for breakfast." Jake smiled.

I just nodded and smiled a friendly smile.

Jake and Bella walked out of the kitchen and left I guess It was time to take Bella back to her blood sucker.

Paul and I finished cleaning up and went into the living room where all the guys were except Sam.

"Where's Sam?" I looked around the room.

"He went in his room to check on Emily." Embry explained.

I just nodded and sat on the couch. I was laying on Paul and then Seth laid on me so we were basically a train.