3 part

Soon in the next morning they where woken up by the next examiner he blared a horn to wake everyone up, ,,Come on, time to wake up little Chicken's",he screamed then.

Slowly the People made there way out of the houses and got together, surrounding the man and waiting for the Man to start, ,,So now that everyone is here, you quest is it to bring me one soul-Stone of the rank Blue. if not you failed", he stated and every one rushed back to there Homes to get there Equipment, Mamu and Damion where under the people who where running back to there house.

Inside Mamu put on his Fighting Kimono and Damion his, there also put there weapons inside there pocket's and left the camp in search of a Wolf, there where different kind of Wolfe's, there the Lightning-Wolfe's, Earth-Wolfe's, Water-Wolfe's, Sky-Wolfe's and Fire-Wolfe's, but Damion and Mamu where after the lighting-Wolf, it was a grey colored Wolf, it had Yellow eyes and claws.

Walking into the Wood they searched for an areas with less trees, there they placed a trap for the Wolf, putting dead animals in the middle who where cached by Damion in a short trip, they then climbed up on one of the Trees and waited, soon Animals came, but not the Lighting-Wolf, he didn't came, so Damion again headed out to get some animals this Time he got several Rabbits and a Duck, its a smaller meal than the last one, so less animals, slowly came, there had luck but not quite for the Animal they wanted, it appeared a Wendigo, these Animal-Monster where swift,Fast and Strong.

Damion turned into his Demon form, jumping from the Tree he was sitting in, jumping in front of the Wendigo, it stopped eating the bait they laid out, looking right at Damion, this moment was used by Mamu, he climbed quietly down the Tree and placed Ending-Talisman's on the trees surrounding the area, it cased a Wall made out of his Spiritual-Energy to appear around them, now it was Damion's turn.

Damion was running at the Wendigo, the Wendigo jumping out of his way so he turned back around to block one of the Wendigo's claws with his palm, a big cit appeared on the inside of his palm, jumping back from the Wendigo, he prepared to block another attach of it, hitting his same paw again, cutting over the other wound.

The Wendigo got a second to look around himself noticed Mamu who was a little tried from his Talisman-placing, he was swift to get to him, but Mamu pulled out his Weapon, it was a Stick the top was formed to a circle and a metal handle was around the middle to grab on it, it also had in the middle of the circle a combination of different Talisman engraved of it, blocking the Wendigo with it, Damion noticed his chance and slashed the Wendigo on his back, a middle big graph appeared on it's back, it howled out in pain and turned his back to Mamu, now facing Damion again, this time Mamu his with the metal plate on his stick on the Wendigo's head it again howled out and a small bumb appeared where Mamu hit it.

Damion trough was able to hold the Wendigo's attention at him, the Wendigo tried to slash Damion's face but he dodged the attack and made a counter, hitting the Wendigo with his strong tail on the Head as Mamu did, the Wendigo stumbled a bit back and fell over thanks to Mamu he put his leg out so it would stumble over it.

The Wendigo now laid with his back on the ground, Mamu took out one of his Talisman's witch paralyzed the Wendigo and so giving Damion the time to jump on it's stomachache, he firs placed one of his paws with pulled out claws on the Wendigo's head and ripped it of, killing it in a fast way, now turning back to his Human form, he transformed his hand to have claw's and ripping open the Wendigo's chest, he soon reached the Soul-Stone, grabbing it out he put it in Mamu's hand and transformed his one back to normal.

Making a big hole for the Wendigo to lay him inside was quick done, tossing it inside and putting the earth back over it, they then walked the long way back to Camp with a blue Soul-Stone in pocket.

At the Camp they where greeted by the Examiner, where they handed him the stone and where told to get inside there House, inside both fell face first into there Bed, the Fight with the fucking Wendigo was exhausting, but manageable, still harder then the Wolf but they did it.

Other Practical's where not so lucky, some died, some betrayed and other did not find a beast to kill.