
"Mou. You had too much already. Stop drinking." Gia tried to take the glass away from him but he just stopped her and emptied it. 

They are currently at a private bar that one of their friends owns. He took the bottle of whiskey and poured the remaining contents into the glass. Then, he asked for another bottle. Gia pouted and took a sip from her glass of red wine. They have been drinking for almost two hours already but still, Sho doesn't want to stop until he is completely drunk. She's asking him what happened but he's not telling anything. 

"Did you two fight?" She asked once more but he shook his head before touching his cheek that Fuyu slapped earlier. 

"Why would we fight? We're not a couple." He mumbled while staring at his glass. She crossed her arms and thought for a while. 

"Sho, I know you. You already like her, desho? Your actions keep on telling me so. If you want her, pursue her." At one point, she is getting frustrated that her best friend is just keeping his feelings to himself. 

"I saw her. They kissed." He opened the new bottle and emptied his glass once again before pouring more. 

"Did you let her explain her side?" She asked and he shook his head. He took his phone from his pocket and looked to see if there's a notification but there's none. 

"Go. Call her." She said. He sighed and hid his phone back in his pocket instead. He doesn't have the guts to call her after what he said to her. 

He cursed himself mentally for saying those without knowing her side. He must be a jerk. No, he is really a jerk. It was already two in the morning when they finally stopped from drinking. Gia sighed while looking at his drunk best friend. She can't get drunk since she still has classes later. She took his phone and opened it with the help of his fingerprint. She dialed Fuyu's number and she didn't expect that the younger one was still awake at that hour. 

"Fuyu-chan, this is Sho's best friend, Gia. Can you come here at the bar? Sho is already drunk and he passed out. I have something to do and I will not be able to bring him to his house. I'll send the location after this call. I'll wait for you, ne?" She didn't let the younger talk anymore and ended the call. Rejection is not in her vocabulary as of now. 

On the other hand, Fuyu hesitated to answer the call but at the same time, she thought that he would apologize to her for what he had said. And when she answered it, instead of his voice, she heard a woman's. She felt a little relieved that it was his best friend. She got up from her bed and washed her face with cold water to reduce the puffiness of her eyes. She quickly changed into pants and a sweater. 

"Nii-chan." She called for her cousin while knocking on his room's door. It opened after a few calls. 

"Can you drive for me?" Riku ruffled her hair and went back inside his room to take his jacket and car keys. 

It didn't take them long to arrive at the location Gia sent to her earlier. When they walked inside, they saw the two already asleep at the bar counter. Riku realized it was Gia, so he immediately carried her in his arms and went out to bring her to the car. Fuyu was about to cry but she stopped her tears and carefully hugged Sho. She noticed the small red patch on his cheek. She slapped him hard earlier. She gently caressed it and she felt his arms wrapping around her body. 

"I wish you're her.." He mumbled. She rested his head on her chest and her fingers ran through his hair. 

Riku went back inside and paid for the bill. He asked her where they will bring them and she said that she wants to bring him back to his home. It also gives her cousin some hours alone with Gia. He helped her carry Sho out of the private bar and then, they drove to Yamamoto Residence. When they arrived, the butlers helped them and brought Sho to his room. 

It is her first time to walk inside his room. She saw the Starry Night on the ceiling. It is one of her favorite Van Gogh's paintings. Riku left with Gia already, leaving the two of them alone inside his room. Indeed, his room is much larger than hers. She covered him with the blankets but she squeaked softly when he suddenly pulled her back. He is awake and sobered. 

"It's really you. I thought I'm just dreaming earlier." He mumbled while staring at her eyes. He moved on top of her and pressed their bodies together. 

"What do you want? After what you did earlier, do you think I can forgive you? I'm not here to give you a service—" He didn't let her speak anymore and just kissed her lips deeply. 

She can taste the whiskey he drank earlier but she kissed him back with her hands caressing his chest. This time, they made love in his bed. She stared at the painting on the ceiling while feeling their bodies getting connected. She's admired Starry Night since she was a kid and now, it holds more memories to her. They made love under the Starry Night a few times and she didn't regret giving her body to him. She slowly closed her eyes as she felt him filling her insides up. 

It is almost morning but they just finished making love. She doesn't really know what to feel. Is she falling for him already? It's been only a few days since she broke up with Hokuto and when they started to do the nude painting. She can't fall for him easily if it is like that. Does this mean she didn't love Hokuto at all or it just happened that Sho helped her to move on from his quickly? She has so many questions that she wants to ask him. 

"What are we, Sho?" She mumbled while staring at his eyes. She was about to cry when she thought he would not answer her question. 

"For now, no label. Are you fine with that?" She slowly nodded her head and smiled faintly. Since she is still unsure with her feelings, she agreed to it. 

"Do you have classes later?" He asked and she nodded. He placed a kiss on her forehead and covered their naked bodies with the blankets. 

"I want to spend more time with you today. I'm too tired to attend classes." She said in a soft but shy voice. 

"Let's sleep first." He snuggled her in his arms and she smiled sweetly. She never had these gestures from Hokuto before. They were more likely sex buddies than a secret couple.