
Chris wakes up from the sound of an alarm in his sleepy daze he says "What the hell?". Doctor Daniel was standing right beside him. "Rise and Shine." he said. Chris looked tired and annoyed and rolled back up in his bed. "Let me sleep." he tiredly asks. "Unfortunately you have to leave. Now is time for you to go to the Safe Room." Doctor Daniel joyfully replies. The doctor drags him out of bed and threw him out the door. He also gave him some more food before shutting the door. "Thanks for nothing." Chris says to himself. He gets up, collects the food, and walks down the hall to the Safe Room. He finds the doors and walkthrough.

He walks in and realizes he's in a bar and there are other children around as well. "What the hell?" he says to himself. All the other kids stopped talking and stared at Chris. Chris is uncomfortable with the looks of everyone and the room suddenly goes quiet. Chris is confused as to what is going on when one of the kids stood up and walked towards him. "Hello, You're another survivor right?" the boy asks. "No, I'm a ghost." Chris sarcastically replies. The boy tried to ignore his sarcasm and introduced himself. "My name's Jack. What's your name?" he asks while reaching out his hand. Chris looks pauses and stares at Jack for a moment with an almost surprised and confused look on his face. "Chris." he responds without reaching for Jack's hand. Jack pulls back his hand before awkwardly trying to continue the conversation. While all this goes on Chris notices the change in atmosphere from the other kids. They all suddenly ignored them despite the stares he got when he first walked in they are all suddenly gone but he doesn't notice another girl in the back keeping an eye on the conversation.

They kept talking for a few minutes more when the conversation shifted to the capabilities of the group surviving and Chris decides to ask Jack a question. "So, what weapons do you have anyway?" Chris asks. Jack was surprised by his question and stuttered to give an answer. "Uh, we don't really have any weapons." Jack replies. Chris was shocked to hear that they don't have any weapons. "You don't have any weapons?! Then how do you expect to survive the next test?!" Chris says. "Don't worry. We will have strength in numbers." Jack tries to reassure Chris but Chris nearly laughs at this near childish answer. He looks at Jack and starts studying Jack's body. "You're relatively scrawny, Not that muscular too. What makes you think we can do anything without weapons?" Chris asks again with a slightly mocking tone. Everyone in the room stares at Chris and Jack but Jack didn't respond. "What we need are weapons. There is a lot of alcohol bottles. If we get a rag we can make some Molotov cocktails, we can break them to stab people, there could be knives here. We need weapons. Those guys should be more muscular and stronger than we are so we need weapons to even the playing field not some idea that the number of us here will give us much of an advantage." Chris adds. "It will. We will have an advantage in numbers so we can overpower them." Jack intervenes. "But we're not strong enough to physically hurt them. Especially when they have guns." Chris replies.

Suddenly a girl came by trying to stop the conversation. "Alright, that's enough. Jack stop trying to help a stubborn kid like him." the girl says. "And who are you suppose to be?" Chris asks. "My name's Crystal. Your surprisingly confident arent you?" she replies. "I'm not. I'm stating the obvious. We need weapons to survive." Chris says. Crystal looks around before asking Chris. "Where's your group? If you survived then your friends should be with you as well so where are they?". Chris confused replied. "I was alone." he says. Everyone was shocked to hear that his trial was a solo trial. "Everyone here has had a trial in groups of at least 3. We never heard about anyone that did their test alone." Jack says. "The guy on the speaker said that there were others who survived the single tests." Chris confused says. "He must've lied then because everyone here has been in groups." Jack replies.

Chris was silent for a moment before replying. "Well it doesn't matter now does it? Aside from that, I would like to finally go eat so would you mind getting out of my way." Chris asks. Jack moved, and Chris walked to the bar counter, placed his food on the table, and started eating. "He wasn't lying. He was so confident in his statement and the doctor said the same thing. I doubt they would lie about this unless....there are other safe rooms where the single test survivors are in." Chris thinks to himself when suddenly the speakers came on "Attention everyone. You are to leave for your next test within an hour or else we will blow your collars." the voice on the speaker says. Chris finishes his food and got up to leave when he bumped into one of the other kids. "Watch where you're going, kid." the boy says. "I should tell you the same thing." Chris annoyed replies. "Quite the mouth you have there. I'm one of the 17-year-old, haven't anyone taught you to respect your elders?" the boy confidently says. "What does that matter when we're trying to survive?" Chris replies. "If you don't want to get punched in the face then it does matter." the teenager says with a mocking tone. "Go for it chicken feet." Chris replies mocking the teenager's very skinny legs. The teenager comes in for a punch but before his punch lands on Chris's face the teenager's head blew up. Chris lets out a sigh of relief before announcing to everyone in the room. Chris takes some alcohol bottles and makes some Molotov cocktails. He also brings some extra bottles, a lighter, and some knives he found. He collects everything and walks out the door. He walks to the area he was supposed to be in and he enters the room when the speakers came on again.

"Hello, again Chris. Are you ready for the next test?" the voice asks. Chris looks at the speaker. "Before that. Can I ask a question?" Chris says. "If I'm able to answer it then sure.". "The other single test survivors. They were in another Safe Zone weren't they?" Chris asks. The voice paused before replying. "You've got a good eye. Yes, they are." the voice says. "Where are they?" he asks. "Hmm I might be giving away some important information but at least you'll be helping the government and police to help find you all faster. Very well. Listen up." the voice said. The government, reporters, detectives are all staring intensively towards the screens waiting for the voice's answer. "You all in different locations all over the world so even if the military finds one of the locations that doesn't mean that they will find all of you." the voice replies. Everyone was shocked by the news. They all realized just how bad this experiment actually was. "Your kidding." Chris replies. The voice began to laugh maniacally. "Yes, isn't it sad? Even if some children are saved the others won't be so it will take them even more time to try and locate the facilities on where you all are in." the voice said in a mocking tone. "Aside from that let's get to the next Test. Shall we?" the voice adds. "What is it this time?" Chris asks.

"Hmm.. let's see. Your test is...Find the Foxes." the voice said. "Find the Foxes? What is that?" Chris asks confused. "More people from the Safe zone are on their way here. There will be about 10 kids in total. 3 of them are foxes and the rest are sheep. The Sheep need to kill all 3 foxes to win.

If a sheep kill a fox you will unlock a hint on who the next fox is but if a sheep kills a sheep then that specific sheep dies.

If a fox kills a sheep, they will get an advantage, but if they kill another fox, that specific fox will die." the voice explained. "What's the advantage?" Chris asked.

"You'll find out soon enough. Now there is a cupboard next to you. Inside is a pistol and a knife. Take one of each and wait for the others." the voice says. Chris opens the cupboard and takes the equipment before closing it back. "When this is over can I keep the gun?" Chris asks. "Hmm...very well. If you survive that is." the voice replies. They hear footsteps coming from the hallway.

"Looks like they're here."