
an hour have passed and Meghan,Jack and Crystal all gathered outside the maze.

Crystal:"Where is everyone else?"

Jack:"I think they might still be working in the maze."

Jack looks at Meghan and realises Chris isnt with him.

Jack:"Excuse me.Meghan was it?"


Jack:"Where's Chris? He was suppose to be with you wasnt he?"

Meghan:"We umm..We got seperated in the maze.I dont know where he was so I went back out the maze because I thought he might be here."

Crystal:"He'll be fine.if its that stubborn idiot then he'll live."

Jack:"I hope so."

They start walking back and Crystal started whispering to Meghan

Crystal:"did you shoot him like we planned?"

Meghan shook her head.

Meghan:"I wanted to but he didnt let his guard down.In the end he was near a ledge and I pushed him off."

Crystal:"Was it deep?"

Meghan:"Im not sure.I couldnt see the bottom."

Crystal:"I hope that idiot dies already.He's a serious pain."

They walk back to the Safe Zone and were welcomed by everyone.They chatted with everyone for a bit when one of the kids brought up Chris.

Randomkid:"Where's Chris?"

Otherkid:"Yeah now that you mention it he's not here."

Jack:"He's still in the maze.When he finishes he'll be back."

Randomkid:"Actually cant we see how he is on the tv?"

Meghan and Crystal got nervous but tried to hide it.

Jack:"Your right.Lets see but first I want to see how Sarah and Abraham are doing."

Jack turns on the tv and saw Sarah and Abraham walking together.

Jack:"Thank god their ok.

The screen changes to the two other boys in the maze but unfortunately they both died.Jack changes the screen again to Chris but...


The screen was empty.Chris wasnt on the screen.It was pitch black.Jack kept switching between Sarah and Abraham and Chris but for whatever reason Chris never shows up on screen."

Meghan and Crystal has a silent breath of relief followed by a smile before they tried to cover it up.Jack calls for Dr.Mason on the speaker.

Speaker:"Yes,yes.What do you want?!"

Jack:"Chris isnt on the tv.Did something happen?"

Speaker:"Ah yes.It may be some technical difficulty.I'll get it fixed but until then im not sure rather he's alive or not."

Jack:"Please fix it quickly!"

Speaker:"Yes.I will."

Dr.Mason cuts off the speaker before smiling.

Dr.Mason:"This is going to get even more interesting."

He moves his camera screen to show Chris unconcious on the ground.He then opens a communicator and out comes the voice of Joker.

Joker:"Is he where he needs to be?"

Dr.Mason:"Exactly where you wanted him."

Joker:"Hehe.Good.My niece did a great job.I'll give her a treat after this.If she survives Chris's rage that is."

Joker starts laughing

Dr.Mason:"No remorse for your own family? Your the same as always."

Joker:"Did you put Emily Manchester where I told you?"

Dr.Mason:"Already done though I must ask why did you choose to use a little girl?"

Joker:"I will make their relationship as close as possible. That will inspire him to fight me to save her. Though all I need her to do is convince him to say yes. After that, we can get my men to kill her. We might as well have a bit of fun with more psychological torture by making him watch her die. When we fight I want him to hate me. His rage turns to his power to fight. I want his regret to fill him as we fight to the death."

both of them starts laughing before Joker cuts off from the communicator.

Dr.Mason stares at Chris's unconscious body from his screen

Dr.Mason:"I feel bad for you Chris Johnson. By being special you've unintentionally made your life a million times worse. I hope you can save her and win. I really do but at the same time I don't know what you are and to me, your so unique.No child has grown up as fast as you have.No child has been as smart, unpredictable, and cruel as you are. I want to dissect you so much. That's why I both wish for your victory and death at the same time. Good luck Chris Johnson. I'm sure Emily Manchester's final moments with you will be wonderful."

A full 12 hours have passed. Chris finally began to wake up he tries to sit down but almost his whole body is in pain. He struggles to get up and yells out Dr.Mason's name.


Chris:"Where am I?!"

Speaker:"Ah yes.Your deeper in the maze but dont worry.I will help you out of here."

Chris didnt trust him but his head was all over the place.He felt dizzy aswell so he sat down to try and rest.

Chris:"Why?...Why help me now?"

Speaker:"Well that wasnt originally part of the plan for the test so because we see you deserve it I will help you out of this place back to the Safe Zone so you can get your revenge."

Chris remembers that Meghan pushed him of the ledge.He gets angry and stands up despite the fact his whole body is shaking.

Chris:"I'll take the deal."

Chris starts walking but struggles as he is still dizzy and unable to focus.He feels amense pain coming from his right shoulder so he holds it to prevent it from moving and making him feel more pain.He pulls out the gun from his back gunholder but he realised its broken.

Chris:"Shit.It must've broke from the fall."

He looks through his stuff and found two knives inside.

Chris:"This will have to do for now."

He kept walking when he was ambushed by three guys who started shooting at him but he barely dodges by getting to a corner.

Chris:"Mason! You never said I had to fight anyone!"

Speaker:"I never said you didn't have to fight anyone either. Sorry but we still gotta test you either way."

Chris:"You goddamn lier! You not here to help me are you?!"

Speaker:"I am here to both help and test you.We're not giving such luxuries to just anyone.We havent given this to any child.Your the only one who could get this."

Chris:"Oh, I'm so fucking flattered!"

Chris hears one of the men running toward him. He looks around and realizes this is a tight corridor. He uses his hands and feet to climb the walls and hold himself. The man reaches the corridor and starts looking around he doesn't see Chris right above him. He screams all-clear before Chris falls on top of him. The man screams before they hear a gunshot and it goes quiet. It was silent for a few seconds and the other men were confused. Suddenly Chris pops out and shoots them all with the rifle he took from the first man. The last two guys die and Chris falls to the floor from exhaustion.

Chris:"pant...pant...Please tell me that's it."

Speaker:"Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. Who knows. Anyway through those doors will be your final obstacle and at the end of it has the doctor's office. He can patch you up if you finish the last one there."

Chris gets up and slowly walks to the doors and as soon as he walks through them he is met with 10 different men and women who are gunning him down. He quickly closes the doors and hides behind the wall.

Chris:"Come on! That's way too many people!"

Speaker:"Hehe. Have fun."

He hears something fell right next to him he turns to see a grenade right next to him. He runs away and barely got out in time before it blew up. He fell down from the explosion but was relatively unharmed.

Chris:"How the fuck did they get grenades?!"

Speaker:"I wonder how?"

Chris:"Every single day I regret not blowing your brains out on that day."

Speaker:"I'm so honored."

Chris suddenly got an idea. He hides back in the corner and waits for them to throw another grenade. As soon as they did he grabbed it and threw it back at them and it killed four of them. He started running to the doctor's office through the smoke while gunning them down with the rifle he took. While he was running from the corner of his eye he sees a little girl unconscious on the ground. He stopped and carried her but this prevented him from shooting so he just kept running even with the pain and the people behind him shooting at him. He got hit by a few bullets but made it to the doctor's office. He falls over and fell unconscious.

Dr.Mason smiles and contacts Joker

Dr.Mason:"Joker. He has her."