round 2 (part 2)

After the Spider walked away from them, both started running down the pathway, the further they got, the darker it got, it was so dark they weren't able to see there one hand in front of there face.

they started to move slower, to not lose each other, while walking always making sure they could sense each other, ,,Hey Damion why don't you use you fire to lighten the way", stated Mamu to his friend and looked to where he could sense him, next to him, ,,Good idea Mamu", answered Damion him and lightened the way there where walking trough, now getting a close look at there surrounding, everywhere where Spider-web's around then and wearied cocoons hanging from the ceiling, Damion walked closer to one of the cocoon's, let one of his claws appear and cut it open. Inside there was a rotten thing, ,,Mamu come here, get a closer look at this", said Damion to Mamu.

Mamu's eyes widened as he saw what was inside it, he took a step back and a deep breath, ,,Its a person", he stated, Damion looked shocked, ,,Who or what would do that?", he mused aloud and also took a step back, ,,The spiders!", Mamu exclaimed in shook and started to look around a little panicked, there where right in one of the Spider-web's, Damion placed one of his hands on his Friend's shoulder to calm him down, ,,Come on man stay calm the spider isn't here, for now, lets get going", now pushing Mamu slightly further into the room and guided him across the room.

lucky for now they made it out of the room as they suddenly heard the wearied noise of the spider again as it crawled over his net and towards them, they started running along the path-way towards the next room, or so they hoped, it was a dead end, the spider now closing in on them, Mamu took out his Talisman's and Damion let his claw's and Face turn into his Demon side, they stood completely still.

The Spider now right in front of them ready to attack, that's where Damion jumped on it's back and Mamu, evaded the fangs, putting a statics-Talisman on the Spider, now its Damion's part, he clawed his claw's into the Spiders back and ripped it open, jumping down from it next to Mamu, he then pulled out the Fang's of the spider and tossed them aside, then ripping of the static-Talisman he jumped back on its back and pulled out a Yellow glowing stone, a soul-stone.

The Yellow-stone was marked as the weakest, there is also the Blue stone, its for Animals like Wolves,Vendigoes and other similar to these animals, and the Pink is for Animal's like Bear's and Birds or Snakes and then there is the Red stone for Magically-Beast like Dragons of Trolls, its the strongest one but, in groups really easy to get.

putting the stone in his pocked he walked back to Mamu, he pulled back in his Claws and turned his face back to normal, Mamu put the Talisman's back in his pocked and they conduced walking, down the way, soon they came to and opening it was webbed a little close but the claws of Damion he pulled out, did the trick.

Outside it was already Dark they didn't know the time there where down there, placing a night camp up out of the web's, Damion ripped oped they made some bed's, then some leaves from the Trees and other surrounding plants they made a roof and laid down to sleep for 2-4 hours, doing that they woke up 3 hours later and packed there camping backs made out of the spider web's, back into there pocket's and started running towards the direction.

Running that way they soon saw a camp with other practical's inside it, they stepped inside being greeted by the examiner, ,,Oh two lost soul's made there way, welcome to the Camp you managed to come here without my help, exceeding, perfect just brilliant well you managed to come here so you succeeded the second task in managing to kill a Spider of this Forrest i amuse, give me the stone", Damion hesitated a little but gave it to her, she smiled at them and leaded them to one of the Camp-houses and lead them inside the house to relax a bit.