brother in law / u love the person, not the gender

yoongi smiled when his sister introduced her new boyfriend, even when he thought that the guy was a bit too handsome, girlish for a boy. also the voice. gentle, with a lisp, girlish. he was confused, why his sister would wanna be with a guy like that. her previous boyfriends were manly, bearded, low voices, loud, sometimes distgusting behaviour. and now this.... thing. he asked her and she said, that jimin was cute. he brought her motherly feelings out, the need to protect him. yoongi only shook his head.

yoongi smiled when his sister told him and their parents the news of engagement and showed the nice ring. jimin smiled widley, his eyes disappeared, yoongi found that hilarious. it seemed, his sister had found her better half, her soulmate, the one who made her happy.

yoongi was still single. no girl stayed longer than some weeks tops. his parents were highly concerned. his sister even had the audacity to ask him, if he was secretly gay. yoongi only huffed at that.

"yoongs i need u to spent the next 2 weeks with jimin" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" yoongi looked pissed at her. "for what? why should i babysit a grown man?" "just keep him company until i am back?!" "where u going anyway?" "business trip, japan" yoongi sighed and rolled his eyes. his sister knew she had won. "thanks yoongs. be nice, please" yoongi rolled his eyes again. 2 weeks of torture.... "u owe me" she just grinned.

yoongi was bar-hopping with his besties hope and his boyfriend joon. drunk of course, he complaint about his commitment to babysit his sisters fiance.

"is he cute?" "think so" "is he handsome?" "think so" "is he hot?" "my sister thinks so" "not asking your sister" "hm... maybe" "is he sexy?" "isnt hot the same?" "come on" "yeah....maybe...dont know... he is a guy, small, girlish... soooo" yoongi shrugged and grimaced his face at hope. joon lazly hung on hope and slured by now. "uuuuuhhhhh yoons has his hots for a guuuuyyyyyy, yooongggsssss...." "shut up, or u can walk home" yoongi grumbled. "u would let us walk home?" "just him" "stop beeing a child. be nice and be nice to that guy. he will be your brother in law soon" yoongi only grumbled again and cursed under his breath.

"thank u so much....even it wasnt necessary" "naaaaa, no problemo" "okay, what we are going to do?" "what u want?" "what are u doing normally on a tuesday?" "work, playing basketball, or going to the gym, dinner, fishing" "fishing at night?!" "more in the morning. i ll start at 4 am" "can i come?" "sure"

they almost spent every day together, they became friends. yoongi started to like jimin. started to look forward to spent time with him. his sister was very pleased, when she came home again. surprised of the disappointment of her comming back, yoongi tried to figure out, why.

the next weeks, yoongi involved himself a lot in the wedding preparations, to his family's utter bafflement. he only rolled his eyes. in secret he enjoyed beeing close with jimin again. they had fun, making fun of the several idiotic shades of white, about the bridemaids dresses, the weird wedding planner. also the fishing dates became a routine between them.


yoongis phone rang and chuckled into it. "hey shorty!" he only heard sniffing. "jiminie? are u having a cold, or...whats wrong?" "she cheated on me, she left me" "she...what?? my sis cheated? with whom?" "remember the business trip?" "yeah" "wasnt one. she was on a "love" trip with some guy she met on insta" jimin cried. yoongi felt his heart clensh. "wanna come here?" "cant drive in this condition" "where is she?" "dont know... maybe with him?" "i ll be there in 15. hang on"

as yoongi drove, he thought about the situation. poor jimin, how fucking stupid could his sister be?! why would she do that? jimin was perfect for her. he was cute and manly. funny, serious, handsome, smart.... almost ashamed of this first thoughts of jimin, yoongi swore, he would help him, would stay friends with him, wouldnt forgave his sister ever for that.

yoongi opened the door, saw the devastated male on the sofa, walked to him and took him into a bonecrushing hug.

"ne...need...air....hurt...hurt...." "oh sorry" yoongi let go and sat a bit back. one hand caressed the tear stained face. "its okay...." "i brought u this" "oh....snaps?" "lets drink" "dont think so..." "we need alcohol" "okay...but snaps?!" "dont be a pussy. .... and i didnt had anything else" jimin gave him finally a grin and got 2 shot glasses. "lets do it"

drunk as fuck, both had fun and not. they laughed, cried, laughed again. somehow they made it to the bedroom and fell asleep on the bed.

groggy, groaning jimin woke up. too weak to move, he tried to figure out 1. where he was, oh....bedroom, good... 2. what held him tightly..... with a painfull moan, he turned his head back...oh...yeah....yoongi came yesterday.... but.... whatever.... need sleep.

yoongi woke up, saw that he was in a spooning situation with jimin. too hangover, he stayed like this longer, enjoyed the other warm body in his arms and how perfect they fit together. with a satisfied sigh, he pressed his body more into jimins, failed to notice his morning wood. as jimin gave out a delicious moan, yoongi flinshed, shocked he froze, but jimin only started to move his butt more onto him. he even pulled yoongis hand to his crotch and rubbed it against his also hard dick. yoongi was still not fully awake. as jimins body moved, he had trouble to grasp the situation. he started to shake jimin.

