


It felt so good to be placed as a priority, the exact way Skye did. The thought that he still cared about me and wanted me, left butterflies rumbling in my belly. I kept thinking about this while at the cafeteria with Skye, and in total oblivion.

All along, Skye had been talking and I had no idea he was still in front of me. A snapped finger in my face brought me back to reality.

"Hello, Earth to Chloe." Skye quirked his eyebrows.

"I am really sorry, I got lost in thoughts for a sec." I responded.

"A sec? More like several minutes of a major blackout." Skye said from a point of concern.

"I'm sorry, I just got preoccupied." I said.

"I know you too well. You barely even touched your food. Is something bothering you Chloe?" He quizzed.

"You see why I left in the first place...You never listen. Drop the subject!" I banged the table spilling some of the fries on the floor.

"Whoa, okay then. So, how is the academy treating you?" Skye half smiled.

"I'm sorry Skye. I should go." I felt really bad for how I reacted and wanted air.

"We should go then, let me walk you." Skye said.

"Sure, thank you."

We paid for the snacks and left. I apologized to Skye yet again and decided to listen to him talk about the fun time he had with his family and the games he watched with his cousins. You can never miss the glint in his eyes when he is excited about something and it is so beautiful to watch. I smiled and shook my head.

"You didn't change one bit, except maybe growing taller and the gym sessions taking a toll on your body." I teased.

"Oh, you noticed. That's sweet." He blushed.

"Have you even registered or, you took it upon yourself to spring up a surprise as a striking first impression?"

"You know me too well. I'd register in a few hours."

"That's alright. I have to get to my dorm room before class. Have a beautiful time here dear." I turned to leave.

"Hold on, input your contact here. I can't lose you the second time." Skye handed his phone to me.

I just rolled my eyes and input the digits, "call me then."

Waving goodbye, I turned in the direction of my dorm and was welcome back with piercing stares.

People were whispering, "there she is" and I was wondering what I did wrong until I got to my room. The door wasn't locked and it was surprising as I know Lopez to like her privacy. I walked into the room and met her naked and looking like a curled up mess in her bed.

Instinctively, I threw my bag on the floor and hurriedly walked up to her.

"Lopez, what is the matter? Why do you look like this?" I quizzed.


"Lo? Talk to me." Just then I saw it, the empty jar of cookies under the covers.

Shit, this girl had definitely eaten all the brownies in the jar and was on the verge of losing her life due to a drug overdose. I had to act fast. I called the school clinic and no sooner than five minutes, the medical team arrived.

"What happened here?" The young medic asked.

"I just found her when I entered the dorm. She needs medical attention urgently, the questions can come later please." I answered.

"Sure. Guys, help put her on the stretcher." The medic told his colleagues.

Soon enough, she was wheeled into the ambulance and taken to the school's medical centre.

I for one had not seen any need to visit the medical centre but Lopez broke that jink for me. I was wondering what made her attempt to end her life. There is definitely a lot more than what she's letting me know. I kept pondering and praying everything goes smoothly else, I might be implicated for no reason except being caught up in the midst of a young woman fighting her demons.

A young woman with a stethoscope hanging around her neck walked up to me. With her poise and carriage, she definitely is the doctor in charge of Lopez's case.

"Are you Lopez's roommate?" She asked while opening a medical file.

"Most definitely, I am. How is she?" I asked.

"She is stable now, awake even."

"Oh good, can I see her?"

"Of course, but hold on. Was she abused at any point? Did she tell you about anything odd happening with her lately? Traumatic experiences? A breakup, stress or anything?" The Mexican lady in a robe said.

"NO, NOT...I'm sorry. No, not at all. May I ask why?" I regained composure and hopefully she'd believe me with how shaky my voice got.

"It is okay then. We just found bruises and cuts around her inner thighs and some excessive intake of codeine in her bloodstream. Did she ever have a flu or cold or an obsession with taking that medication?"

"Honestly, I don't know ma'am . She has been very reserved with a tough outlook, the boss lady kind of thing." I said.

"Okay, go on and see her. She'd be here a few days, for examination and counselling sessions if the need arises. Have a nice day." She then walked past me.

I walked into the ward as quietly as I could be and went to Lopez, she looked pale.

"Hey Lopez, how are you? What happened with you?" I asked softly.

"You did this, it is all on you." She said.

"Me? How did I do this?"

"First, you thwart the chances of my getting the promotion in the sorority sisters high class membership and now, you make waves with your boyfriend showing up on campus and blowing my mess all out in the open. Explain that." Lopez fumed.

"Lopez, he is not my boyfriend. Just a friend from high school that has been there from my childhood days. He was just being concerned. That definitely doesn't explain the bruises the doctor said she found on you. What is going on Lopez?"

"That is none of your business, just go."

"You'd always be my friend and roomie, don't worry about that Lo."

"You think so? Explain his presence, it definitely changes everything. I feel like it is a repeat of something I'm trying to forget." Lopez looked away.

Just then, I saw the hurt in her eyes. For once, the bold eyes were hollow and I knew instantly that she needed a real friend to be able to share her fears with. I knew then that I was ready to be her. But for the other part, I wasn't sure what my sexuality was around Lopez. Her voice brought me back to the present.

"I thought so too. You'd just leave as quickly as you have come. They always do. I want to be alone. Use the door and shut it on your way out."

"Lo, who is they? I am here, we are friends, at least I have to stand up for you in trying times. That is exactly what friends do. I am not leaving until we can figure this out. Alright love?" I held her cold hands in mine, sharing the warmth.

"Seriously? You'd be here? Even with him present?" She smiled.

"Yes, we'd take it slow. I'm here Lo. Now, get well soon. I have to get to class. I'd bring you dinner on my way back. Don't cause any more trouble boss lady." I kissed her hair and patted her to sleep.

"I'd be good. Thank you Chloe, I mean that." She said.

"Later pumpkin." I ushered myself out and closed the door softly.

"Phew Chloe, you'd be alright." I said to my inner self.