
At the castle the two boy's where lead to a room, the Knight's left them in front of the room after one of the knocked.

A Older looking male opened the door for the boy's and lead them inside, there was a big bathtub in the middle of the room and several undressing areas shielded with thin walls in the corner, ,,Hello, Jung Prince and friend of the Jung Prince, My name is Thomas, please undress and put this on", Thomas pointed with his left hand at the Undressing places and handed both boy's a bathing cloth to hide there privates.

,,Thank's", thanked Damion him and took both bathing cloth in his hand and handed one to Mamu, they then walked behind the Undressing walls?, Undressed and got dressed in the now clothes, Thomas handed them. Stepping out behind the Undressing walls, Thomas turned to the boy's, ,,Now my Prince and my Prince's Friend please make yourself comfortable it the bath and get cleaned up", Thomas bowed to them after that and opened an attached door and left the room, leaving Damion and Mamu alone for there Bath.

,,Come on Damion", called Mamu, Damion a he rushed at the water and jumped inside Damion not close behind, ,,Move it", he called to Mamu and jumped right in the Bathe after him. Cleaning themselves up and having a little Water fight befor, Damion started it, because as he jumped inside a lot of water splashed at Mamu and he tossed water at Damion for pay-back.

As they where done, they walked back to the Dressing-walls, they used to undress themselves befor, there Cloth's where gone, lucky Thomas and two other Butler's then stepped inside and laid the Clothes befor the Dressing Walls, as fast as they came, they where already gone, leaving the boys to grab there new clothes and get dressed.

,,Thomas", called Damion then as they where dressed and stood outside the bathing room, ,,Yes My Prince", called Thomas as he hurried over to them, ,,please follow me", he told bot of them and started hurrying with the boy's to a big and grand looking door, made out of Silver and Gold with two big dragon's engraved in each side of the Door, with red ruby's as there eyes. The Door sprang oped, inside was a tall Man sitting on a Throne also made out of Silver and Gold, with the Arm-leans looking like Dragon's, he also had two Guard's in fancy looking Armor standing near him, both where holding spear's, the tip of them pointing to the ceiling.

,,Hello, my Son and companion", greeted the Person on the Throne them as they stepped closer and stopped in front of them, ,,Hello Father?", greeted Damion back with a slight unsure sound to his Voice, ,,Hello, Damion's Father?", also greeted Mamu with an unsure Voice, a deep chuckle filled the Room, ,,don't worry boy's i wont bite", said the Person on the Throne after having calmed down, ,,do not be scared, come here, come here", he commanded and Damion and Mamu took some steps closer so the King was able to place his Hand' on op of there Head's ruffling there hair, ,,Come with me", he said and leaded the boy's to a comfortable looking room.

In the Room was a sitting area, a fireplace and a bookcase, sitting down the King allowed the boy's to start asking there Questions, he was bombarded right after he spoke with the Questions of the boys, ,,Who are you?, Where is my ex-Father?", What is going to happen?, What do you mean, i'm your Son now?", the boys where stopped by the King, ,,One Question at Time boy's", he said with a small smile and Damion asked the first, ,,Who are you?", it was a obsequious Question but the King still answered, ,,My Name is James, i am the 5 King, of the Demon World", nodding Mamu asked the next Question, ,,Wheres Damion's ex-Father", the King took a deep breath befor answering, ,,He is by his Home under the Observation of my Knight's", Damion made an unhappy face at that and asked with obsequious Anger in his Voice, ,,Why?", ,,I think you would have liked to dedicate hid Fate my son", answered the King and Damion looked happier at that.

,,What is going to happen now", was Mamu's question to the King, overthinking about that now the King answered, ,,Well i plan to make it open that Damion is now my Son and you are not to be touched", ,,Mamu nodded and looked at Damion who did the same as Mamu, ,,What do you exactly meat with i'm you're son now?", asked Damion the last Question to his Father, he answered, ,,I will legally adopt you and make your former Father pay for what he did to you, just because ou where or still are a kind Person", Mamu and Damion nodded and talked to the King about other thing's befor having Lunch and going to bed for the night and sleep till the next Morning.