[Still Casper's POV]

JES: Are you kids ok?!

Jonas ran inside the house with Kain. I looked at Corpse, he looks… quite confused. I changed my attention to Jes's nephew, wow. He's tall.

"I think Valerie—"


Jes rushed inside leaving Corpse, his nephew and I out. I looked around in case there are people who might be uninterested in minding their own business. Good thing coast is clear. I still took them at the back of their house nonetheless. I couldn't clear my mind off that person that was killed at the Hospital… this all could be one weird f*ck*ng coincidence, yet it would be off of me to think of it that way. Considering they'll for sure connect every slightest bizarre event to Valerie again.

"What were you doing at a mental hospital?"

I turned around. Oddly it's been quiet… I was expecting some shouting by now.

CORPSE: Did the doctor said Jonas can come home early?

Did he think we went there to send Jonas in? Come to think of it, that isn't a bad idea. I paused for a moment and I think I saw someone pass by inside Valerie's window.

CASPER: Hey tree boy.

"I have a name, and it's Rum for your information."

CASPER: Sure whatever, both of you guys stay right here. I'll go in and check what's happening. If

something happens call 911.

CORPSE: Aren't they looking for you for questioning?

Right, I almost forgot about that. They'll for sure blow me off if they see me here.

RUM: How come they haven't caught you yet?

This tree boy reminds me why I hate kids. Thank God Violet isn't talkative… I would have yeet that


CASPER: Just stay.

I went inside and surprisingly Kain was at the counter, eating cookies. I looked down at him before I went upstairs, pathetic. I was assuming I was going to hear screaming, flying objects go wooshhh~, but then Harry appeared and stopped me from taking another step forward. I could tell he feels uneasy by the look on his face.

CASPER: What happened?

HARRY: You should leave… It's better if you do. If they see y—

"Long time no see, huh?"

A familiar voice appeared in the middle of our conversation. Harry blocked my view of the top of the stairs and ones again asked me to leave. I kept on trying to see who's behind him, but he keep on tilting his head to block my view of the top.

CASPER: Harry, what's going on?

HARRY: Do me a favour man.

I let out a sigh and spaced out for a moment. It' not possible, this is ambiguous… isn't it? Tired of driving, my eyes can't focus its self. Suddenly, my phone started vibrating at the back of my pocket. I gave up on Harry and took my phone. It's the number that called me at the funeral. I memorized it before I smashed my phone. I went out of the house to the back. Corpse and Rum was out there sitting, and immediately stood up as I arrived.

"Hey, what happened?" Kain walked towards me, and while he was half way his phone started ringing. He answers the phone with no hesitation, so it's just me today…

KAIN: Hey Casper, Roshey said he's on his way here. Aren't you going to answer that?

I hesitated for a moment before answering it. Again I sighed after I answered its call.

CASPER: Do you mind telling me what the hell do you want?

"Will it cost too much of your energy just to look back at the window?"

Kain drops his phone on the ground, and tugs my shirt. All of us were shocked to see a woman in a black suit standing on the window, looking down at us. I gripped my phone with disbelief… Valerie's gone, yet –

"Hey guys, are y'all here? I brought Keanne and Rayley with me!" Roshey who just arrived got confused when he saw all of us standing still.

ROSHEY: Why aren't you guys inside?

She closed the curtains and left. Roshey waved his hand in front of me, asking if I'm alright. I noticed Corpse was staring at me. I walked towards him, and I hope Violet wouldn't get mad at me for doing this. At this time I think of this as a necessity.

CASPER: We need to talk.

Kain butt in and whispered "I don't think you and her should be in the same place." Roshey walked to me and told me that Mr. Veron covered for us and prevented the police to get the CCTV records. He said that he took it and asked Kian to tamper with it. I asked if they found the one who did those things, and unfortunately they couldn't find a suspect. For the mean time all of the staffs are being asked one by one.

RAYLEY: Casper, aren't you supposed to be in questioning today? The police have been to your place twice earlier this morning.

So it's true… but I haven't been notified. Oh yeah… they won't.

