Waking up

"Now, what shall I do with you?" Invictus said those words.

His face was really that of a cocky prick, and it seems that he's assured of his victory now.

Of course, seeing this really enraged Falkor.

Invictus is the one who killed him back when he was still a dragon.

It is only natural that seeing Invictus would really enrage Falkor.

However, this time, it is not the usual level of his rage. His rage is burning more than ever.

This is because his rage is becoming mixed with the woman's rage.

The woman's rage, all directed at Invictus since he is the one who took everything away from her...and Falkor's rage...became combined.

And it was then that something unexpected happened.

And that was the fact that...because their rage has combined...their persona...their strength...and most importantly, their consciousness has combined as well.