C147. Recruiter

Late last night—

Deep in South borough of Winged City.

A silvery red arc trailed behind her swing as the exquisite-looking demonic blades cleanly cut through a lesser demon's head as the head lightly dropped to the ground in a dull thud.

The headless body shook violently and then collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut. The metal armor clanged loudly in the night. He prayed that someone would hear the sound, but nobody would come to Winged City's beggar's district, which had practically been abandoned by the residents after the news of the massacre spread within the southern district. That was why the client had arranged to meet them here, after all.

The man glared at the young woman before him. However, it was clear that he was just putting on a brave front. He had lost the will to fight after seeing the woman casually kill eight of his fellows. Those were men only a little bit weaker than himself and some had even been his equal.