C151. The Ride Back

Back in the magic institute.

The Guild Leader's Office—

Syphilia sat on the leather sofa by the corner of her office with a strange expression on her face as she stared dumbly at the crystal mirror that floated before her. Her attention had been on the image desplayed on that mirror which did not reflect her face nor the wall behind her, but the interiors of a massive hall that was also located in this building.

Yes, she was indeed watching the duel that was taking place in the training hall the moment the demonstration of the two newcomers had ended. The entire purpose of the duel was to taunt and draw out the real strength and abilities of the one known as Lix.

Although she had no real issues against him, she hated the fact that he was able to resist her charms including her abilities and needed to know why. Call it a desperate bid of curiosity if you will but not knowing— especially when the person was in your guild— would be torture for her.