Oneshot fourteen, I'm sorry do i know you…

The handler shoots everyone including lila and then proceeds to kill five

The handlers pov

Well that was extremely easy and the higher ups are dead, and having to kill my beloved daughter is a bummer, and i'm in charge again, maybe i should celebrate a bit looking around the massacre i've created i catch my eye on that famous black girl remembering she has a daughter. And we have our winner, I walk over stepping over the sister and brother and grab her leg and start pulling her along with me to the field. I can tell she's dead by now but we can save her, but there's going to be a price to pay for my generosity.

I walk over to all my useless workers and grab one of the breefcases and jump to the commission where I was ment with medics waiting, they take the girl away from me and to the medical bay. I follow behind wanting to watch what they're doing making sure they do their absolute best for our very special guest, they take three bullets out of her before patching her up and then bring her back to the real world. She wouldn't be in any pain aside from a headache from when I dragged her, when she finally started breathing again my plan was set in motion.

I order some of the top sugents to work on her and they certainly did their job there was barely ny scar left from wher ei shot her, i sit in her room and 3 hours pas but they only feel like minutes to me considering i did fuck up time one time. She finally ways up and is dazed and confused for a second then looks over and spots me filing my nails, she a fight i can tell knowing her background age 12 had master mixed martial arts and was a force to be wrecked with, she quickly jumped off of the bed and tried attacking me but in an instant she was held back with the guards rushing in. I get up looking her in her eyes.

The handler: now i believe that you are Alison Hargreaves right?

Allison: why do you care didt you shoot me just like a couple of s-

The handler: yes and that was almost 4 fours ago, your family is dead and i just wanted to have some fun now if you want to keep your power and your head i suggested you keep that rumoring thing to a zero. Now let go of the poor girl and follow me.

They let go of allison and pushed her along to follow the handler

The handler: now you may be wondering where you are and why your here, let me explain i killed your family and decide that since you have a daughter i can bargain with you

Allison: what do you want

The handler: it's nothing really dramatic it's only simply you getting sent back to a recent version of your timeline where your father dies or dies and everyone comes back to you you come back to your home for application if you do run into your family will just simply say sorry do I know you, I want to see how hard they will try to get you to remember Anything and in return I'll give you any life you want the perfect life a man that really loves you and your daughter.

Allison: And what if I refuse your deal?

The handler: I'll just simply have you killed .

Allison: okay fine i don't want to die now can i leave

The handler: one second

She turns around and hand allison a bracelet

Allison: What is this for?

The handler: for the first day your back in your timeline keep this on at all times it with correct your genetic makeup to the new timeline

Alison puts on the bracelet and is instantly dropped back home in an alleyway,she walks out and she is right in front of the academy.

Raymond: allison there you are you almost left your purse

Allison Instantly recognizes him and realizes this must be her perfect life

Allison; thanks

They walk down the road and talk a bit before they are stopped by some big guy, she looks up and sees its laughter, panic runs through Allison but then is relieved . they stop and listen to the inservice labeling until he said something snapping allison from her trance.

Luther: allison we've been trying to get in touch with you for days dads die and you ignore our countless calls, and it's been all over the news why are you just ghosting us all of a sudden

Raymond: Allison, are you okay, and who is this guy and what is he talking about your dad. I thought you told me you grew up in a place called the sparrow academy

Allison: i don't know this person and honestly i don't want to, and yes i grew up in the sparrow academy

Luther: Allison, come on, you grew up in the Umbrella academy, you don't remember number 3? You me?

Allison: I'm sorry , do I know you?

Luther: allison if you don't know what im talking about and you grew up in some place called the sparrow academy Then what's your number

Allison: I was number 7-A and i had 5 otter brothers and one sister

Luther: al;lison what are you talking about, you don't remember? Clair, deigo, vanya, Klaus com on

There was a crowd gathering around them now electing more and more tension between the three raymonds not knowing what was going on tried pulling Allison away but she was stuck in one place.

Luther: huh you were to busy in California Being a harlet you forgot all about your family

Allison: what did you say I was

Luther: you boy toy over there is a faggot and your a harlet

Allison: I heard a rumor you d-

Raymond: allison! No you have to contain yourself we've been working on this you doing good

Allison took a deep breath and walked away and so did raymond leaving luther confused and angry, he stomped his way back to the academy only to be met with the rest often family waiting for Allison to come through the door.

Five: where is she?

Luther: with some guy enjoy her life like nothing happened

Vanya: icouldbe shock

Deigo: No i wasn't even shocked that the old man died

Luther: she said she didn't know what i was talking about and when i asked her about the academy she said the sparrow academy and her number was 7-A

Vanya: maybe she's lost it i heard LA can be a tough place

Pogo: I do you a place called the sparrow academy but your allison surely wasn't in it

Klaus: please enlighten us pogo

Pogo: well when your father got you all he also adopted another set, that he would more closely parent that's why he always was traveling going back and forth between homes, and as for you all he distanced himself from you to see how it would turn out.

Five: So Allison believed she was part of the other set of kids but if you're just learning about this then how does she know?

Luther: i don't know

Five: hold this

Five shoved his cup of coffee into Diego's hands and stormed out of the academy, wandering the streets until he found her. He saw that she had a bracelet with a c on it, the commission he thought and ran back to the academy.

Five: allison isn't from this timeline

Vanya: what?

Five: I worked for a place called the commision, a place where they keep time and space in check and make sure all major events happen, well they also have the tech to assign a person to a new timeline. Stay with me, what i'm getting at here it's that allison made a deal for whatever reason and got placed here in this timeline

Pogo: that is a possibility

Luther: but that doesn't explain why she thinks she comes from the sparrow academy

Five: well when you talked to her you didn't take notice of a bracelet she was wearing, It had a C on it that c stands for commission which proves my point that allison made a deal with them.

Vbanya: okay so what does that bracelet do?

Five: It will alter your genetics to fit the timeline, and plan memorize in your head to make you believe you fit there, and soon the name will change to which means they don't want two Allison in the timeline. Which means there's another allison

Allison: ay i'm sorry i'm late my flight was delayed

Allison pov

Allison, my mind was changing. I was slowly but surely forgetting things and remembering things but it's kind of soothing knowing I won't remember what happened before. Raymond and I have a lovely child named Carson, a handsome baby boy, and apparently my name has gone from Allison to alice. When i wake up tomorrow i'll be a different person personality wise hopefully not features wise.

The handler

Everything is done and set, i was going to fuck her over but choose not to cause i have her first assignment tomorrow.

Five pov

Allison came threw the from door with ehr suitcase in hand as we all started, it wasn't the same allison but it was her