"wake up" ....."jimin, wake up"... "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" jimin shot up by the yell and looked like a deer in headlights around. "where...wha?.... what?" "morning" "shit...yoongs why did u woke me up!" yoongi rubbed his face and yawned. "u have a hard on" jimin looked down on him, back to yoongi, he pointed at him. "ha! u too... why is that a reason to wake me up?" yoongi yawned again and stretched his body. "we spooned. u rubbed on my dick, i rubbed yours" "oh..... why did u stop? we would have come by now" yoongi glanced at him. "jimin... u are still drunk and sad. we shouldnt... we cant..." "why not?" "u are hurt, u are not in your right mind" jimin scoffed. "dont shit me, fuck me" "huh...whaaat?"

jimin scoffed again, sat onto yoongis lap, pushed him back down on the bed. "i want it. i want u to do it. i need it! i need to feel something, yoongs. please, dont hurt me too" yoongi looked into his face and saw all emotions. pain, fear, desperation, hope, vulnerability.


yoongi heaved himself up and captured jimins lips. finally, after all the nights, of imagineing how they would probably feel, how his skin would taste, how the texture would feel on his tongue, how he would sound.... all this thoughts, he tried to much to push away....

yoongi was out of his mind, thank u snaps, he lost it. with gusto, he conquered jimins body, inhaled his scent, enjoyed his sounds, tortured him with bites and sucks. still he knew, deep inside, he needed to prepare jimin. "lube" his voice was raspy. jimin only pointed to his nightstand. yoongi yanked it open, got the lube and with a huge amount, he fingered his almost brother in law. jimins loud moans and groans were musik in yoongis ears. he couldnt wait anymore and with a bit of force, he entered the hole. with a hard and fast pace, he only could moan and huff into jimins ear.

"yoongs..... yooonnnggsssss..... take me from behind... from behind..." yoongi growled, backed away, yanked jimin around and pushed back in. jimins face was pressed into his sheets, his butt high up in the air.


blurred vision, need for air, exhaustion and confusion. the boys layed there, stared to the ceiling, trying to figure out.

jimin felt yoongis muscles tense up, about to sit up and walk away, he held yoongis arm. "dont leave me" "i need to clean us" "we can take a shower" "okay" yoongis muscles relaxed again. jimin needed a deep breath. they stayed silent for a moment.

"what now?" jimin whispered. "i am sorry" "for what?.... dont u think it was finally time?" "huh?" "be honest, yoongi" yoongi sighed big and suddenly started to chuckle. "whats so funny?" jimin looked pissed and hurt. "this situation.... the whole thing... i am not regretting it,.... but u have to agree, its a bit...odd" jimin hooded his eyes. "thats not the answer to my question and no, its not. we like each other, we like us a lot. u know it, i know it. we should thank your sister" he gave yoongi a smug face. yoongi looked amused. "u thought about me.... doing things to u....while u were with my sister?! thats not nice" "still the truth" "shit... what are we gonna do?" "date, we are gonna date" yoongi grinned.


they held their relationship under the radar, yoongi rarely talked with his sister, their parents were disappointed with her, they liked jimin very much. so jimin was still invited for dinners sometimes.

yoongis sister moved to another town, to her new boyfriend. another one.

after some months together, yoongi bought couple rings, he walked by the store and saw them on display. without a thought, he went in and bought them. when he drove home, his apartment, it hit him.

jimin cut apples, when he felt arms around him. with a smile, he turned his head a bit. "hey, u are at home" "i am home" yoongi turned jimin fully around to him, held one ring out. "a ring...." jimin shrugged. "marry me" "uhm.... really?" yoongi nodded. jimins face turned from surprised to happyness. "yes" yoongi grinned, shoved the ring onto jimins ring and pulled him in for a kiss, when all of the sudden a yell destroyed their happy time.

"what the fuck?!" both boys looked to the entry of yoongis kitchen. there she stood. with a very ugly expression.

yoongi smirked and glarred at her. "hey sis... thanks for calling before just stomping into my home" "whats with u?! what are u doing?! u are disgusting!" yoongi pulled jimin behind his back.

"fuck off, u slut. jimin and i love each other, we are gonna marry soon. u will not be invited." "how could u two do that to me?!" "do what?! u cheated, u whored around. u break hearts as a sport. u are cruel to everyone who dares to love u. get out of my house and never talk to us again, if u cant be civil!" yoongi growled. his sister ran out, they heard her car driving away.

"we should talk with my parents too" "and mine" "everything will be okay" "i know. u are here" they smiled at each other and got their phones, to call their parents.