Coming home

I left him…?

I stared at the window and watched the rain drops fall. Usually as I watch them I'd think of the last thing that got me hooked up on something. Driving back to grandpa's place and seeing the old stores I used to go to feels so nostalgic. As the awkward silence didn't blow off I began to wonder why exactly am I still fond of figuring stuff out I'm not supposed to, given of my age at least. It's funny, feeling this way since I've only lived here for six years, and those six years was confusing. Three months have passed since Valerie came back, and… for some reason I can't help but think about what she said. I felt like mom's suicide was very unnecessary for her to do if she doesn't want me to— I mean… she must have panicked, but… never mind. I'm already unfortunate enough given the hint that Valerie's my biological mother.

JONAS: Hey… I heard you ranked first at the entrance exam. You're going to be a big shot there. Don't worry about some issues, dad took care of it. Call us if someone makes you feel uncomfortable, k?

Finally he broke off the awkward silence. I nodded yeah. He sighed and kept on driving. I've wanted to ask him about what happened before, but as mom and Valerie were arguing he seems clueless as I was. I took out a book from my back pack and started reading to keep me less bored, and to take my mind off some things.

JONAS: So… you're not going to ask?

If he meant by what Valerie have said before, no.

CORPSE: About what?

He looked at me seriously for five seconds and stared back at the road. He's in his uncle mode for sure. I know that he knows that I'm curious, yet I'd rather act like I'm not interested. Having to talk about it sometime soon is enough pressure than bringing it up out of nowhere.

"You seemed lost and found at the same time. And that's how I usually feel too."

I relate to this sentence from the book I'm reading, great timing. Oh and I wish I could say that on my mind in a positive way. I took my book off of my face and put it back on my back pack. I smiled a little seeing my old grandma standing in front of our porch waving in a cheerful manner at us. Jonas sighed as we both came out of the car. I almost forgot that he hated coming back here, and his reason isn't that bad… I guess?

"Welcome back, Corpse. Jonas look how tall you've grown!"

Jonas frowned upon her and rolled his eyes. He took my luggage from the back of the car and hands them over to the maids. I awkwardly marched my way to her and forced myself to smile, knowing that she'll be suffocating me in a huge bear hug. She's my grandpa's most recent wife, to make it clear though. Mom and Jonas is brother and sister, their mother is my grandpa's first wife. Not so confusing, huh? Lastly Grandpa Rocky is Valerie's mom's brother which makes them cousins. They all lived and grew up at Sea street, and the huge house was their childhood torture chamber as how Jonas describes it. They moved here a year after Valerie went missing and grandpa Rocky married her. Jonas always have hated her… the reason is—

"Jonas, has Harry deposited Corpse's allowance to my account yet? He'll need it, business has been slow lately and I could certainly not afford Asher Patch's expenses."

JONAS: That wouldn't be necessary. Dad said he's going to handle everything.

She smiled even though looking at her eyes she seems like she's annoyed, but she still smiled. She puts her hand on my shoulder, and in front of Jonas I couldn't stay still.

"What do you mean not necessary?! Didn't your father tell you that I would be hand—"

Jonas glared at her, and I suddenly had goose bumps. Please don't make a scene outside please don't make a scene outside, I prayed.

JONAS: Know your place.

He went to the car and as he opened the car door he turned and said,

JONAS: If I found out that you were the one who helped Valerie to track Corpse down, kiss your privilege good bye.

Wait what?

"Come on, now right inside."

I paused there to process what he said… If she helped Valerie tracked me down then… why is she tracking me down? I mean, ok let's say I' m her son... she admits on abandoning me, which is a fact and not a theory since she said that she was the one who left me. Why would you just show up and expect your child to come with you?! No, wait… she didn't ask me to come with her. She just…

"Corpse, hurry up. We'll have a chat inside. You're grandfather will be home any time soon."

I followed her inside, and while we were making our way to the office she stops midway. She took out a box from the small cabinet I've never seen before, and while opening the door she looks at me. I smiled nervously, why in the world does she looks like she's about to murder me or something? She told me to sit in front of her, and so I did. I analyzed the place and noticed that some of the books on grandpa's shelve have been removed. One included my favourite, peter pan. As we both sat down in front of grandpa's chair I heard the front door open.

"That must be your grandfather."

While the sound of his footsteps gets closer I was preparing myself to stand up. Finally the door opens,

"Hello there, Corpse." He greeted.

I stood up quickly as I could. He went to his chair and we both sat, this is the first time I've seen him without a book with him. Not even his case.

"Now tell me, what happened after Valerie—"

CORPS: Mom died.

My eyes widened when I realized my respond was too quick and isn't part of the question, of course he already knows. I looked away when he looked at me more serious.

"Yes, I was at the funeral. Why didn't you come before you went here, Corpse?"

I lowered my head and looked at my feet. I didn't reply to what he asked. I don't know what to say. He took his glasses hanging from his shirt and wears them.

"Are you angry, because she lied to you?"

I looked at him,

CORPSE: Both of them.

He smiled and started laughing. Grandma and I stared at him confused. This old geezer still acts like a mad man.

"Well… I would have suggested for another search for Valerie again, but it would be a gamble to do so. Considering putting our business at risk and our name as well—"

I interrupted him,

CORPSE: Have you tried stopping Valerie from running away when she was a kid?

His smile didn't fade, though his eyes glared at me. Grandma handed him the small box from earlier and puts it on the desk. He pushed it in front of me and said,

"Open it boy."

And I did. When I opened it I saw a picture of three babies all wrapped together in one bed. They all look the same—

CORPSE: Who are they?

He smiled and chuckled as he took the photo from the box. He flips the photo in front of me and pointed out the three, "This on the left is Vivoree, on the right we have Venice and on the middle is your— well it's Valerie."

When I heard him say Vivoree I paused and though about it. Does he mean THE Vivoree? The one who went missing after they took me in? I didn't asked and decided to wait for him to continue, but I did ask this,

CORPSE: Are they triplets?

He then puts the photo back in. He nods at me yes, "Their father died in the fire with the two, though Valerie doesn't believe us. When she was seven her mother insisted that all of them all of them cousins stays here, I agreed to look after all of them for no reason. I was bored, lad. When she turned eleven Jonas told me she ran away, with only three things with her."

CORPSE: A map, a flash light and her favourite umbrella.

He smirked, "So you do remember, ok back to the tea. I have a lot to spill, lad. It was November first nineteen ninety nine when she first ran away. She ran away for only three days. We tried to guard her. It even got to the point when we decided to put her on home school and lock her up, but then it happened again and again and she disappears longer and longer. She always left a note whenever she goes, "Clues." She said. But when she was eighteen— not a single sign of her. We spent tons of money looking for her, lots of people looked for her and then one day we gave up. It's hard to look for someone who doesn't want to be found, lad. Two years have passed and you came."

I looked down again, to stare at my feet.

CORPSE: Was she the one who left me on your porch?

"Unfortunately, never saw."

I sighed. I don't know what I was expecting. Hearing him about to say a word made my heart beat faster every second, and yet I felt glad he didn't saw. It's not that I don't want her— but to be honest, being related to someone so heartless to kill all those children— I hate being skeptic. After a long silence, grandpa took something out of his pocket and puts a chocolate rapper on his desk. He flips it and I saw something written on it, "I'll be back."

He chuckled, "Tell me, lad. Why do you want to go to our school?"

I looked at him and back to the wrapper. I smiled a little.

CORPSE: To learn of course.

He laughs again, this time without the scary look in his eyes.

"I'm starting to think that you are her son, she said the same thing. You know, I usually get long ass meaningful messages of why and for what." He said.