
The first day of Falkor's training has finally ended when Sophia decided to take the night off after seeing something.

After that, Sophia has quickly run off back to the mansion without even waiting for Falkor.

This is because Sophia does not even want to go back with Falkor.

She did not want something like that, so naturally, she went ahead of him to prevent that from happening.

After all, it's not like Sophia had any legitimate reason to shoo Falkor away from her now.

Now that Falkor has shown his capability of being able to practice the Dragon Core, Sophia had no more reasons to do shoo him away.

However, there is another reason why Sophia ran off towards the mansion.

And this is because of what she saw. This is because of what she said, which is also the reason why Sophia even decided to end the first day of training now.

Well, what Sophia saw was not really that special or anything of the sort.