Starting From Zero


Throughout this entire series there will be talk on:






If your uncomfortable with these topics stop reading this IMMEDIATELY.

You have been warned.

Blood. Blood filled room by room. The smell of iron fills each room and outside however a boy is still alive. The expression on his face just oozing out the sense of fear. A man covered in blood is standing at the doorway just staring at the boy holding a blood-filled wrench. The boy can't move, he's frozen. He's too scared to run away. The man walks closer to the boy and grabbed his shoulder.

"You are not the king I'm looking for."

He smiles and the boy screams before the sound of the wrench slamming into the boy's head could be heard and then silence. The man walks away and enters a room where many people seem to be working. Between what appears to be scientists, Data analysts, and Managers. The man walks by all of them before entering a room where a woman was inside sitting next to her computer.

"Another failed batch." The woman said. The man takes off his blood-filled shirt and left the wrench on a table.

"You're not wrong Olivia however we must keep trying. We might end up lucky and be successful in our final moments." The man replies. Olivia stretches before turning around to face the man. "Are you sure this experiment is ever going to work? It's been 3 years yet we haven't been successful in the least. All we've been doing is wasting the lives of children." Olivia asks with an upset tone. The man pauses for a moment before responding. "I don't know but if we aren't successful this year I will personally make a request to end the experiment because I myself have little hope we're going to be successful.". The woman gets off of her chair and walks to a table nearby and picks up some documents before handing them to the man. " This is our next batch of kids. I've already made the arrangements and they'll be here within two or three days."

The man looks through a few documents.

Name: Jack Anderson Sex: Male




Name: Emily Manchester Sex: Female




Name: Chris Johnson Sex: Male




The man puts down the documents and says to himself.

"I hope this batch is the one to impress."

Chapter 1

"Chris! Get out of bed!" A young girl calls out. The voice of a young man responds with an annoyed, angry tone. "What do you want?!" The young man responds while laying on his bed.

"Go buy us some food! I'm hungry!" she replies with a lower voice. The young man rolls in his bed and lays down on his stomach. He is completely uninterested in leaving his bedroom. "You have your own two legs go buy them yourself you lazy cow." The young man responds.

The young woman ignores his rude comment and gives him an excuse for her disinterest in leaving herself. "I'm a girl. It's not safe for me to go alone besides I don't like the shopkeeper." she replies. The young man gets annoyed and asks her "Cant, you ask Harry?!". "No. He's in the toilet. Now get out." The young woman responds. The young man curses her in silence before getting out of bed and heading downstairs.

"What the fuck do you want?" he angrily asks. "Don't curse at me!" she responds offended at the young man. "So? It's my mouth, not yours." the boy confidently replies. "Mom did not raise you to talk that way." the girl replies but the young man quickly responds. "Mom didn't raise you to control people either, yet here we are.". "Just shut up and go buy the food," she yells. Chris sighs and heads to his room to change his clothes. When he's finished he heads downstairs and asks what they wanted to eat. He leaves the house and heads out to buy the food. He picks up the food and heads home. When he arrives home he places the food on the table and coincidentally his brother emerges from the toilet. He looks at Chris and asks "So? do you have the food?". Chris nods and they sit together at the table and started eating. Chris ate in silence. Not saying a word to each other except for Harry and his sister who were chatting.

Chris finishes his food and goes to the room to study. He was studying in his room for a while when Maria suddenly called him. Chris walks down the stairs into the living room where he sees the young woman sitting on the couch. "What are you doing?" she asks.

Chris suspects that she wants something so he wants to end the conversation as quickly as possible. "I'm busy." he says. Her face shows she is a bit annoyed by him and she was about to say something when Chris's phone rang. He picks it up and walked out of the room. He talks on the phone for 20 minutes. When he finished the call he decided to get dressed and headed to the gym. He got home after a few hours and went to shower.

This is where it all started. 3 days before the incident.