Interesting News

After work was over which ended up taking until after six in the evening for Richard due to a few difficult clients, he had been intending to go home for a quiet evening to have a quick dinner and work further on the proposal book he had been trying to get together.

Things however didn't work as planned when eight thirty rolled around and there was a sudden knock on the door. He had shut his phone off earlier so that he could since there was no important reason for anyone to bother him since it was evening and he was done with work for the day. Thus, he had no idea who might be at the door wanting to bother him.

Sighing, he put his computer down in order to stand up so he could leave his study and see who was wanting his attention. Whoever it was must've been impatient as they knocked on the door a second time by the time he had walked half-way across the house to open it.

"I didn't think that you were in town." He commented when he saw that Charlotte was the one who had been knocking impatiently at the door. He could tell that her intention was to come inside but he positioned himself in such away as to block her from doing so. He wouldn't have usually minded the unexpected company but he was busy right now and didn't have time.

"Is that really have you welcome someone who you've known for years when they suddenly pay you a friendly visit?" Charlotte replied as she raised eyebrow at him, asking him nonverbally with her expression why he was not letting her in.

"It is when I'm busy and don't have the free time to entertain them." Richard replied as he closed the door ever so slightly more to indicate to her that he didn't have a lot of free time and wasn't going to budge by allowing her inside.

"I had an unexpected meeting in the area that I need to take care of and happened to hear some interesting rumors that I wanted to verify with you, but your phone was off. I thought the best way to come and get the answers would be to visit you." She explained, a touch of annoyance at her voice.

"Well, you'll have to reschedule for another day because I have a lot going on right now and don't have the time to entertain. Of course it is always nice to see when you stop by, but it'll have to be until next time." Richard replied as he shifted to get ready to close the door. Charlotte wasn't going to have any of this and stuck her heeled boot in the door to stop the man from completely closing the door in her face. He flashed her an annoyed look in response to her action. It was late and he didn't have the energy to deal with such stubbornness.

"I'm sure that whatever it is you're dealing with can wait until later. This is something important I want to ask you about and I came all this way out of the way to talk with you about it, so be a reasonable host and let me." She told him, the tone of her voice told him that she dared him to still challenge her and say no after she made it clear she wasn't going to back off.

"Persistent woman, I already told you that I don't have time for this. We can discuss this at latter date over the phone. It's nothing for you to concern yourself with in the first place." Richard replied.

"So does that mean you would rather me go to Daniel and his girl and found out from them inside and hear it the straight bluntness of it?" Charlotte asked as she pulled her phone out to show that she would make good on her threat.

"You know as well as I do that Daniel wouldn't tell you anything that I wouldn't want anyone to know unless I gave him permission to." Richard replied, his eyes narrowing as he felt his temper rising at the unexpected threat. It didn't wane either when a sly smirk appeared on her face after he said this.

"Oh, I am well aware of that. However, there is someone else I know that would be able to get him to talk if I really wanted to know what was going on and she happens to owe me a favor I wouldn't mind wasting on this." She replied knowing that Melissa would actually be more than happy to get Daniel to give the information.

"Do what you wish if you're going to be that pushy. Just don't expect a courtesy calling the next time you're in the area." He replied, pushing back against her foot to get it to move. He had more physical strength than she did but he wasn't one to use it unless the situation really called for it.

"Courtesy calling? If that's what you call half the times you come pick me up when I'm around or in situations like this- you might want change your vocabulary choice." Charlotte scoffed as she pushed back against him.

Richard was now at the point that despite wasting time his time continuing to banter with the woman standing in front of him, his pride was too big to let her come inside at this point.

"Charlotte." he said in a level tone.

"I said we'll talk another time which means we'll talk time." He reiterated before opened the door enough to give her one firm push back in order to be able to shut it.

"I know don't appreciate, but I don't have the time right now." He said before closing the door in her face.

Richard sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, he spent too much time on that when there was too much else he needed to do.

He didn't really care that Charlotte was going to be likely to talk with Daniel and Melissa about what was going, he would just still the club owner ahead and explain that pain upon death he wasn't to breathe a word about it if he still wanted them to work together.