Oneshot ten, Dust in the wind

Emmy and Daveed were those people that didn't like conflict but where's always in it due to their job or disagreement they always wanted to stay out of it but always find ourselves in it, it's just like being famous well semi-famous if you will always having to do what people want you to do instead of doing your own thing if you do your own thing people don't like you. but they wanted to take a step back from the spotlight for 1 seconds get a chance to be alone get a chance to have time to themselves so they can focus on each other and communication between them so they went on a vacation to the desert of Canada, the deserts of Canada barely any TV signal phone signal or any type of signal has electricity and what you had in the house perfect for what they needed.

They arrive at their rented after a For our site they finally arrived taking in the sights of their new home for the next 3 weeks leaving all over their distractions behind at their house in California he's talking to a new world with no distractions from each other, they put their phones in their lock box in hit in the cabinet and started to unpacked preparing for the two weeks they had to themselves.

Emmy: you know I've been wanting to do this for so long and now that we're finally doing it I'm kind of regretting it

Daveed: what why are you regretting it we're getting to be alone no cameras know people bombarding us with questions about spoilers for sure this is literally the perfect day or someone like us

Emmy: no I'm just kind of used to the Daily constant of going outside being bombarded with questions that I kind of think of it as okay this really isn't a problem anymore cuz I'm used to it

Daveed: don't think like that just take it all in taking the site where the beautiful desert in this nice house

Emmy: Okay I'll give it a try but I can't make any guarantees that I'm going to like it

daveed:Oh I'll make sure you like it

Emmy: and what does that mean

Daveed: I'm going to treat you like my queen you were working so hard on you show and all the other stuff you've been doing that isn't out yet and you seem stressed I'm just going to let you relax while I'll do everything, and also this is fair cuz I've been sitting at home while you've been traveling all around California in the state and basically the world

Emmy: that is true but we can eat believe do the share what we have to do it doesn't have to be all in you

When it came to a relationship, Emmy seeked equal balance between power, she didn't want to be overbearing and he didn't work as an early counterpart to be overbearing. she better get it past and bills and make sure she did her best to not let them or control is part of her to get the best of her, and she certainly didn't want to see David stressed.

Daveed: well okay then my love shall we unpack and have dinner

Emmy; we shall Loverboy

They hastily unpacked and got started on dinner With what the owners of the house supplied them with and of course with an extra cost, in a rush to finally eat something, while preparing dinner the more playful side of David finally came out and what she hadn't seen in oh wow, this side of him was always the most beloved by emmy. They prepared a steak dinner with a perfectly aged bottle of wine, setting their lovely dinner on the table. They stepped back and looked at it. They were missing one thing, lighting.

Daveed ran over to the light switch and dimmed it creating the perfect mood between him and Emmy, he slowly walked over to me with a very funny and playful face on him electing a smile and a giggle from you. When he finally reached the table he pulled back to her chair and held out a hand prompting her to sit down. She shook her head and happily obliged to take a seat, after she sat down he sat down being the perfect gentleman he was.

Emmy: you know you didn't have to do any of this we could have had just a normal steak dinner

Daveed: Weight is there something wrong did I miss anything what did I do

he said in a sort of panicky tone but emmy quickly shut down his thoughts of panic and worry, in a calm voice she spoke to him placing a soft hand on top of him.

Emmy: there's nothing wrong it's just you don't always have to do fancy things for me to make me feel happy you just have to be there

Daveed: well I wanted to do this just especially for you, not because I think you are some tramp that needs nice things every second just so they can stay with me

Emmy: I'm going to ignore the fact that you just called me a tramp I just eat this dinner

Daveed: ha you know i wouldn't call you something like that

Emmy: i know now can we just eat

Daveed: hell yeah we can!

They dug into their food eating and almost immediately almost like they hadn't eaten in years after that delicious dinner they got drunk off of the wine and start it slow dancing around the house things are starting heat up between them as they fell onto the couch Daveedon top of emmy, he started leaving slow kisses across her jawline and down her neck.

Daveed: I love you so much

Emmy; I love you too

Slow kisses started to escalate into making out hard stuff you can lose being left on her neck and his, has the heat between them Rose things started to get steaming the windows covered in a thin layer of steam You Oughta think it was burning hot in there the way in the windows fogged up, soon they were lying in nothing but their underwear kissing each other nibbling at each other arousal, lust, love were the only thing in that room that night.

