The breakfast began and Loraine, Falkor, Lara, and Isobel began eating the food on the table.
It was going great, and the scenery and the mood of the breakfast were soothing to the mind as well.
If one had to describe it, then it would be like eating in a five-star restaurant, headed by the greatest chefs.
Naturally, since this is the first time that Falkor ever had a proper meal in this world, he had his mind blown, literally.
In his previous world, Terrarosa, Falkor has never eaten in a sophisticated place like this one.
He was always eating while flying after killing a wyvern or some monster of some sort.
The only time he ever has a relaxing meal is when he lands in some random forest and takes his time to eat his meal there.
However, due to how big his mouth was and his appetite, his meal always finishes in no time at all.