After All This Time...

[Third Person's POV]

"So, we all know that you self-harm yourself, Elysia. But why? We thought you stopped three years ago.."

Her mother look down at Elysia, who's sitting on the couch, fiddling with her fingers.

"I... I kind of remembered my past.." her eyes starts to water, the thoughts that she remembered her virginity getting taken away from her while she was too vulnerable hurts her.

A minute passed and she's in the arm of her parents. Her mom kisses her forehead, giving her some love that will always be there if she needs it.

"Now, El, I thought you have a movie marathon with Hannah and Charles?" Her mom asked.

Elysia look at her best friends and they both smiled at her.

She chuckled a little.

"Yeah. Ryan is coming too. He said he'll bring some caramel popcorn."

Charles and Hannah's eyes went wide when she mentioned that name.

"B-But, what if there's poison in the popcorn? O-Or the caramel?" Hannah asked, probably panicked.

"Or what if he'll try to- to steal our Potato? I mean, he's kinda good looking. Well, I'm much more good looking than him, but, it's still dangerous!" Charles said while facing Hannah.

Roselia and Mark just laughed at their daughter's friends.

"Don't worry dear, if he did, we'll make sure to invite you to his funeral that I planned!" Elysia's mom said.

"And we'll be the one that plan the assassin." Andrew and Lucas said in unison.

They look at each other and smirk before saying;

"Or be the assassins."

[Elysia's POV]

I would want to speak something when the door was knocked.

"I'll get it!" I said, leaving my parents, brothers with Hannah and Charles.

When I arrive at the door, I didn't bothered to peek through the peephole.

'Perhaps it's just the package mom forgot she ordered.' I thought.

But boy, oh boy, I was wrong.

Standing in front of the door, Ryan and Matt....

And their families.