the offer / never left your drink alone! namtaeminkook

its a foursome..... enjoy

tae slunched on the sofa and yawned. "i am so fucking bored, boss" joon looked annoyed up from his book. "why didnt u go with the boys to the stripclub?" "naaaaa. its always the same. i need something fresh, someone fresh!" he smirked. joon sighed and put his book away. he stretched his arms. "hm, i could have some fresh ass too." tae pulled out a small bag with two white pills. "got something new." "whats that?" "makes u horny as hell, but u will have a cloudy memory after" "a rape drug?" tae shook his head. "no! u will be clear in the head, but cant help to want sex. thats all." joon looked at the pills. "ok. let us try them out. get your ass up!" they drove to a club. the club was full, a lot of people, a lot of victims for the gang boss and the right hand. "do u see someone good?" tae looked around. "lets get some booze first!" they walked to the bar, got their drinks and looked around again.

kook and jimin had a lot of fun. they were dancing and drinking since hours. they were best friends since toddlers and attended now the same university. "hey! that chick flirted with u" jimin yelled. kook looked to the girl. "ha! dont think so" they lauhgt. "need the toilett!" jimin yelled again and walked to the restrooms. jimin enterd the toilett laughing and bumbed into someone. "oh sorry!" he smiled at the guy and walked to the urinals. he opend his pants and sighed as he peed. tae stood there still and scanned the boy up and down. he was really pretty, nice puffy lips, cute smile, sparkling eyes, small but nice body. he wanted to wreck this body. he wanted to see the horny face of this boy. he wanted to hear him yelling his name. tae licked his lips and went out. he found his victim for tonight. joon saw taes expression and smirked. "who?" "restroom. there he is" "he? didnt know tae" joon looked surprised. "i dont care if its male or female. ass is ass" tae statet. joon laught. "u should try one too! its amazing!" joon tilted his head and looked at taes choice. he looked good and he could understand why tae wanted him. he saw the boy talking and laughing with another boy. joons eyes widend. the friend looked good too, taller, musclier, more manlier. joon smirked again. "good. i can imagine the friend" tae smiled. "ok lets get going" he danced to the boys with his drink and pretended to stumble drunk onto them and poured his drink on their shirts. "oh my god! i am so sorry! let me pay u some drinks as an apology!" jimin starred angry at him. "this shirt was expensiv!" "i will pay for the cleaner!" tae pulled them to the bar, he payed them drinks and slipt the pills in it. the boys started to chatt. joon came too. they walked to a sofa and laught. "no really! she puked on me! u can imagine i wasnt into her anymore. so disgusting!" tae told his story and the boys cracked up. after some minutes kook tilted his head. he felt funny hot. he wanted to stand up and go to the restroom, but his legs wouldnt obey him. jimin felt funny too. he rubbed his temples. tae and joon smirked at each other. "does the alcohol play your head?" joon asked kook and trailed a finger kooks arm down. he saw kook shiver. "i think so.... i want to go to the restroom, but my legs..." "i will help u" joon offert. kook noded. he felt like under water. the musik was loud one second, just to get low in the next, the faces of the people faded or stretched into grotesque forms. he stumbelt and bumpt into joon. jimin felt the same. he hang onto tae and just went with it. joon and tae pulled the boys to a staircase. a security guy stood there. "hey vince. a room please" vince raised his brow but let them trough. joon was the boss of this club, so he didnt say anything.