Later that night, Late falling asleep on the couch completely naked covered in each other's warmth the TV was going so the people who could be near didn't hear a thing of what they were doing, they had fallen asleep almost 3 minutes ago. " 10 Canadian news, breaking news everyone in the Divergence of Canada there is going to be a very intense a dust storm it will be hitting tomorrow for the people in the northern area of the desert of Canada need to evacuate immediately grabbed all personal values objects and pets and please get into the inner city of Canada thank you and goodnight" the emergency alert from the news said they didn't hear it they were sleep in the distance you can already hear people's car starting is zooming down the road all except one Emmys and Daveeds.

The next day

The next day they both woke up in a daze confused as to what happened last night and he had a terrible head splitting headache and David just looked like he can't f****** been beat down by a bat, both of their mouth so dry they run to the kitchen and grab a cup of water sobering themselves for the day ahead .When their memories become painfully flying back to them they realize that they're both naked and rush to different bathrooms to get dressed , When they come out they both stare at each other painfully awkward.

Daveed: so what happened last night ...sorry first of all

Emmy: stop right there you don't have to say sorry to me for giving me the most perfect night I've had in awhile.

Daveed: not apologizing because of that I'm apologizing because I got you drunk the first day we were here and then we had sex, that was meant to be for the last day of our trip so we can go home feeling all weird and awkward when we talk to our friends about our trip.

Emmy: who says we have to even tell our friends we wouldn't last trip

she ran her finger up and down his jawline collecting a small smile from him he followed her finger with his eyes, the tension began to cry and things started to become even awkward. but then suddenly she moved her hand away and started drinking the glass of water slowly walking away teasing him.

Daveed: you have no idea what I could do to you!

Emmy: well I'm guessing we'll have to find out later than cuz I'm tired as hell

Daveed: well you can get your beauty sleep cuz I'm going to run to the nearest store to pick up some things that we might need for the week.

Emmy; well shouldn't you take your phone with you

Daveed: no we said we were going to use our phones whole freaking in and I'm going to keep my word no matter what

Emmy: okay then if something happens come right back please be safe

Daveed: you act like I haven't been to Canada five different times on five separate occasions, I'm basically seeing every end of Canada.

he said as he slowly walked over to the car keeps picking them up and making his way to the door he opened it and then blew a kiss to emmy and then shut the door and left. as he walked to his car he is harmed and whistle the lovely sound feeling and Sensation that he hadn't felt before in a while excitement mixed with happiness, you finally got some alone time with the love of his life uninterrupted, unscripted, unsupervised, out of the public eye, and it wasn't for money it was for their personal enjoyment. He got in the car and pulled off as he rode down the road looking at the different houses along the way he started to notice a pattern very very desolate and empty and there were things scare in the driveway close and shoes, it was almost like people left in a rush and sometimes there were the occasional skid marks from a car wheel.

he paid it no mind and kept on going to the nearest supermarket which was almost a half a mile away from their rental home, finally arriving at the supermarket he got out of his car and noticed that there was no one and everything was boarded up.

Daveed: what in the living Jesus going on

He that back in his car wondering what could have been going on until he finally got the bright idea to turn on the radio seeking information, " emergency alert if you are in the northern part of the desert of Canada please evacuate immediately to the nearest hotel or Refuge Center in the Inner City, this is not a drill there is a level three dust storm coming your way please evacuate immediately grab all beloved belongings, and pets and evacuate immediately" the emergency alert sound proceeded to play And the fear in the realisation sunk into Daveed he almost immediately shifted the car into drive and bolted down the road. In the moment of his worry he didn't care that he might be pulled over he just kept going, he then took a right turn instead of a left turn leaving him lost in an unknown part of a candidate he'd never seen in his life.

Daveed: where the hell am

he started panicking as he saw the storm coming his way at a stop sign the dust was stick and engulfed the land in it making it disappear by the second, Hastily making a U-turn he started back down the road he came from and took the right turn the storm will slowly catching a behind him every second ever going closer it was maybe a few feet behind his car when he finally pulled into the driveway of their rental. He covered his face with his shirt and house out of the car and ran to the door aggressively and Anna Panic banged on the door awaiting an emmy to open it.

Emmy; what the hell!

She said that she flew the door open, sadavir an inside pushing her back and shutting the door behind them, daveeds Hair and beard had a light coat of dust over it and he looked deranged.

Emmy: What the hell Davi what happened

Daveed: We need to pack our things now, grab your favorite clothes and your favorite shoes and whatever valuable belongings you have and get them in a bag now we have to leave!

Isa rushing into the bedroom and she followed behind him, he flung open the closet in through their suitcases onto the bed and started shoveling clothes into them, emmy just watch as he did so we finally had everything Pacted he threw their bags onto the floor and then started rolling them to the front door angrily waving emmy to follow.

