
Lionel spent the next day and a half reading through the Mages Guide. There were even beginner level spells that provided detail on using one or more elements to perform a task. It gave fairly good detail on the steps to mastery too. Step one was to learn to control an element with the energy inside the mage. Step two was to learn to feel the energy in the environment. Step 3 had to deal with becoming in tune with that external energy. The fourth and final step was using that external energy to fuel the elements. Lionel also learned that there were different Mage Classes.

The classes started with a Budling Mage, which was someone who had the aptitude to be trained. These individuals technically were technically part of the classifications but were not considered true mages, since they had yet to use magic. The first classification of mages were those who only used their internal energy to control an element, they were known as a Neophytes. Once the mage could use spells they would be considered an Apprentice. The third classification was known as a Master, and they would be able to use some of their internal energy and the external energy to perform magic. Finally the fourth classification was a master known as an Artificer. Artificers were considered rare, they would be able to rely on external energy in the environment to cast their magic. They had almost limitless energy at their disposal; as long as there was still energy in the environment Artificers could continue to perform their arts. Lionel only fell within the Budling Mage category.

Lionel had read through the introductory five times already. The book said that a mage's aptitude would dictate the feel of their internal energy. That internal energy was known as Vervane. The caster would first need to touch their Vervane with their consciousness before they would be able to use it. The energy would be represented by an immaterial pool in the subconscious of the mage. A mage would be able to see the pool by focusing their mind inward.

Lionel sat for an additional day meditating. He kept trying to look within to understand how to use the Vervane. He hadn't stopped meditating even to eat in that timeframe. It was difficult to tune out Drindle grouching in the background. Drindle had told Lionel it would take him a year or more to go from a Budling Mage to a Neophyte. Lionel didn't want to accept that. He knew that the Gardgans would be after him. Based on what Drindle said the Gardgans wanted the amulet Lionel absorbed. Lionel felt he needed to be prepared for anything so he worked at trying to gain access to the Vervane.

The old man spoke occasionally letting Lionel know how long before they couldn't fly anymore. They about two days from the nearest town. They were headed to it to pick up horses to pull the wagon. Drindle said he didn't want to be spotted before they arrived in the capital. It seemed the old man had always been private and didn't want anyone to know his whereabouts.

After having meditated for almost an entire day and getting nowhere Lionel laid back heavily on the wagon floor.

"Haaaaaahhh!!! What is the Vervane even supposed to look like?! What am I even doing wrong?!" Lionel heard a sudden shift about a meter beside him.

"Boy!! Were you trying to give me a heart attack?!" Drindle sat bolt upright with his wisp of hair matted to his head. his eyes were wide but the bags could be seen under them.

Lionel looked at the old geezer, a sheepish expression on his face. He hadn't realized that it was night time and had inadvertently woken the old man.

The ancient bushy brows furrowed and fell over soft blue eyes. "You ruined my dream too.." The old man looked down at his lap. "It was the best part too.."

At that statement Lionel realized what the old man meant and immediately rolled toward the wall. He didn't want to see what Drindle was looking at.

"You owe me for screwing up my dream. Here I am enjoying a young lady in my dream and you go and spoil it. Ya know the last time I got lucky was about 400 years ago."

Lionel could hear the pouting voice of Drindle. He didn't even know how to respond. As the silence became awkward Lionel asked the only question that popped into his mind. "Who was she?"

"The most hateful woman you would ever see." The disdain of the geezer's voice was palpable. Lionel rolled over to see the old man's face scrunched up. His eyebrows were furrowed and his blue eyes shown with an angry light.

"What did she do to you?" Lionel couldn't understand. Any woman who would bed the old fart had to be a saint. Why would the old guy be angry?

"Ank, you really wanna make my night worse don't you?" the old man's eyes softened slightly as he responded.

"No, I just don't understand how someone you slept with could be so bad."

"Well you can judge her for yourself when we get to the Grand Library."

"Really? what's this Grand Library even like?" Lionel grew curious after hearing about the Grand Library again.

"Yes, really. She is the master librarian. the Grand Library is a place where almost all the knowledge of the different realms is housed. It is near the Order of Nephrem's border with Wastrial."

"Who owns the library?" Lionel was enjoying his break from meditating so he continued to ask questions. It appeared the old man was still feeling jitters from being startled awake.

"Well no one owns it, boy. It is a protected place. You must gain premission before entry is allowed." the old man leaned backward and propped himself up with his arm while answering Lionel's latest query.

"Why is it protected though?"

"Are you dense? It has knowledge that could change the fate of our world of course it is protected. Haven't you heard the saying 'Knowledge is power'?" The old man's face seemed exasperated. Lionel felt slightly stupid for asking a question with such an obvious answer. The silence stretched on for a few minutes before Drindle yawned.

"Have you touched the Vervane yet?"

Lionel looked down at the wooden planks of the wagon floor before answering. "Not yet, I don't understand where to look inside to find it."

"You can't find it, you must feel it." at those words the old man sat back up, held out his hand, and closed his eyes. Lionel felt a cool sensation on his skin. It felt like a sheet of fabric was sliding over his exposed flesh.

Lionel saw a small flame appear in Drindle's outstretched hand.

Drindle opened his eyes and spoke while staring at a flame flickering between his fingers. "My Vervane is almost gone from age. This is my Internal energy along with a little external energy."

Lionel stared at the flame for a few more seconds before it burned itself out. He felt like seeing the geezer use his Vervane had cleared up some confusion in his mind. Drindle looked at his face and knew that it would be best to let Lionel be alone to think.

"Goodnight boy. Don't wake me again." At those words the old man rolled over and pulled up his blanket.

Lionel sat upright and immediately closed his eyes he wanted to remember the feeling of seeing the energy flow. He started to meditate again.