the boys layed on the bed and sat on the sofa. they panted as if they just finished a marathon, sweat ran down their faces and they were stone hard. tae leand to jimin and smiled. "we should take care of that, dont u think? that must hurt now" he stroked through the jeans. jimin moand. he couldnt understand what was up, he only knew that he was horny as hell and wanted relive asap. he pushed his hips up to get more friction with taes hand. tae smiled. joon pulled kooks shirt up and sucked his nipple. kook jolt up and grabed joons hair tight. he moved a lot, as joon let his hands trail over his body. kook let his head fell on the sofa. he sighed and moaned. joon turned to tae on the bed and shook his head. "this is so hot tae! good idea!" tae laught back and shoved his hand into jimins pants. "ooohhh!" jimin moaned loud out. tae licked his lips. he stood up, pulled the shoes and the jeans with the boxers down and threw the shirt away. "i have the condoms" tae panted. "give me some" tae striped down, he didnt want to fuck this boy right away, he wanted some fun before. kook whined and started to touch himself. joon chuckelt. "come on! put your fingers in. i wanna see it" he sucked on kooks fingers, played with his tongue on them and pulled kooks butt on the edge of the sofa. "spread your legs, knees to your chest" kook did as he was told. "now put your fingers in your hole" kook shoved his fingers in. he was already so wet that it didnt hurt. it just felt good. he thrusted and arched his back. kook moand so sexy that joons jeans got too thight for his erection, he ripped it open and got out of pants and underwear. tae nibbelt and sucked jimins overly wet hole. he was dripping and tae was mesmerized. he ate him out, sucked his balls into his mouth, swirled his tongue around them and scratched jimins skin. jimin was out of his mind. all felt so good and he couldnt stop. he needed more and more. the whole room echoed with moans and grunts, wet noises, the air smelled after male hornyness, sweat and after shave. joon jerked kook off and watched him still fingering himself hard. "oh please! do something!" joon saw fluid dripping out and almost exploded. he shoved kooks hand out and away, pushed his cock in and thrusted fast and deep. kook yelled out. jimin didnt waste a thought of kook, he was just focused on taes mouth. he wanted to come so bad, but tae didnt stop to tease him. jimin thought he will get insane. "taeeeeee" he moaned out. tae smirked and thrusted his tongue faster into his hole, he wouldnt let him get his climax soon. kook got fucked pretty hard and enjoyed it a lot. he held tight onto joons shoulders, tilted his head back and arched his hips up to get joon deeper into him. his hips moved frenticly against joons. joon felt like heaven, never felt sex so intense and he didnt want to end it. tae released jimin from torture and let him finally come. he looked at jimins hole how it moved and couldnt wait anymore. tae didnt give jimin time to recover and thrusted like a maniac. jimin still not down from his high yelled at the overstimuliation and shut his eyes. it was almost to much to bare, but he got hard in seconds again. kook came hard and fainted. joon not done thrusted still hard untill he also finally came. he rode his orgasm out and pulled out. he tossed the condom into the trashbin and sat down on the sofa, next to kook. tae came too, jimin again and layed down on the bed too. they all panted hard. "that was fucking good!" "i had no idea! thanks tae" joon husked out. tae smiled. "did u fuck him to death?" joon looked at kook. "he fainted." tae laught. he looked at jimin, who still got his eyes shut. tae leand down and kissed him. "u were pure joy, babe" jimin didnt move, he couldnt. "let us get some air, than we change" joon stated. tae noded.

kook woke up as he felt his dick sucked. he growled and opend his eyes. it wasnt joon. tae let kooks dick go with a plop and smiled at him. "hi there!" kook looked to the bed, where joon just pulled jimin up. "we play now a funny game" tae carried kook to the bed. "so boys do the 69." both layed to their sides and were faced with each others dicks. "now suck" joon comanded. kook didnt know why but he did as he was told, same as jimin. they started to suck each other off. tae sighed at the sight and layed down behind kook, joon behind jimin. at the same time they entered them and the game started again. jimin and kook gaged due to the hard and deep thrusts. there was no break, but it felt heavenly.

the day dawned when they finally fell asleep. tae and joon woke up first. they were sore, but satisfied as fuck. "i want to keep them." "they are no pets tae" "i want them. both" "good, okay. get their phones, i ll write a note"

kook woke up, he stretched and let out a growl. he felt like hell, but at the same time really good. "what the fuck happend?" he sat up and saw jimin and himself naked. some blurred images and sounds came into his mind. suddenly he knew what happend yesterday and today. he shivered and was emberrased. he pushed jimin. "wake up!" jimin complained but sat up. "ouch! everything hurt" he noticed his state and kooks and almost yelled. memories flooded his brain and he looked shoked at his friend. "we fucked" "we got fucked!" kook sighed. jimin looked for his phone. "fuck! my phone!""mine too! did they stole them?" suddenly jimin noticed the note on the small table. "morning boys. if u want your phones back, come to this address. we wanna make u an offer. tae and joon" jimin read out loud and showed kook the address. "what do they want?" "how should i know. but i need my fucking phone" they got up, took a quick shower, dressed and drove to the address.