"The name of the Dazallona Family's core techniques...is the Dragon Core."
Loraine said with a smile on her face.
It seems that she was happy that Falkor was really interested in her family's core techniques.
After all, if Falkor didn't even have an interest in it and would just proceed to do whatever he has to do to improve the Dazallona Family's Dragon Core, then the results would be...boring.
At least, that's what Loraine thought in this situation.
Of course, even if the results would be boring, Loraine would be more than happy to receive something like that as it would still come from Falkor, the man she loves.
Anyway, when Falkor heard those words, his eyes...narrowed a little bit.
It was because he just suddenly got suspicions about this whole thing.
No, he was not suspecting Loraine or anyone else for that matter.
Loraine didn't even know who or what kind of a human Falkor was until yesterday.