Daveed: come on come on we don't have much time before the storm hits

Emmy: what storm are you talking about

Daveed: Look there's no time to explain we have to get our stuff into the car and leave now

I threw open the door only to be met with a large gust of wind and dust coming into the front door, through the door back shot and leaned against it.

Daveed: well we're screwed

Emmy: what's going on I don't even know what the situation is or why you're in a panic if you kindly explain to me what is going on maybe I'll be in such a rush as you are

Daveed: Okay okay so when I was going to the store all of these peoples houses look like they had been ransacked and people left in a rush I passed it off as like maybe they hadn't cleaned in a while I don't know, but I mind my business and kept going to the store when I got to the store to store was boarded up with wood over the windows and doors. so then I turned on the radio and there it is emergency alert dust storm heading our way and that is a level 3 and that we need to evacuate immediately so I rushed back here but before I got here took a wrong turn and was met with a dust storm and I wasn't able to get here before the dust storm finally hit us.

he said in a rush almost running out of breath completely

Emmy: ahhhhh so what are we going to do now the storm is already here and I'm panicking

Daveed: I don't know the best thing we can do is just try and board up our windows with whatever we have

Emmy: unless you want to board up the windows on a piece of paper I suggest we figure out another plan

Daveed: okay okay the storm is already here and the winds are very strong and there's dust in the air, the best thing we can do is keep the dust outside and away from our lungs.

Emmy: okay that doable but it's the windows get broken will we do then

Daveed: we find something to cover our faces, Maybe let's try and listening to like the radio or find some news on it where is our phones

Emmy: in the bedroom

Daveed runs to the bedroom and comes back with the box and opens it, they quickly turn their phones on and start Looking for some answers to their solution, but just our luck the internet has gone out and there was no signal the cell tower must have been knocked down.

Emmy; no signal no Wi-Fi what do we do now

Daveed: we just have to wait that's the best thing we can do at this moment

hours and hours pass but there's no change in the condition of the storm, the windows and doors rattle and they cower in fear that they might break letting Dustin to slowly suffocate them. Daveed Has been strong for emmy but deep down he was scared to what if no one came to help them how long will the storm last, and would they last through it his mind raced like a racing horse of thoughts of what might happen. After an hour of waiting she finally snapped and broke down in tears clutching onto Daveed for dear life.

Daveed: Everything is going to be okay as long as the windows and doors hold up

Just my luck Those cracked finally under all of the air pressure and that started flooding into the sitting area in a panic they run into the bedroom and close the door, Daveed runs to the bedroom bathroom and grab all of the towels and starts covering the bottom of the door with them hoping that it will stop the dust from coming in.

Emmy:We are so f*****

daveed : don't think like that this isn't over as long as the winds don't get any faster we soul be okay

They stood in the bedroom as they heard the rest of the windows of the house burst letting in more dust the only one that windows hadn't broken in where the bedroom the only safe Haven they had, then the ones got even faster and the bedroom windows Rattle and then broke the dust came pouring in and they frantically ran around trying to find a solution to their problem, they figure that they should use the blanket as a mask shielding their lungs from the Dust. They huddle into a corner and put the blanket on top of them making Sure it's airtight so death can't get in, emmy is crying hysterically as daveed please Tender Kisses on her forehead and rubs her shoulder trying to call her it doesn't seem to work and she keeps crying painful sobs.

Daveed: shhhh shh everything will be fine

They sat there for what felt like hours until they heard a loud bang of the door falling to the ground and footsteps running over to them, the blanket was ripped off of them and their eyes quickly adjusted to the light. There were two army men standing there holding gas masks.

Solder: put these on and follow us grab your two bags that are at the front door and get in the truck

they don't hesitate to do with he says And quickly slide on the gas mask and stand up and follow behind them they grabbed their bags and they leading them to a large truck, getting into the back Lacey there other people sitting there cradling each other, they sit down and take off the gas mask interment with wide stairs. it seems like their vacation was over shortly lived but lovely people immediately started asking questions like what are you doing here Canada are you here on like some Incognito filming, stupid questions that were obviously not true. but until someone had enough sense to finally ask how did you end up in this situation they finally answered.

Daveed: we were here on vacation and we didn't get the alert well the first alert of the storm coming and here we are.

Person: same here

People explain how they ended up in this situation. Their story is even scarier than there's, they're taken to a nearby hospital to be checked out. When they're finally cleared, they are given flight passes back to wherever they came from and they go home feeling somewhat rejuvenated and still a little frazzled by what happened. When they're finally back to their normal lives they don't speak a word of what happened when they need to keep their special day in Canada to themselves, But surely their friends find out about their vacation and when their friends ask about it they just say it's Dust in the Wind.