Special Glasses

Flying has never bothered me. Be it in my past one or the one that I am currently living.

But, if you have to stomach Sanzo's hyperventilating whines. You would think twice before sitting beside him for 1 hour and 57 minutes in a flight from Tokyo to Seul. I don't care if it is his first time flying or that he has extreme motion sickness. He is about to get us both kicked out of the plane!

To further elaborate. Sanzo was given specific orders to bring a bodyguard with him, by the agents that finally had the chance to report back. They were worried that the young master would get himself into trouble if not properly supervised. Sanzo was offended by the accusation, but even I have to agree that this idiot is a magnet for trouble. Coming from someone with such a shitty luck, that speaks volumes of the magnitude of his problem.

Unfortunately, there is a shortage of personal due to the USA requesting backup in Afghanistan. Sanzo had to find an 'bodyguard' in less that 12 hours. So he when to a broker, I think that his name was Gong Shi-Woo. He is supposed to be the Jack of all trades in the underworld, but there was a problem. Even crooks take vacations.

Fortunately,  he was at Busan enjoying the beautiful beaches. Sanzo immediately asked for a meet up in the Hilton Busan Hotel.  Hopefully with luck, Sanzo will get in contact with someone that will suffice the job requirements. Fluent Italian and Chinese (japonese is a plus, but no necessary). Proficiency with fire arms and cold weapons, and last but no least. Great acting skills. The last requirement is due to the nature of the mission. Infiltrate to create discord among the agents of the enemy organization and finally destroy it from inside out.

Sanzo is perfect for the job, he specializes in infiltration and espionage. Although, they will be infiltrating into the Estraneo with the excuse of Sanzo's birthday coming up and wanting to prepare for his officialisation as the next head. No one outside the core family knows anything about my unofficial title.

The only problem in this plan is the bodyguard. If this person screw this up, no only Sanzo and the other agents will get kill. There a big chance that another attack like the one that killed Mrs. Isabella (Sanzo mother) and made Sanzo infected occurs again. No to mention all the scumbag ronin sorcerers that are ready to indiscriminately bite for the right amount. We don't even know of the Estraneo has technique users among its members. That's why Sanzo's survival is very important, if the idiot gets killed then all the agents are pretty much blind to the possibility of curse energy.

I really need to get my hands on some crused glasses.This can be of great help to all the combatants back home. If my memory doesn't betray me, I remember that Maki used glasses to see curse spirits. But just were the fuck do I get them... OK, Toji-san didn't knew, that takes the Zenin off the equation. I doubt that they would give Maki anything that special due to their prejudice towards her 'kind'.

In the story, the first time that I saw Maki with curse glasses was during her confrontation and leave of the Zenin clan. Maybe she stole the glasses from the Zenin before leaving, but Toji-san didn't knew anything about them or even hear of them even from his contractor. And oh boy! Is that dude shady, I think that a swamp is less of a trap than him. That backstabbing piece of shit was the one that set us up in our first assassination together. I don't get why I didn't let Toji-san shove a spear up in the fucker's ass when the time was right. Now that asshole is probably making it rain with all the commissions that he got from our hard work. So maybe they haven't invented the glasses yet. I need someone to invent them. This piece of equipment can help me turn the ties in favor to the Kure clan. I wonder who invented them.

As I am trying to formulate a plan, the staff of the plane is telling us to buckle our seat belts for we are about to land. I turn towards Sanzo and buckle his belt. The idiot was sleeping thanks to one of my sedative needles. That got the idiot to shut the hell up and let me think how am I going to crush a martial arts sect without bloodshed. Fuck, I might have overestimate myself. I hope Shinobu-sempai is ready to rumble, just in case shit hit the fan in my end.