Just because

"Ahh. My butt hurts." Falkor said as he felt his consciousness return to him.

Falkor felt like he just slept the sleep of his life, and he was feeling great.

However, strangely enough, his body was hurting all over.

It was strange as he didn't feel like this even after having a fight against a god.

And when Falkor raised his body, confusion interrupted his thoughts.

His eyes widened so big that it looked like they might drop out of their sockets.

Why? It was because Falkor just noticed that his body was light as a feather!

His dragon body isn't this light, that's for sure. At least, Falkor knows how heavy his body was.

That was why he looked at himself.

And when he did, his already widened eyes widened even further!

After all, the last thing that he checked, he had huge, bony, scaly, black hands.

However, why is it now that his body was showing a...light, skinny, weak-looking, and pathetic hands?

What's more, Falkor could remember something from these hands.

And that was the humans that he used to kill had this kind of hand.

They had this kind of arm! That was why Falkor's confusion turned even into greater heights when he looked at himself.

He looked down, and there he saw his chest that used to be so brave, now looked small!

His stomach that couldn't be tamed was nowhere to be seen and replaced with something like a hole!

His scary legs that used to terrorize all beings in Terrarosa was gone!

Unable to bear the fact that his body was like this, Falkor shouted.

"What the hell is this?!!"

"I've turned...into a human?!?!"

"What the fuck!!!"

Falkor's voice resounded out in this place, and it even echoed out as he heard it return to his ears.

However, Falkor couldn't give a damn about that as he started thinking.


Why did I turn into a human? That was Falkor's thoughts, and he only focused on that.

It was then that Falkor remembered the time before he lost consciousness.

It was with a battle, no, was it even a battle?

It was through a one-sided beating that he lost consciousness and woke up as a human.

Falkor then remembered that he got beat up by Invictus and was told only one thing.

'Be reborn and learn some manners! Right, that's what that fucking god told me.'

Falkor thought, but then he also wondered why Invictus would do this.

And when Falkor thought even harder, he soon remembered what Invictus told him before he killed Falkor.

'He killed me...just because I ate at his house?!'

And when Falkor realized that, his eyes widened once more.

After all, it was such a bullshit reason that even he, the infamous naughty dragon, couldn't believe it.

Falkor just became still as he couldn't think about anything else, but just this fact.

However, that shock eventually became rage and hatred!

After all, even Falkor wouldn't do something like this just because someone ate in his house.

"That fucking Invictus...!" Falkor said as he bit his lips.

Although Falkor wasn't used to a human body, he was still able to move.

Falkor was a dragon, and a dragon is a being that is stronger and special than a human.

A human that became a dragon wouldn't be able to move a dragon's body, but it would be different if it were the opposite.

A dragon turned into a human would be able to move the human body quite easily.

And that is a fact as Falkor could move his body with no problems.

That was why Falkor was able to stand up with no real challenges.

"That fucker really put me into such a shame of a body?!"

For Falkor, humans were nothing but ants roaming and festering the world.

They did nothing but irritate the mighty and great dragon.

Once, humans have banded together and formed a group numbering millions just to hunt down Falkor.

And that made Falkor hate them, which is why Falkor didn't like the fact that he was a human now.

Well, Falkor's pride was as great as the sky, so even if he were to have a body that is not human, he wouldn't accept it either.

"I'll get him later for this!"

"I'll kill you, eat your pieces, and make you burn into my stomach!!"


Falkor shouted with all his heart as he swore vengeance deep within himself.

"I'll make you rot in heaven itself, Invictus!!"

Falkor was so mad right now towards the god who did this to him.

His voice reverberated in this place as he shouted with all his might!

He even shook the land with it!

However, it seems that he couldn't stay that way any longer as his breathing changed.

"Huff. Puff."

Falkor's breathing became rough, and he could feel his chest tightening.

It was weird that he even knew what was happening to him since this body was new to him.

However, Falkor didn't care about that now as he spoke.

"This body...is extremely weak."

Right, that was the only thing he could say about his body.

After all, Falkor only shouted out to his heart's content, and it wasn't even his strongest shout.

However, Falkor was feeling the effects of it as his breathing quickly changed.


It hasn't even been an hour with his new body, but there was only one thing that Falkor could say about his human body.

'It's really weak.'

This body...is a piece of trash. That was Falkor's honest thoughts as he sat down on the ground.

He then closed his eyes as he just tried to rest.

He didn't want to strain this piece of trash body when it couldn't even handle him shouting.

Well, there's just no way a human body would be able to handle Falkor the dragon's roar.

And when he rested quite a bit and had his breathing return to normal, Falkor spoke with a smirk.

"Heh. To think I would be in a human's body..."

I didn't expect this shit.