The Trial

They went to the doctor who patched anyone who was injured and let them all go back to the safe zone. Before everyone left the room the doctor snuck a note in Chris's hand before they left. When they got to the safe zone, everyone there was cheering their victory. Crystal took some alcohol bottles and poured a drink for her and Jack. "We did it! I can't believe no sheep died either." Crystal proudly exclaims. Crystal and Jack along with the other players sat down together and started drinking. "We couldn't have done it without Chris. If he wasn't there we would have more casualties." Jack says while looking at Chris who's sitting alone at the bar counter and eating some food. "What are you looking at?" Crystal asks. Jack snaps out of it and pretended to be thinking and he continued his chat with Crystal. Chris eats some food that was given to him by the doctor. While he's eating a girl walks over to him and sits next to him. She greeted him but Chris was visibly surprised and confused. "Who are you?" Chris asks. "I'm Meghan. I saw you sitting here alone so I thought you might have something on your mind." she responds.

Chris shifts his gaze back to his food on the table. "No, I'm just not very interested in socializing." Chris replies. "You survived the previous round, right? I heard Jack talking about how you're the one who finished the test so tell me what you did? Everyone is talking about you but no one is talking to you so spill the tea. What did you do?"

He leans against the chair and he talks about what happened during the test.

Meghan:"Wow! That was amazing!"

Chris:"It's nothing. Also, how did everyone find out what the trial was? Did Jack's big mouth say it to everyone?"

Meghan:"No. Right above you is a tv. Everyone can see what the people in the trial are doing but the screen only shows one person. So we can choose who we want to watch so we ended up watching Jack alone. I wanted to see what everyone was doing but everyone here wanted to watch Jack in action because unlike you everyone loves Jack."

Chris:"I'm not even shocked. These guys fly to the most useless guy in the group."

Meghan:"What do you mean? He's sociable, nice, and caring for everyone. He's like those handsome, cute main characters in anime. Maybe he's the one who's gonna save us all."

Chris starts laughing

Meghan:"What's so funny?"

Chris:"He may be nice but he's incompetent, reckless, and puts his faith in people because he believes in "people".

Meghan:"No he's not!"

Chris:"You all were watching him on the screen weren't you?"


Chris:"When we all met up at where the red dot was he wasn't suspicious of anyone. When the three kids showed up he didn't try to take any precautions and even tried to make me "calm down" when I was being careful. Even when I told them about the red dot disappearing when they arrived he still didn't suspect the kids. In the end, when the fox captured the last fox to try and get away the thought didn't cross his mind that the girl could've been the last fox. All he thought about was saving the girl. He's reckless and doesn't try to think before jumping in to save the day. I think he's delusional."

Meghan:"I didn't think you'd give me an essay of his problems."

Chris:"It's the truth."

Meghan:"I feel bad for Jack. He's been saying a lot of good things about you and yet your just insulting him regardless of rather or not it's true."

Chris:"If you don't like it you can leave."

Meghan:"No, I think I'll stay."


Meghan:"Your fairly entertaining so I want to see where you will go."

Chris:"Ok then? So how did you survive the tests?"

Meghan look down to the table

Meghan:"I was in a group of four. We had a puzzling test to solve. Almost every game we lost someone. During the final test, there was me and a guy named Joe. The final test was rigged. Whoever solved the test and found the key out of the room would release rabies-infected dogs into the room. We ran to the door but the dogs were too fast. Joe ended up holding back the dogs and I got away but...He died."

Chris:"I see."

Meghan:"If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here so I'm truly grateful for him."

Chris finished his food and got up

Chris:"It was nice talking to you. We can talk again later."


Chris walks off. Chris gets out of the safe zone and walks down seemingly toward the next test but he pulls out the note given by the doctor and it seems to have a mini-map on it. He follows it to a room with a keypad and on the back of the note has a four number code on the back. He inputs the code in the keypad and the door opens. He pulls out the gun in his pocket and slowly starts clearing the room. The room was dark and filled with random furniture and things lying everywhere but there was some light in the corner. He slowly walks towards the light but when he got close suddenly all the lights turned on. He hears footsteps behind him and quickly turned around, aiming his gun in the direction of the footsteps. Suddenly on the tv screen in the Safe zone turns on showing Chris on it.


Crystal:"Did he go for another test alone? What an idiot."


All the screens worldwide shift from all the children to just Chris in the white room.

A woman comes out from the shadows. She holds a briefcase and didn't say a word. She walks toward him and Chris threatens to shoot if she didn't stop but she kept walking closer and closer. He fires a warning shot and she finally stops. "Who are you? What do you want?!" Chris demands. The woman smiles and puts down the briefcase. "My name is Olivia. As per the request of the organizers of this experiment, this is a special test made just for you, Chris Johnson." the woman replies. "I'm so flattered that you spent the time to make everything for" Chris jokingly replies when suddenly Olivia shoots at the ground next to Chris's feet.

Olivia:"This isn't going to be pleasant. You could call this a kind of punishment round. If you win you'll be rewarded but if not you'll die."

Chris:"Thanks for the reminder but why didn't you let me know sooner so I could've been a bit more prepared?"

"It's a test. You're not supposed to be prepared. It seems like you've left your knives back at the Safe Zone didn't you. All you have is that one little pistol." Olivia responds. Chris says nothing and she starts to smile. "This will be quick and painful. I hope you enjoy it." she mockingly says. She starts shooting him and Chris finds cover behind some furniture. He gets up and runs around trying to waste her ammunition but some shots hit him and he fell behind a thick metallic table. "How the fuck am I suppose to get out of this?!" Chris says to himself.

He uses the Metal Table as a shield as he rushes toward her. She stopped firing and jumped back but that gave Chris enough of an opening to punch her in the face and make her drop her gun. He pulls out the gun and starts shooting and it hits her leg making her fall to the ground but before Chris shot her she took the briefcase and threw it at Chris pushing him back. She picks up the gun and starts firing at him so he runs back behind the table and she gets back up. As soon as she gets up Chris jumps her and puts her in a choke hold. She managed to free herself and punch him in the face. She gets back up and as soon as she did Chris shoots her in the chest. It hits but nothing happens. She punches him in the face and puts her knee on his neck. Chris while gasping for air asks "How are you still alive?!"

Olivia undresses revealing a bulletproof vest she was wearing underneath. "You're a fool if you thought I wouldnt be prepared for something like this." Olivia responds. "Why...Are you doing this?!" Chris desperately asks despite his loss of air. Olivia smiles before responding. "That won't be your concern in a few moments. We did this of our own volition. We will Kill, Torture, Abuse, Mentally torment all of the children. If you dont like it then force your way to what you want because this is reality. This is your reality. You can try to change your fate but it seems yours is set in stone. Goodbye Chris Johnson."