C136. Green Eyes

"What in the world... Wait are those, Runites?"


Nadine asked the dumbfounded Kylyra In a soft tone as they both stared at the pitch-black underground cavern that had spots of faintly glimmering red lights that were sparsely scattered all over the natural cavern walls.

Taken aback by something inside this cavern, Kylyra didn't answer Nadine's question as she unconsciously moved forward and took a step into the cavern.

"Are you sure you should you should be doing that?"

Struck by that question, Kylyra promptly stopped and turned her head around to glance at Nadine who remained standing in her original location.

"Is there something wrong?"

Tilting her head slightly to the left, Nadine spoke again in a puzzling tone. "It's an unknown cavern. Are you sure you want to explore it alone?"

"What do you mean by that, this whole place is unexplored and equally dangerous. Besides, I'm not alone am I."