No Room For Excuses

There is no explanation that will save these fuckers. I am going to skin them alive once I find them.

"Ok then, I will be in your care Mori"

I stand up and look down. Her tail straightens and the tip is quivering. She holds the hem of her dress and has her lips in pout, puffing her cheeks with air.

How cute!!!

"Tsubaki Nona, why are you mad?"

She seems worried about my sudden mood swing. Don't pout child, you will kill me with cuteness overload!!!

"I am mad because you aren't a bad girl. The only bad girl is me"

Her eyes widen and her tail goes rigid.

"How do you know that I am not a bad girl?"

I have a feeling that I am digging my own grave right about now.

"I might no be a good person, but it is because I am a bad person that I know a good girl when I see it. Trust me, my hunches are never wrong, and I have a good feeling about you"

Her tail lowers completely and she launches at me with open arms. I have never been more thankful for my abnormal strength and tough body.

Mori holds me tightly, to tight for a regular human to wisthand. I can fell her shaking and her sobs are very concerning. She sounds like a beast in pain, yet it feels so familiar.

It is sickening. She reminds me of the little girl that would muffle her cries of help whenever her parents would argue about the mother's forced affair and the dad's impotence.

About the boy that was born of said affair and the constant danger that I represent to that boy's position on the clan. 'How shameful it is to have a woman as an older sibling'

I hate it, I want it to stop.

I hold Mori in my arms and lift her up. I try to give her my brightest smile and proceed to coax her I'm my arms close to my chest. I run my hands through her hair and start to play with her horns. Lovingly and tenderly, just I remember the fading memory of my previous mother.

"Mori everything will be over soon. I promise that we will find your mother. I put my assassin's pride in the line"

That seems to calm her down and she looks at me with tears.

"Nona don't die, I want to spend a long time with you. I want to eat more candy with you and I want to hug you more"

She tightens her hold more and I feel my ribs staring to crack. I don't make a sound and just continue coaxing her. She must be really touch starved to be so open to a stranger. I don't like this at all.

I am getting too attached.


We are currently waiting for Mira to wake up in a hidden room that Mori took me after she finished crying.

Surprisingly, she wake up in three hours insteadof six like I had predicted, she is indeeda fucking monster. Two of those three hours I spent sleeping to recover curse energy. I had Mori wake me up when Mira did it herself. It was disturbing finding out that Mira knew Mori, but she didn't know what the fuck had happened to her body. This only raised more red flags of human experimentation.

When I asked Mori if she always had been a dragon, she responded by saying that she didn't remember her shape. The only clue that she provided was that her smell changed after her parents disappeared. Of course this didn't make any sense at the moment, it was not only after Mira let me in on a little clan history that I started to make sense of Mori's words.

Mira explained that the Jin family train their kids in the lower level were there is no natural light. They do it to acostume their kids to no rely on their eyes, but their other senses. I  find this inhumane and disturbing, but I  hold my tongue in favor to listen to Mira explanation about the take over of their clan.

Turns out, that three years ago there was a raid.

No one was prepared for a biological weapon in the form of a virus.

The same fucking virus that killed Sanzo's mother was what almost wiped out an entire sect of martial masters. The symptoms were the same, the damage was devastating and the body count atrocious.

The sect members never stood a chance. After the clan heads were taken down, the children were captured (and if I am right, tortured, experimented, and probably deprived of their humanity), that was the only reason why Mira had survived such a long time, and why I found her in such a deplorable state.

As soon that Mira finished, I start to plot revenge in the most unmerciful way possible.

They like to use biological weapons.

Well... two can play the same game.