This is fun!

In this forest, where the sky was still dark, there were two humans who were standing in front of each other.

Of course, those humans were Falkor and the mysterious woman who kept laughing her ass off.

It didn't take the woman to calm down, though. Well, she did hurt her tummy by laughing too hard at Falkor.

And when the woman finally got a hold of herself together, Falkor finally spoke up.

"So, why did you heal me?" Falkor said as she looked at the woman.

After all, there were no advantages for this woman to heal Falkor.

At least, for Falkor, that was the case.

"It's nothing. It's just a whim of mine." The woman said as she put her hands behind her back and started swaying her upper body.

"Why are you here, then? You said that this forest was yours? How come I didn't see you when I was staying here all this time?"

The woman said as she stopped swaying her upper body to look at Falkor.

After all, the woman was here for a long, long, long time.

She knew that there was no one else here besides her. And that was why the woman knew that Falkor was basically lying.

However, that didn't really matter to the woman.

"I came here today. The moment I came here, the forest became mine. You got any problems with that, human?" Falkor said as he moved his body quite...weirdly.

He was trying to adjust to the clothes that he got. It was actually quite a task for him.

After all, he became a human just today, and he had to move his body the first time like a baby.

Now, he was moving his body with clothes! If Falkor weren't a dragon but some other entity, he would surely have a hard time doing that.

"Mwahahaha. You're still talking about that? You're definitely funny. If that's the case, then you aren't here to assassinate me?"

The woman said as she looked at Falkor's black eyes. With the clothes that she gave to him, Falkor was looking quite handsome now.

With his black hair, Falkor was definitely looking hot. At least, for this woman, Falkor definitely surpassed her standards.

However, it's not like that would affect her decisions regarding this whole situation.

Her motive in saving Falkor was still there, and that was the only thing she had on her mind.

She was just trying to get Falkor comfortable with her, as it was obvious that Falkor was having trouble.

Of course, she was just reading Falkor wrong.

"Of course not. Why do you think I would use assassination to deal with a puny human like yourself?"

"Don't get your head too big."

"A human like you needs only a finger of mine to be defeated."

Falkor said as he stretched out his hand. However, he soon became puzzled.

After all, he didn't know how to flick with human fingers.

"Oh? You sound like you're not a human. No, you actually sound like someone with brain damage!"

The woman said as she turned around. She then started walking away from Falkor.

"Follow me. I know a better place where we can talk!"

The woman said as she continued walking. And Falkor just saw her back go fade away as she took step after step.

"Hmm..." Falkor hummed as he started thinking about this whole situation.

He didn't know what to do. After all, he wasn't sure about the woman that he just met.

Will the woman kill Falkor? Was she just deceiving Falkor for some reason?

Even if Falkor was saved by this woman, that doesn't mean she has good intentions.

After all, Falkor saved humans, too, only to kill them in the end.

However, it's not like Falkor had any choices in this situation.

Falkor was new to this world and didn't know anything in this place.

That was why it was essential for Falkor to talk with this woman.

There might be some knowledge that he could use in the future that he could get from this woman.

There might be some information that the woman could tell Falkor.

Just by talking with the woman and staying alive in the end would be extremely beneficial for the newcomer Falkor.

Falkor could even get to know the world that he came into just by talking with her.

What's more, Falkor wasn't sure if he could beat the woman in a fight.

He was injured by a woman before, who was supposedly one of the woman's guards.

However, Falkor could feel that this woman was a lot stronger than the woman that he killed.

"I have no choice but to go with her." Falkor said as he looked up once more.

And because Falkor was a dragon, he was decisive. And that was why he started to follow after the woman who already disappeared into the forest.

'Argh. Having no choice when it comes to humans annoys me!' Falkor thought.

However, he didn't voice them out loud. After all, he knew that the woman was somehow listening to him.

He didn't want to have the chance to gain information about this world to be gone just like that.

That was why he was just silently walking as his eyes looked into the shadows of the forest.


'Hmm. Interesting! This guy is interesting!' A thought resounded out in the woman's mind as she continued walking.

Of course, this woman was the one who was with Falkor just a while ago.

As this woman didn't have any interactions with other humans, she was a little bit lonely.

And the guy who just came here was so interesting that the woman took a liking to their first meeting!

'He's a little bit off in the head, but that's alright!' The woman thought as she swayed her body left and right.

After all, she was feeling happy and elated right now.

She was happy that she finally got to meet someone else after a decade.

"This is fun!"