

I knew it was going to be a very hot topic when Chloe decides to address my break up contemplation, and my mind was already concocting various scenarios of how that day would play out even when we were just outside the locker room.

We parted ways and re-emerged for the gym class. It was one free time everyone could be themselves and play their favourite sport. An announcement was made over the speakers by Principal Matthew asking everyone to gather for an urgent meeting in the hall. Everyone left the arena in haste for the meeting.

"Good afternoon students, it is rather really sudden but I have to let you all know that we just arrived from a meeting with the Education Board." He paused for effect.

Students held their breaths and let him continue.

"As I was saying, the Board reached a unanimous decision to speed things up in time for the elections to help us get the scholarship slots. So, we are not the only ones affected, every other school within the State is going to start exams in a few weeks. Precisely, in three weeks. All extra curricular activities have to be cancelled. It is with deep regrets I announce that, there'd be no football games this semester but, the First Lady is interested in hosting the annual dance competition for high schoolers in Texas. We need representatives from the dance club in school to audition. It is a chance to take the school global. The dancers have a week to practice and rehearse after exams; this then indicates school year is officially closing. We wish you the best." With that, he dismissed the gathering.

"Whoa, no games? I'm really sorry to hear that." Chloe said while walking past me to meet up with a new girl that was waiting for her.

"It's all good. At least, it'd help me spend more time with you." I grinned.

"Time out Skye. Hold on, I think you meant, it gives you time to prepare for the exams. You have better things to do, no offense."

"None taken, you have a point. I wasn't thinking for a sec. I see you have a new friend, that's good."

"Isn't that amazing? Her name is a variation of my favourite colour, Lilac."

"Lilac, that's nice." I sounded like I was tasting the name on my tongue.

"I have to go, you heard the Principal. I have my work cut out for me. I need to stay back after school to practice with the team. Then the best can participate in the competition the First Lady, Her Excellency, Ma'am Emilia Sheldon is hosting. See you later."

I was glad she had found a new friend but where did that leave me in my discovery of who she is? I needed to spend time with her to find hints, clues or anything that strikes a chord in my jagged memory. I silently prayed for the time to come.

SMOKY just happened to pop into my subconscious mind and annoy me with the sound of the matchstick he struck, puffy smoke filtered into the humid air and almost choked me, but I snapped out of it in time to know I was dealing with a figment of my imagination.

The thought of starting exams in three weeks got me dashing to the library to sort out my materials. At least I had one less thing to worry about- the games. I was beginning to lose my drive at some point and this has helped me in a way. I can still motivate other members of the team to work towards being the stars of the game.

The announcement automatically shut down hectic classes and very demanding attendance. Students just had to be in the revision classes for a week before having the next week for exam reading and in some cases, loitering around the library for some rather unconcerned ones.

After spending two hours in the library, I went to the parking lot where my convertible was and was set to leave when I heard Chloe behind me. "You were leaving without saying bye? I guess you really want to be alone."

"I'm sorry, you were busy and I didn't want to get in your way. So, what are you doing here?"

"I came to get some mints from the dashboard of my car before I saw you leaving."

I followed her gaze to the direction she was headed. A beautiful white car occupied the spot.

"Whoa, that's your car? Who are you girl😋?" I found myself asking.

"Yes, don't be ridiculous. My dad gifted me that on my birthday last year." She was rather too modest.

"It is a Porsche. A beautiful and freaking awesome car 😎."

"Aww, thanks. Your car is nice too 😊."

"See you later dear, I have a bit of a headache and I need to go home. I am rooting for you to be selected. I know you can do it."

"It means a lot Skye, really 🤗. Thank you for believing in me."

"Not a problem 😁."

She picked up the bottle of mints and walked back to join her dance group.

The days went by so fast and the exams came. Everyone got into the exams mood and luckily for us, the teachers were considerate enough to ask questions within the scope of what we learnt. I was worried about how Chloe would cope but, she told me an hour before we entered the examination hall that, she is going to be fine. She was home schooled, and an avid reader.

The exams were really going well and soon enough, it came to an end. The free week for all students to prepare for prom and all the fuzz that came with the end of the school year arrived and people were milling around, busy with decorations and rehearsals for the upcoming annual dance fest.

Posters were already plastered all over the walls as a sort of call for articles in the school's magazine, photo sessions schedule for all classes for the year book and awards for best students and teachers, as the case usually was at the end of every school year. In this case, it was earlier than expected and we were all fine with it except the fact that, it robbed me of quality time to get to know Chloe. Call me crazy, but I still haven't fully shaken that feeling of familiarity with Chloe.

As if she was summoned by me thinking of her, she appeared.

"Hi Skye, why don't you join the team in the keep fit exercise? Even if the games have been moved till next year, you can still join them."

"Chloe, the thing is I just lost motivation and I'm trying to get it back. You help me with that bit."

"Really 😏? Well, I have rehearsals in a few minutes, join the audience and give your ratings."

"Sounds fun, I'd finally get to see you move those graceful legs."

"Dramatic much, eh 😋😏? Thank you." She walked back to the dance studio after hearing her name being called.

I got to the dance studio and she was looking very beautiful in that prim lilac dress for ballerinas and her dancing shoes.

"I welcome you all to this training session. Normally, I don't allow external examinations from an audience not in my dance class but for the sake of the short time we have to get these beauties ready for the competition, we have asked you all to be our judges. Have a beautiful time here." A stern looking lady with straight legs addressed us. Judging from her gait and precision, we got the impression that, she is the instructor.

The crowd erupted in cheers and the classical music reverberated in the room sending chills down my spine.

I was basically seeing Chloe and all those beautiful dancers in a very talented sphere that ranked very top notch. The song ended abruptly and I heard Boss Lady give some instructions regarding a pirouette and all the dancing language I couldn't fathom. We clapped very heartily and whipped around at the "hello ladies, dancing without me?" voice in the silent studio.

"Jess, does she not ever rest? What does she want now?" I muttered.

"Miss McGregor, to what do I owe this visit? You can't keep barging into my dance studio, calling attention away from my girls to yourself. What do you want?" Boss Lady I later discovered is, Ms. Sheila responded angrily.

"Why why, Ms. Sheila. Don't get all worked up. My dad wouldn't like that tone with his daughter. I want in on the dance team." Jess said cheekily.

Ms. Sheila looked like her eyes would pop out of their sockets, "What?!! You want in on the team? You have no passion for dance or art, because dancing is an art of self expression. You said it before that, ballet sucks. Why are you here?"

"Well, I changed my mind. I am dancing and it's final." Jess said with a stomp of her feet.

"We are still in the try out stage; we have roughly two weeks before the big event, "Texas Ballet Fest". I don't need anyone blowing up the chances of "The Swan Princesses" winning. We have always made it to the semi-finals but our act doesn't get us there. I need serious minded persons to make the dream of winning alive." Ms. Sheila said.

"Of course. Where do I start?" Jess asked in a tone that seemed to tilt in the direction of mischievousness than enthusiasm.

"First, get changed and join the girls. You'd watch from a distance before you can begin...Take it from the top girls. One, two, three." Jess stalked to the changing room with an evil smirk on her face and I could only think that she had mapped out something very mischievous for Chloe who was oblivious of her hatched plans, and it made me shudder uncomfortably in my seat.