KEANNE: Kian will be at Marry Paths tomorrow with Jonas. You have to be questioned or else they might think you're just running away. It's obviously suspicious to them if you didn't show up.

Has Keanne been taking vitamins? Speaking of… neither of the two came out yet. I'm worried about Jonas and Harry, Jes is dead to me.

ROSHEY: Hey Kain, mind if you'll come with us at Paths tomorrow? We need extra brain cells. I'll leave Jonas with Keanne, they'll be at Daxon's. Casper, just f*ck*ng answer the questions, alright? By the way we'll be at the mall to get some stuff.

While Rayley and Keane were heading out Roshey stopped and said "Casper, you should confront her while she's still here. To be honest hanging around you and Jonas's family is a pain. Still… I wish she wouldn't run away if it was her. To be clear we're only concerned about you. " Kain pats me on the shoulder, a bit of tease. This guy isn't taking anything seriously. Why am I the one confronting her? Come to think of it, they still trust me after what they found out… I guess I'm friends with weird people… these people drive me crazy every time.

CORPSE: Where do you want to talk?

I took a deep breath and didn't think twice before asking him.

CASPER: Since when have you been taking hints from her?

He glared at me as he puts his hands on his pockets. This kid is always giving me attitude every time I talk to him.

CORPSE: Can we just focus on the fact that she's inside our house?

Valerie's a stranger to them now, huh? I guess they haven't met her before she left, and besides he has a point. Well to be honest, right now I'm just avoiding having to talk to her. I told Tree boy to stay here with Corpse while me and Kain go back inside. When we got back in, Kain stops by the fridge. He asked me if we should have left them somewhere else, but he immediately discarded his question when I told him to drive them somewhere safe. I glared at him as he opened the door. This man is lazy. When we both entered the door, we saw Harry standing at the living room. Kain went to him and tried asking if it was Valerie. Unfortunately he did confirm it's her, though refused to let us go up.

HARRY: They're talking, they said it's private. Jes is probably asking her about the kids she—

Kain interrupted.

KAIN: It might or might not be her. I mean… probably some random psychopath framed her, right? All she has to do is tell where the hell she was and been.

Harry looked at me and sighed.

HARRY: Aren't they looking for you?

I dodged his question… intentionally.

CASPER: Has she told you why she's here exactly?

"I'm looking for what belongs to me."

Kain and I turned, and she walked closer to us. Unexpectedly she walked towards Kain, what's with her? Is she purposely ignoring me? I glared at her and the awkward silence began. Kain went to her and hits her head with a wine bottle. Where the hell did he get that?!

KAIN: I would have made fun of you instead, but I think you wouldn't understand it.

At first I thought he's open to talking to her beforehand, yet I guess I was expecting too much of him. Jonas ran in front of Val— her, and tried to take the bottle from him.

JONAS: That's glass you idiot!

Kain walked closer to him and raised his arm about to punch Jonas in the face. I went in front of him and caught his wrist before his fist hits Jonas. Kain glared at me and sighed.

KAIN: A friendly reminder to you attorney, she have killed minors. Don't tell me you're going to defend that idiot?

CASPER: Clearly you're going to hit Jonas, are you blind? He's in front of you, dumbass!

He tried getting behind me obviously going for her. I blocked him still… we're not going anywhere if this idiot wouldn't control himself. Jes rushing down the stairs threw something on the ground. She took out a hand gun from her back which sets Harry in panic. My eyes widened as she puts her finger on the trigger.

HARRY: Jes, honey wait! The kids are here, drop the gun.

She steps forward closer to her and puts the end of the gun on her forehead. She didn't flinch, and she showed no emotions what so ever. Jes steps forward closer to her, and shoves the backpack she threw earlier in front of her.

JES: Why did you even come back?

KAIN: What's in the backpack?

I went and get it. As I was unzipping the bag, I was starting to smell an unpleasant smell coming from it. I stopped and looked at her. I thought of something only she knows, and I doubt that Jes and I could talk casually again after.

CASPER: Do you remember what I said before left?



CASPER: Wrong.

She faced Jes and looked at her in the eyes. She smiled and said,

"Shoot me."