Metamorphosis: A cocoon of secrets

Metamorphosis: A cocoon of secrets

LGBT+45 Chapters40.1K Views
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This high school transformation story is anything but typical. Included in this world are vampires, werewolves and other magical creatures, but is set in modern day. Our main character is a grade 10 student, who doesn't easily fit in. What is an androgynous looking girl to do? I am sure wearing unisex looking clothes all the time doesn't help either. Being mistaken for a boy, angering a moody male werewolf, trying to navigate high school life, attempting to make a friend and many other adventures await. But most importantly, is love on the horizon?

There is more to Sam than meets the eye...masquerading as a human to hide her true identity, with only a spell to keep her form from changing, she longs for the day when she will be strong enough to be able to fully control her form herself...

×When I arrived at my class, I had a shock. I had a moment where anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks. There, in the back row was Kyle. I suppressed my first instinct, which was to run out of the room. At this point I was still looking at him, but he hadn't noticed me yet; he was talking to two other guys. 'Maybe if I sit in the front row, and don't turn around all class, then he won't know I am me?' I thought. But, right at that moment, Kyle decided to look up as someone near me called and waved to him.

"Dang!" I whispered under my breath as I turned my head away from him and slipped into the seat in the corner of the room. At least now I was strategically placed; in a desk in the front row closest to the door×

×'Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't.' I thought as I charged up to him. He was, as expected, ready for me. I threw a punch at him, but he blocked it, grabbing my wrist. Before I could do the wrist turn and put the pressure on the weak thumb, with the intention of escaping his grip, he punched me in the stomach with his free hand. The punch landed the right way to knock the wind out of me, and my body crumpled forward and slid to the ground.×

×It was the end of the school day and all I wanted was to be home, in my own room, so I could think. I walked to the edge of the woods and sat beside a tree to rest. I sighed. I needed this moment, alone with nature. As my body relaxed, I realized just how tired and sore I was. The adrenaline was wearing off, and the aftermath of my spikes of high anxiety took its toll. I was physically and mentally exhausted. Gingerly, I reached behind me to see if I could tell, by touch, the extent of bruising on my back. From the feel, I could tell not only would they be an ugly bluish- purple, but that some were still swelling. I knew it might not be as bad as it felt, as I bruised so easily. I counted myself lucky that I healed twice as fast as a human. 'If I had the healing rate of a werewolf, I would be healed by now.' I said to myself. 'Some people get all the luck!' ×

× I smiled to myself as I walked down the main street. It was finally the weekend. Free from school, I decided to see what stores there were. Up ahead, I saw a teen girl exit a nail salon. 'Woah,' I thought. 'She is really good looking.' My thoughts didn't really do her justice. She looked like she just stepped of an airbrushed magazine cover. She had thick, long chestnut colored hair, that suited her heart- shaped face. Though she had long legs like a runway model, her torso was shorter, so she stood a few inches shorter than me; at about average height. As she glanced to both sides of her, I noticed she had the most clear, blue eyes and a perfect button nose, that many women would kill for. She turned and walked away from me. 'She is so beautiful. She reminds me of classical music, famous statues and renowned classic paintings. Is this what the old masters felt when they found their muse?'×

3 Reviews
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The story is great. There are no grammatical mistakes that I found. The story flows smoothly and love the characters too. Although, it would be better if you break the larger paragraphs into 2 or 3 pieces. Keep up the good work will be waiting for more.

3 years ago

Writing, thinking of making a good story, is what is read in each paragraph. One thrives on prose that is exhaustive of details, adorned with emotions. Meghan, has been my inspiration, the scriptural pause, preceded by a complete investigation: a good information a better description in the final work.

4 years ago

So many elements the synopsis caught me it has different races this story a little odd but awesome author please add more spaces and paragraph

4 years ago