Hello Lovely readers. Sorry this isn't an update yet. One will be coming soon I promise.
I wanted to put this here one to explain my plans for this story and two to ask for support for a story I've entered for contest I'd love my readers support for. It's on Stary my pename is the same and the title is -I will become the Demon. Taking the best friend's place. I will include a link once I figure out how.
https://www.starywriting.com/novel/TxTNuzlW9ibdFI5DBXR6qQ%3D%3D.html highlight to open link correctly
I have some plot twists ahead for my intrigued readers. There are many more chapters come, but there'll probably no sequel to this book. At most, I may make a side story for Daniel, but I feel like this is a one story kind of book. I hope my readers will understand and I appreciate your support